I open a black shop in another world

Chapter 436 I Am Your Long-Lost Brother

Chapter 436 I Am Your Long-Lost Brother
The confrontation with the Dayang Chamber of Commerce finally came to an end with the fall of Gongsun Yun. This time, the Dayang Chamber of Commerce suffered heavy losses. It not only lost the control of Sin City, but also sacrificed a high-level law expert, which hurt the classics. Bone!
On the contrary, the Qianyue Chamber of Commerce did nothing, but became the biggest beneficiary. Not only did it obtain the Law of Time, but it also acquired the control of Sin City. It can be described as double happiness!
Thinking about it, it won't take long for this news to spread to the two major forces. I believe that the Dayang Chamber of Commerce will give up the throne of the No. [-] Chamber of Commerce in the Tianmo Continent soon!

When Lin Shuang and Ling Xuan returned to the Night Demon Club, they found that Qianli Crab and Little Fatty were sitting together, chatting and laughing, like long-lost friends.

The other students looked at each other in horror. As for those people from the Dayang Chamber of Commerce, they could guess where they went with their buttocks.

Although they guessed the result, what shocked the two of them was that there was no trace of a fight in the lobby, not even a seat was damaged. Doesn't this mean that those people were wiped out without even a chance to resist?
"You little fat man is interesting. From now on, you will hang out with Brother Crab, and I guarantee that no one will dare to bully you." The first crab acted like I am the big brother and I am protecting you.

The little fat man's eyes lit up immediately when he heard the words. The fighting power of the crab just now was obvious to all. With it covering it, few people in Sin City would dare to shout at him.Hastily said: "Thank you, big brother, with you covering me, who would dare to bully me in the Heavenly Demon Continent!"

After finishing speaking, he glanced at the students intentionally or unintentionally. The latter turned pale when they saw his gaze, and looked at him beggingly!
"Haha, that's a must." Frontline Crab enjoyed the little fat man's flattery, and said, "Since I've become my little brother, I can't be stingy as a big brother."

After finishing speaking, it waved its claws, and a fruit exuding a powerful Dao rhyme and a bottle of spring water appeared along the way. Suddenly, the hall was filled with powerful aura.

"Here, the Divine Fruit of Reincarnation and the Divine Spring of Destiny are my brother's usual snacks. They are given to you as a meeting gift. Next time you come to the store, my brother will give you some good things. You know, there are many gods in the store."

Damn, everyone's eyes widened at this moment, even Lin Shuang and Ling Xuan looked at the fetish in the little fat man's hand in shock, my God, what's wrong with this pair of master and servant? , the owner gave away the law of time like garbage, and the pets were even worse. Someone called him big brother, and directly sent out the fruit of reincarnation and the spring of destiny, and these were just snacks.

So the question is, if you call it dad, what will you give it?Suddenly, Lin Shuang had the urge to kneel down and worship.

When the little fat man saw the things sent by the front crab, his face suddenly showed excitement. He knew that the other party didn't like to be hypocritical, so he didn't shirk, and happily accepted it, saying: "Thank you for your cultivation, brother."

"Hey, you're welcome, you're my little brother, you're too dishonest to embarrass me." The crab in the front line had a bold face. Suddenly, it saw Lin Shuang not far away. gone?"

Lin Shuang nodded subconsciously, and said, "Didn't your master come to look for you? Why? Didn't you ^_^ Your Excellency see it?"

"Master?" The first crab frowned when he heard the words, and said displeasedly: "The boss is my brother who is in charge, if you make a mistake next time, I will hang you from a tree, do you hear me?"

When Lin Shuang heard the words, she nodded quickly and said yes, this is really a strange combination, they are obviously signed to Warcraft, but they say they are his brothers.

Seeing this, the first crab snorted in satisfaction. Although Qin Feng is indeed his master, the two sides have always had a tacit understanding, and Qin Feng never treated him as a pet from the beginning to the end, and treated him like his younger brother. , Therefore, it is very unpleasant to hear these words from other people's mouths.

Turning to look at the little fat man, he said: "If you are not in a hurry to go back, come to the store for a stroll. With the help of the things inside, it is much faster than you can practice by yourself. Don't be like these fools, you will know how to practice in closed doors, remember , to practice the truth."

When the little fat man heard the words, he nodded his head again and again.

"Okay, I'm going back to the shop too. The boss is really serious. He doesn't ask me to leave without loyalty." After finishing speaking, the front row crab muttered and walked out the door.

"Brother, go slowly!" The little fat man said respectfully when he saw the figure of the crab leaving in the front row.

It wasn't until the figure of the other party disappeared completely that the little fat man smiled and looked at the things in his hand with a face full of satisfaction.

With a sound of "shua", all the students surrounded the little fat man, looking at the thing in his hand with fiery eyes, almost drooling all over the place.

The divine fruit of reincarnation, this is an artifact that promotes comprehension of the law. Even if you have already comprehended the law, it can greatly increase the strength of the law.

Many families will prepare the reincarnation fruit for their children after they grow up, in order to be one step faster, but the reincarnation fruit is also a rare item in the Tianmo Continent, and it is really difficult for ordinary people to obtain it, but such a precious thing is actually Who would believe the scary crab snacks?
Seeing everyone's eyes, the little fat man looked wary, and said cautiously: "What do you want to do? This is given to me by Brother Xie."

When everyone heard this, they laughed and started to get close to each other.

"Brother Yuan, you and I are both students of the same academy, and we are half brothers. You see, I have encountered a bottleneck in my cultivation recently. Can you share some reincarnation fruit to help me break through? It doesn't need too much, half is enough. In the future, as long as you If you encounter difficulties, you will go through fire and water as a brother."

"Hmph, lack of greed, shamelessness, wanting something and calling yourself a brother? Boss Yuan, from today onwards, you are my boss, and I will follow your lead. You say one thing, and I will never say two, as long as I one third."

"Brother Yuan Ming, I have a secret that I have been looking for a chance to tell you. I originally wanted to go back to the academy, but now I can't wait any longer. That's right, I am your long-lost brother. On the surface, I only need a quarter."

"Brother Yuan"

"Uncle Yuan"

All the students keep trying to build relationships with each other, and many of them are even ready to admit their relatives with blood!
Lin Shuang and Ling Xuan watched this scene speechlessly, sure enough, there is no most shameless, only more shameless.

"That's enough, please be quiet, otherwise, you will all be disqualified." Ling Xuan couldn't stand it any longer, and interrupted everyone. After hearing the angry shouts, all the students calmed down, but the eyes still stared at you. Looking at the little fat man.

Seeing this, Ling Xuan gave a cold snort in satisfaction, and asked, "Tell me about the battle here in detail!"

All the students heard the words and looked at each other, but no one took the initiative to report.

Seeing this scene, Ling Xuan frowned slightly, pointed at one of the slender students and said, "Wu Heng, tell me."

When the slender student saw that the other party pointed him out, he smacked his lips helplessly, and said, "Reporting to Master Ling, they moved their hands not long after you left, and saw that the crab combined two kinds of divine power, water and fire, and released it. A black dragon!"

After finishing speaking, he looked straight at Ling Xuan, who saw his gaze, frowned slightly, and said, "And then?"

"Then? Then they all died!"

What?Ling Xuan couldn't turn the corner for a while, and said, "That's it? Didn't the seniors put up a symbolic resistance?"

The slender student shook his head. Seeing this, Ling Xuan gasped. This is too fake. The master killed the law of time powerhouse without using the law, and killed a group of powerhouses of the law of the gods in seconds with one move as a pet!What happened to this world?
Turning her head in surprise, Ling Xuan looked at Lin Shuang with unfocused eyes and said, "Master Lin, what do you think about this matter?"

"Ah? What do you think?" Lin Shuang's gaze was also on the little fat man. Hearing Ling Xuan's words, he subconsciously replied: "I think you are right!"

Ok?that's right?What is right?Ling Xuan looked at Lin Shuang blankly, and just wanted to ask, but at this moment, Lin Shuang coughed lightly, looked at the little fat man with a serious face, and said solemnly: "Student Yuan, as a teacher, I also met some problems recently. A little bottleneck, can you help me? Don't worry, you are an outstanding graduate of this year."

Everyone: .
 I worked overtime today, and the boss brought me a fried chicken. I was very touched. Come and see me!After eating, my stomach turned upside down, and now the chrysanthemum still hurts a little!I think too much, I would rather he not come to see me!
(End of this chapter)

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