I open a black shop in another world

Chapter 444 Yue Jiabing's Mother

Chapter 444 Qianyue Jiabing's Mother

The next day, Qin Feng walked downstairs with a sigh of relief. The group of students from the Shenwu Academy were completely immersed in the exquisite goods in the store at this moment. They had forgotten about graduation tasks and returning to the academy.

After chatting with little Annie for a few words, and telling the panda Panpan to share more, Qin Feng walked out with a smile on his face.

But as soon as he stepped out of the store, he was surprised to find that Coke was standing nervously beside a beautiful woman. Not far away, Qianyue Jiabing and Qianyue Ming looked at each other with a little worry. Li Muwan and Li Muwan looked gloating, looking like they were watching a good show.

"What's the situation?" Qin Feng approached a few people and asked suspiciously, "I've never heard that Little Coke has relatives here!"

"What kind of relative!" The blood demon patriarch chuckled and said, "This is to see the parents!"

Meet the parents?Qin Feng was taken aback for a moment, seeing Qianyue Jiabing's uneasy appearance, he instantly thought of something, and asked in surprise, "Your mother?"

"Yeah." Qianyue Jiabing pouted and nodded.

Hey, Qin Feng had a strange smile on his face, and then asked curiously, "How did she come here?"

Then he looked at the other party narrowly, and said, "You don't have to be so impatient, right? This love is only half-familiar! Did you notify the parents to inspect the goods?"

"What!" Qianyue Jiabing said helplessly, "I don't know how my mother came!"

ah?At this moment, Qin Feng was also at a loss. Suddenly, both he and Qianyue Jiabing turned their gazes to Qianyueming who was at the side. The latter turned his eyes to the sky at the moment, and put on an appearance that I don't know anything.

After a while, he couldn't stand the gaze of the two, waved his hands, and said, "Okay, I blame the old man for this matter, but the old man didn't expect that the family would send your mother over!"

In order to prevent Ye Changmeng, at the moment when the Dayang Chamber of Commerce stronghold was destroyed by Qin Feng, Qian Yueming sent the news back to the family, asking them to send someone to take over the Sin City stronghold, and also sent a detailed overview over again.

Everyone in the Qianyue family was taken aback when they received the news. At first they thought it was a trap. Gongsun Yun was killed by a young man in his 20s, and the stronghold was directly destroyed!This is undoubtedly a fantasy. To achieve this, the three ancestors of the Qianyue Chamber of Commerce must all be dispatched, otherwise, it will be impossible.

Could it be that the three ancestors of the Qianyue Chamber of Commerce combined are not as good as a young man?You can't make a joke like this!

But when they took out the crystal nucleus of the law of time, everyone was shocked. Everything else can be faked, except the law!They would not think that the Dayang Chamber of Commerce would use such an important thing as a bait. After some discussion, they decided to send someone to come and watch, because this temptation was worth their risk.

As for why it is Qianyue Jiabing's mother, it's very simple. The other party's status in the family is not low. She manages some operations of the chamber of commerce, and because she is worried about her daughter, she volunteered to come.

And the senior management of the Qianyue family felt more at ease with her, so they hit it off.

Qian Yueming recounted the incident with a helpless face, then looked at Qian Yueming without any hesitation, and said, "Besides, I can't blame the old man for this matter, who made you and Coke get caught? , young people don’t know how to take it easy!”

Ok?Hearing the other party's words, Qin Feng looked at Qianyue Jiabing like a curious baby, as if things were not that simple!

When Qianyue Jiabing heard the words, she looked shy and gave Qianyueming a hard look. What does it mean for a young man to be reserved?Who told her to take the initiative at the beginning and asked her to prescribe the medicine, but now that something happened, the blame was directly thrown to her.

Qian Yueming saw her eyes, and her guilty eyes wandered around.

"No, what's the matter with you?" Qin Feng was a little anxious, and said, "You won't be caught and raped in bed, right?"

"How is it possible? What are you thinking!" Qianyue Jiabing looked at Qin Feng in horror, and even Li Muwan who was beside her was slightly surprised. She never expected that the usually gentle Qin Feng would be so wretched!

"Oh, man!"

Qin Feng didn't care about the other party's gaze at all, he stared straight at Qianyue Jiabing, and said, "What's going on? Don't tell me, I'll go directly to your mother and ask Little Coke!"

"Don't, don't go." Seeing Qin Feng's turn around, Qianyue Jiabing became impatient. She had no doubt that Qin Feng would really do such a thing. Immediately, she explained the matter coyly .

After Qin Feng listened, he looked confused and couldn't believe it: "That's it?"

Qianyue Jiabing nodded with a depressed face. Seeing this, Qin Feng babbled speechlessly. It turned out that Coke was dragged outside the door by Qianyue Jiabing early this morning, so he mustered up the courage to ask about their relationship. Things, plus how does Coke feel to her!
Normally, Coke would definitely explain it, but these two days, this little guy was instilled with some domineering thoughts by Qian Yueming, the blood demon ancestor and Qin Feng, saying that men should take the initiative, Conquer women with practical actions.And don't listen to women's one-sided words, what they say is ironic, the more you say no, the more you want it.

Ever since, the moment Qianyue Jiabing finished speaking, this guy went up for a forced kiss without saying a word, and the scene of being caught off guard directly confused the latter. What was even more frightening was that before Qianyue Jiabing could resist, This scene happened to be seen by Gong Weiyue who rushed over, and only then did Coke be interrogated.

"What a fuss, I thought you guys cooked the raw rice!" Qin Feng looked bored, then looked around, but he didn't find Li Haoming, and asked suspiciously, "Where's your father?"

Li Muwan looked at him coldly, and said, "Going away?"

"Gone? Why did you just leave?" Qin Feng said with regret.

Li Muwan rolled his eyes at him, and said: "You made such a big commotion in the city of sin, my father, as the city lord of Tiandao Pavilion, naturally wants to report the matter, and there is..."

Before they finished speaking, Qin Feng and the other three looked at her with sly smiles on their faces. Suddenly, she realized that the "gone" in Qin Feng's mouth did not mean the same thing as the "gone" she said. Immediately, a burst of anger welled up spontaneously, just about to strike, but found that she was no match, snorted coldly, turned his head to look elsewhere, and stopped talking to Qin Feng.

While the few people were chatting, Gong Weiyue came over with a majestic expression, and behind her, Coke lowered her head, like a child who did something wrong.

When she got close, Gong Weiyue glanced at the few people, and finally set her eyes on Qin Feng. It was hard to imagine that the young man in front of her was the one who killed Gongsun Yun and other strong people. She saluted with a smile, and said: "I've seen shopkeeper Qin, the little girl is naughty, she's been nagging for a while."

Qin Feng laughed lightly, clasped his fists together, and said: "Madam, you are being polite. Although Miss Qianyue is a bit stubborn, she is still very open-minded. Moreover, she also has a secret love affair with the villain, and I hope Madam can make it happen. "

Gong Weiyue didn't expect Qin Feng to be so straightforward, she was taken aback for a moment, then she shook her head with a light smile, and said: "Shopkeeper Qin is really not something ordinary people can compare to."

"Madam is ridiculous." Qin Feng smiled and said, "I don't know what Madam would like?"

Gong Weiyue glanced at Coke and Qianyue Jiabing, but they did not dare to meet her gaze, they all lowered their heads and glanced at each other from time to time.

Seeing this, Gong Weiyue sighed lightly, and said: "The girl is not allowed to stay."

Hearing this, Qin Feng and the others chuckled lightly, while the honored guest Qianyue lowered her head shyly and kept rubbing the corners of her clothes. There was only Coke. She hugged her with a fist and said, "Thank you, Ma'am, for your success."

Qin Feng looked at this stupid apprentice speechlessly, and said with hatred, "Are you stupid? Are you still called madam?"

Coke looked at Qin Feng in confusion, and the latter hurriedly gave him winks. At this time, shouldn't he call his aunt or aunt to get closer?It's really not good, you can call me sister!How to make the other party happy!

Seeing Qin Feng's eyes, Coke seemed to have realized something. He took a deep breath and said righteously, "Mother."

Everyone: .
Qin Feng:.
This product can.

 The owed chapter is a day or two late, and today the boss took pictures to pick up the guests!What kind of parent-child hand-painting has been arranged at the little guy's school, which is related to spring, and requires painting plus text!No less than ten sheets of A4 paper!Conscience of heaven and earth, my son is only four years old!This homework fell on me again!There is simply not enough time!
(End of this chapter)

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