I open a black shop in another world

Chapter 443 There is no most, only more

Chapter 443 There is no most, only more
Qian Yueming was eating comfortably, and suddenly, Li Haoming sat opposite him with an indifferent expression, looking at him carefully.

"Brother Li, why are you looking at the old man like this?" Qian Yueming smiled and said, "Could it be that the old man has flowers on his face?"

"Okay, don't be sloppy." Li Haoming snorted coldly and said, "Tell me, what's going on?"

"What's going on?" Qian Yueming looked at the other party with a light smile, and saw that the other party's face was a little angry, and hurriedly changed her words: "Oh, you are talking about the Dayang Chamber of Commerce, right? This really has nothing to do with the old man , You know the cultivation level of this old man, how could he be Gongsun Yun's opponent."

"Of course the Lord knows it's not you." Li Hao took a clear look at Qian Yueming and said, "The Lord wants to know why Gongsun Yun clashed with Shopkeeper Qin?"

"That's why they're courting death!" Before Qian Yueming could reply, the Blood Demon Patriarch beside him said coldly, "Why, is City Lord Li planning to seek justice for them?"

"Brother Blood Demon misunderstood!" Li Haoming smiled and said: "You also know that Gongsun Yun's identity is rather special, and I am one of the city lords of Tiandao Pavilion, both public and private, I have to ask about this matter. "

Hearing this, the face of the blood demon patriarch softened a little. If this guy turned his face just after buying something, it would be really a big deal.

Li Haoming also smiled awkwardly when he saw the other party's face, and felt a little helpless in his heart. For others, this kind of cultivation level is not qualified to talk to him, but he has no choice. Feng, a tiger, is still a tiger with wings, which is enough for him to treat him seriously. Moreover, regardless of the other party's age, with Qin Feng's help, his future achievements will really not be low.

Clasping his fists together, he said, "Brother Blood Demon, the city lord just arrived this morning, and he has dark eyes about this matter. Please let me know in detail."

Although the blood demon patriarch was a little angry, it is undeniable that this matter really has nothing to do with the other party, but Li Haoming's righteous words just now made him a little uncomfortable, as if he said that Gongsun Yun and the others are righteous, as long as they kill Without them, it's all evil spirits.

"City Master Li, I'm sorry, I lost my composure just now." After a moment of silence, the blood demon ancestor said, this change surprised Li Haoming, he lost his mind for a moment, and then raised his hand to express that it's okay .

Seeing this, the Gorefiend Patriarch explained the whole process in detail, including the first provocation by the other party, and then a sneak attack on Coke. If Little Annie hadn't awakened at the end, Little Coke and the others would have no time to react, and they would definitely kill him immediately. On the spot.

In fact, after seeing the goods in the store, Li Haoming roughly guessed the truth. Once the things in the store are spread, it will definitely cause an uproar, and the profits generated by then will be astronomical.Even when he saw it himself, he was very moved. If he hadn't been afraid of the opponent's strength, he would have wanted to keep it for himself.

It's just that he didn't expect that the people of Dayang Chamber of Commerce would sell a sneak attack on a junior, which is very embarrassing!

At this point, Li Haoming's father and daughter finally understood why Qian Yueming told them not to provoke little Annie earlier. They didn't expect that cute-looking little loli to have such terrifying strength!

How old is this? Just after awakening, he can use his special ability to forcibly overwhelm several Mingshen realm powerhouses. If the opponent grows up.
God, he didn't dare to think about it anymore. Is this shop run by a group of monsters?

"You should be lucky. If something happens to Little Coke and the others, I can assure you that the entire Dayang Chamber of Commerce will be flattened by Shopkeeper Qin." Speaking of this, the blood demon ancestor sighed softly and said: " Shopkeeper Qin's horror is beyond your comprehension, he just doesn't like to take the initiative to cause trouble, let alone "

Suddenly, the blood demon patriarch thought of something, stopped talking, just shook his head: "You can do it yourself!"

Hearing this, Li Haoming's father and daughter looked at Qin Feng who was humming a ditty in shock, slaughtering the Dayang Chamber of Commerce!In this case, few people in the entire Tianmo Continent dare to speak out, and according to the other party, Qin Feng seems to have other tricks, which is very scary. A strong man who can torture and kill kings and gods, and the mysterious unknown background, this is even more terrifying!

Qian Yueming on the side also helped him and said: "Yes, the old man is fair. Since the old man came to the city of sin, except for the shopkeeper Qin going out for a trip, the rest of the time is in the shop. If he wants to find something, Those blind guys in the city are basically dead!"

Of course, the premise for the other party to be reasonable is that he is not sleeping, otherwise everything will be treated as if he didn't say anything!

"I see." Li Haoming nodded, he had no doubt that what the other party said was a lie, because there was absolutely no need for it!Or rather disdain to do so, suddenly, Li Haoming thought of something, and hurriedly said: "The law of time"

Hearing this, Qian Yueming stroked his beard with a sly smile, and the answer was self-evident.

Li Haoming opened his mouth, finally turned into a soft sigh, and said with deep meaning: "I'm afraid it's not that simple!"

Can the law of time be given away at will?Would Qin Feng do this without any interest?He didn't believe it even if he was beaten to death, but what Li Haoming couldn't figure out was what kind of promise the other party made to make Qin Feng easily give away such a valuable treasure.

"Of course, besides the law of time, the right to do business in Sin City also belongs to my Qianyue Chamber of Commerce." Qian Yueming said with a red face: "And all of this is the betrothal gift given by Shopkeeper Qin to Little Coke. part."

bride price?Is it just a part?

Hearing the other party's words, Li Haoming took a breath and asked subconsciously: "Then, does shopkeeper Qin have a wife? What do you think of Wan'er?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone had a black thread. What is this?sell daughter?
Li Muwan was even more angry, how could she be such a father?Is it because she is afraid that she will not be able to marry?
The blood demon patriarch gave him a blank look, and said: "You give up, there are already three proprietresses! Besides, shopkeeper Qin won't look for it again!"

Hearing the other party's words, Li Haoming smacked his lips in disappointment, but he still didn't give up, and muttered: "Master has three wives, as disciples, naturally we can't fall behind!"

Ok?The blood demon patriarch looked confused, Li Muwan looked ashamed and angry, and Qian Yueming looked vigilant. This is not giving up until the goal is achieved!Secretly decided to let Qianyue Jiabing take a close look at the fragrant coke, and not let a third party take advantage of it.

Lin Shuang and the others sat obediently on the sidelines, unable to intervene in the communication between the three high-level personnel, and did not dare to talk too much, they could only listen quietly, but what they didn't expect was that Qin Feng would still have such a The scary side, sure enough, there is no scariest, only more terrifying.

Thinking of this, they all looked enviously at the little fat man who was chatting and laughing with the crab in the front row. This guy is a smoker from his ancestors, and it's hard to imagine that he has nothing to do with such a strong man!
From the beginning to the end, the hardest part belonged to Qin Feng himself. He changed from a shopkeeper to a shop waiter. He didn't know if it was his illusion, but he always felt that the eyes of everyone looking at him were a little strange.

weird?worship?worship?Even he can't tell.

 I didn't update yesterday because I was catching a plane. After dinner with the client, it was 8 o'clock, and the plane was at 10.45!make up tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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