I open a black shop in another world

Chapter 435 Under Fierce Battle

Chapter 435 Under Fierce Battle

"If you keep defending, the old man really can't do anything about you. It's a pity that the young man can't stand the stimulation and even takes the initiative to attack. Isn't this a chance for the old man to kill you?" Gongsun Yun laughed and said: "Now you are hit Once you get the old man's time talisman, the law of time has already entered your body, as long as the old man thinks about it, your internal organs will directly turn into fly ash, let's see how you resist this time."

Hearing Gongsun Yun's words, Qian Yueming's complexion turned extremely pale in an instant, and finally turned into a slight sigh, while Lin Shuang and the others looked remorseful.

"Senior Gongsun, can you spare the life of Shopkeeper Qin? My Qianyue Chamber of Commerce is willing to exchange twelve main cities." Qian Yueming suddenly stepped forward and begged.

When everyone heard this, they looked at him in astonishment, the twelve main cities!This is a huge fortune. You know, the Qianyue Chamber of Commerce also controls 24 houses, which is equivalent to exchanging half of the family property. But thinking about it, this transaction is not a loss. After all, Qin Feng's strength lies there.

Qian Yueming looked at Gongsun Yun firmly, waiting for the other party's reply.

Hearing the words, Gongsun Yun snorted coldly, without even thinking about it, and said, "You're a good planner. This kid's talent is beyond the reach of this old man. Once he grows up, I'm afraid there will be another master in the Tianmo Continent." , by that time, will my Dayang Chamber of Commerce still have a place to stay?"

Qin Feng's strength is obvious to all. They have no doubts at all. As long as they give the opponent enough time, the opponent will definitely reach that level. In other words, in this battle, Qin Feng did not lose in strength, but in carelessness. .

Seeing that Qian Yueming still wanted to speak, Gongsun Yun snorted coldly, and said first: "Okay, this son must die, stop talking nonsense, I will kill you together."

After finishing speaking, he no longer hesitated, turned his head to look at Qin Feng, urged the power of the law, and said sharply: "I admire you very much, but I still can't keep you. Die."

As soon as the words were spoken, a gray beam of light broke out from Qin Feng's body. Immediately, his face continued to grow old, and he didn't even utter a scream. He turned into flying ash and dissipated in the sky.

A celestial arrogance fell like this, but except for Qian Yueming, no one in the room felt sorry. This is the world of warriors, survival of the fittest, whether you are careless or careless, you cannot tolerate the slightest mistake, otherwise, what you pay is life lessons.

Seeing Qin Feng dissipate, Gongsun Yun turned around with a sneer, and looked at Qian Yueming with a smug look on his face, as if saying again: You see, your Qianyue Chamber of Commerce will always be under the pressure of my Dayang Chamber of Commerce.

"Silly Que, it's just killing a doppelgänger, is there any need to be so happy?"

Just when Gongsun Yun was about to say a few words of ridicule, a familiar voice sounded like a ghost behind him. He was about to turn around, but suddenly, there was a sound of "噗嗤". Looking down, I saw a section of the sword protruding from behind.

Gongsun Yunmu turned his head in awe, only to see Qin Feng looking at him with a sneer on his face! "How? When did you perform the technique?"

Suddenly, he thought of Qin Feng's terrifying sword strike before, and only at that moment when he was pierced by the powerful sword light, he looked away, "Could it be..."

"That's right, it's the moment when the divine sword technique is performed!" Qin Feng explained.

In the time domain, although Gongsun Yun has nothing to do with Qin Feng, isn't Qin Feng also the same?Therefore, while resisting the opponent's offensive, he has been thinking of ways to defeat the enemy!
It's impossible to force it. If you want to win, you must be surprised, but Gongsun Yun, who is calm and calm, must be very cautious. Therefore, the first condition is to mess up the opponent's mentality. Of course, he does not need to do this deliberately. The other party will help him solve this problem, all he has to do is to wait patiently.

And Qin Feng can be sure that Gongsun Yun must have a back move, but he must give the opponent a chance to use it, and attacking is the best choice!

Of course, he would not be so stupid as to take risks with himself, so at the moment when he cast "Excalibur", he used strong light to directly cast "External Incarnation", while his body used "teleportation" Hiding in the void with the "Scroll of Hidden Words".

Thankfully there are no sunglasses in this world!

Hearing the explanation, everyone showed a look of sudden realization, and then looked at Qin Feng in shock. They didn't expect that the other party was young, not only his strength was unpredictable, but also his mind was so meticulous. This was equivalent to using Gongsun Yun's strongest move to kill him Killed!fear.

When Gongsun Yun heard the words, he was silent for a while, and then laughed loudly. Blood kept gushing from his mouth, but he didn't care at all. I have walked several times, without any danger, but finally fell in the hands of a junior! Haha, it is so ridiculous, hahaha."

At the end, the laughter was full of tragedy, but Qin Feng didn't speak, just looked at him quietly!
After a while, Gongsun Yun, who was laughing, suddenly changed his face, and said with a ferocious face: "Do you think it's over? The field of law is annihilated."

Suddenly, the surrounding gray lines began to tremble, and the order of time began to be chaotic, and even began to collide with each other. A powerful wave spread along the way. Feeling this change, the faces of the onlookers changed drastically, and the power of the law exploded. Is this ready to burn jade and stone together!
"Haha, if you don't die, my Dayang Chamber of Commerce will be destroyed." Gongsun Yun said with a frantic expression, "Let's go yellow with the old man."


But before Gongsun Yun finished speaking, he saw his head smashed by Qin Feng's claws, like a burst watermelon. In the palm of his hand, there was a spar with a gray halo, which was indeed Gongsun Yun's time. The crystal nucleus of the law, blood dripping continuously.

Sensing the violent fluctuations coming from his hands, Qin Feng snorted coldly, and the divine power in his body circulated rapidly, forcibly suppressing the power of the restless law. Finally, the gray halo continued to weaken and finally dissipated completely. At the same time, there was no stimulation, The gray lines between the sky and the earth also disappeared without a trace like smoke.

"If you want to die together next time, don't talk so much nonsense, you really are crazy." Qin Feng said contemptuously, and then his right hand trembled slightly, and Gongsun Yun's body instantly turned into a cloud of blood.

At this point, Qin Feng put away his long sword and turned to look at the crowd.

"I'll go back to the shop to look at the shop." Seeing Qin Feng's eyes, little Annie didn't dare to hesitate, and ran away. This guy is too terrifying. He directly killed a high-level law expert with his skills, and he couldn't afford to offend him. , let's be better in the future!It's okay, let's go out and mess around!Hide if you can.

Seeing the figure fleeing in a hurry, Qin Feng gave a sharp cut, then looked at Qian Yueming with a dull face, and said with a smile, "Is it unexpected, or is it surprising."

ah?Hearing the voice, Qian Yueming came back to his senses, nodded, and subconsciously said: "It's a surprise, a surprise."

What is ups and downs, this is it!This is the rare occurrence of this situation. He is old, and if he suffers from myocardial infarction, then he will be the first King God Realm powerhouse to be frightened to death!If this is the case, he will definitely be "sung" by future generations.

Seeing the other party's appearance, Qin Feng chuckled, casually threw the Law of Time in his hand to the other party, and said, "Here, I'm giving you this shit! I'll see if it's done with the little guy!"

What?Broken thing?At this moment, everyone looked at Qin Feng in disbelief. They didn't expect that the other party would casually send out the Law of Time.The law of time, not the stones on the side of the road!What the hell is this?Show off your wealth?
Qian Yueming stared blankly at Qin Feng's leaving figure. He didn't come back to his senses until the other party disappeared. He looked at the gray crystal in his hand with ecstasy. Happiness came too suddenly!Make him somewhat unrealistic.

Suddenly, a heavy panting sound came into his ears, and he turned his head to look suspiciously, only to see the onlookers looking at the law of time crystal nucleus in his hand with fiery eyes, like a hungry jackal seeing a delicacy generally.

"What are you doing? Are you trying to snatch it?" Qian Yueming looked wary.

When everyone heard the words, they didn't hide anything, nodded and said, "I want to, but I don't dare."

The temptation is great, but face it rationally!Strong people like Gongsun Yun have been slaughtered, they forget it, they should be good people, and Qian Yueming hurriedly put away the law of time after hearing the words, although Qin Feng was intimidating, God knows if these guys will be rushed Lose your mind and do something irrational.

To be on the safe side, 36 counts is the best.

Seeing Qian Yueming leave, everyone was unhappy and hurriedly said.

"Don't run away, let's see what the law of time looks like."

"Yes, we promise to only look at it and not steal it."

Hearing the call from behind, Qian Yueming's face changed drastically, and he left at a faster speed, believe you ghosts, do you think he is a newcomer?If you just look at it and don't grab it, why don't you just say that you can't get in!nasty.

(End of this chapter)

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