God Medicine Garden

That night, Qin Feng was lying on the bed with his legs crossed. On the side, the front row crab placed a lot of things, all of which were its treasures, with a hesitant look on his face.

Qin Feng looked sideways at the other party, and asked curiously: "Why did you take out all your belongings? Did you meet a crab you like and plan to give a gift!"

Speaking of this topic, he immediately became interested, sat up directly, and said with a smile: "Hey, you can ask me about giving gifts, I'm good at it."

Qin Feng looked at the front crab with joy, but who knew that the latter didn't even look at him, and even said mockingly: "You? Pull it down, feel free to say it! The three proprietresses are all on their own initiative, it's up to you If you don't, my son will call him daddy, I guess you don't have a date."

Qin Feng's smile instantly froze on his face when he heard the words of the front crab piercing his heart. Isn't this so exciting?What do you mean your son will call me daddy or I am still single?
You must know that the front crab is only eight or nine years old at most. According to normal circumstances, it takes at least 20 years to have offspring. Isn't he still single at the age of 40?
But what the other party said was true, and he couldn't refute it, but he didn't admit it, so Qin Feng straightened his neck and forcefully explained: "You know a hammer, this is called playing hard to get! Women can't blame them too much, you I didn't realize that, why did the Popsicle chick dislike me at first, but what happened later? If I had shown affection at the beginning, the other party would have blocked me long ago."

"You have also seen the current situation. The three of them want to stop me, so you just wait to help me raise the child!" After speaking, Qin Feng had a proud face.

"I think what you said is right." The front crab looked thoughtful, and then said: "According to this, Boss, you fell in love with that piece of ice from the beginning, bah, Shangguan Boss?"

Hearing the rhetorical question of the front row crab, Qin Feng's tone froze for a moment, and he didn't know how to answer for a while!To be honest, he doesn't even know how to answer this question himself!

Seeing his appearance, the first crab thought he had guessed it right, and said with a narrow smile, "Wow, I didn't expect you to be such a boss. Could this be what you usually call boring?"

"Bored you, uncle." Qin Feng stared at the crab in the front row. This guy was becoming more and more difficult to fool. He even considered whether to exchange some IQ-lowering pills for the other party to take.Lest the guy behind turn his back on the customer!

He looked at the front crab suspiciously, and said, "Little guy, don't you really have a date?"

"How is it possible?" The first crab looked surprised, and said: "I've been with you recently, how can I have a chance to go out and wander? Besides, ordinary monsters can't get into the eyes of this crab."

Qin Feng nodded in agreement, and continued to ask: "Then why are you staring at your little treasury with a sad face?"

The first crab sighed softly, and said: "Isn't this a younger brother? I can't be too stingy as a big brother, so I'm thinking about what to give!"

Ok?Receive younger brother?Qin Feng looked at the other party with a look of astonishment, and said, "Who is it? You are so lucky to be able to fall in love with you."

You must know that the nine-winged sky bird wanted to worship the eldest brother with a lazy face at the beginning, but the first crab didn't even look at him!Unexpectedly, not long after he came to Tianmo Continent, he took in a younger brother.

"It's that polite little fat man." The first crab explained.

"Little Fatty?" Qin Feng looked surprised, looked at the pile of items on the ground, and subconsciously said, "Do you have a grudge against him?"

"Where is the enmity? Besides, if there is enmity, would you still accept him as a younger brother? Just kill him with one blow." Qian Liexie said.

"Then you give him these? Do you keep them as dogs?"

You must know that what the frontline crabs collect are some special medicines for monsters. Except for some spiritual fruits and spiritual springs, there are no human beings to use them at all. Except for the blood demon ancestor, he is a different kind.

Hearing the words, the first crab gave Qin Feng a blank look, and said, "Of course not, it's just because there is no suitable one, so it's entangled."

Qin Feng smiled lightly and shook his head. To be honest, he had a pretty good impression of that little fat man, especially when the other party didn't know his strength, and he got close to him in front of Gongsun Yun. This point adds a lot of points.

He smiled and said, "Okay, give me the gift of meeting your younger brother!"

"It's the younger brother, not the godbrother." The front crab corrected, it had heard this stalk from the other party before, and understood what it meant!Then, looking at Qin Feng suspiciously, he said, "Is what you said true?"

"Really." Qin Feng said speechlessly, "It's like I often lie to you."

"How could it be?" The front crab put away the things with a smile, and the headache problem was solved, so it ran to the side, found a comfortable position and lay down, saying: "Good night, boss."

Seeing this, Qin Feng smiled slightly, and lay down too, but he didn't feel sleepy. He stared at the roof in a daze. Suddenly, he remembered that he hadn't received the reward for the mission after destroying the Blood Refining Gate, because he had been busy killing people for the past two days. !You must know that Yu Jie gave a lot of rewards for the two missions before, and this time it should not be bad.

With this in mind, he directly called out the system and began to submit tasks to receive rewards.

"Ding: The task: the entrustment of the dead has been completed, the task evaluation: perfect."

"Ding: Congratulations to the host for opening the special map "Divine Medicine Garden", gaining 80000 points, and increasing the level by three levels.

Ok?Gone?Why are there so few this time?
Hearing the system's notification sound, Qin Feng's face was covered. You must know that besides the level and points, there are other items!Also, what is this magical medicine garden?Can't wait to open the introduction.

Divine Medicine Garden: A place where magical medicines and spiritual creatures are grown, and the growth rate is a hundred times faster than that of the outside world.

Note: The magic medicine seeds and spiritual objects can be purchased in the system, and acceleration props can also be purchased.

Fuck, seeing the introduction, Qin Feng's face suddenly became happy. Isn't this equivalent to Penguin Farm? It is certain that once this thing comes out, no one can resist the temptation. Money, you can do wholesale!

You know, many "old monsters" reach some bottlenecks and cannot break through, so they need some life-extending magic medicine to maintain their lives. What if some people happen to not have it?There is no doubt that they can only wait to die!

But it's different now. With this "miracle medicine garden", it is equivalent to a "health room" for the strong. Don't say anything, plant the magic medicine first, and then buy a scroll to return to the city. I feel that I am about to die. Then find an "Invincible Hearthstone" where there is no one, come back and "get a shot", after the state is back to full, continue to go out and enjoy yourself.

Now Qin Feng knew why there were so few rewards this time. This kind of "private hospital" reward is far from what those points of practice can compare to, and it can't be bought with money.This can all be drawn, Qin Feng touched his face subconsciously, and thought narcissistically, has my brother become handsome again?

(End of this chapter)

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