I open a black shop in another world

Chapter 458 I Am Your Long-Lost Dad

Chapter 458 I Am Your Long-Lost Dad
Long Yao looked at the four Capricorn crabs that suddenly appeared in front of him in disbelief. Up to now, he has not recovered, how is it possible?How could the other party appear here.

Just as he lost his mind, Zhu Duiyou and others suddenly appeared beside Qin Feng, and respectfully said: "Qin Shaoxia, we have completed what you ordered."

"Thanks for your hard work." Qin Feng smiled slightly, and said, "You guys should rest first, and I will give you the things I promised you after finishing these matters."

After Zhu Duiyou and the others heard the words, their faces showed excitement. After thanking them again, they walked aside, and they could not intervene in the next battle.

"Aren't you surprised?" The leader Capricorn Crab said with a sneer: "I trusted you so much at the beginning, but I didn't expect you to imprison me for a hundred years with tricks and tricks, and even exterminate my people, which made my future Adult children are displaced."

Speaking of this, the leader Capricorn Crab's whole body's divine power began to vibrate violently. Obviously, his heart was extremely restless at the moment, and he said with red eyes: "You deserve to die, and you, the Red Dragon Clan, deserve to die."

Ok?Exposure of underage children?Hearing these words, Qin Feng subconsciously looked at the crab in the front row. The latter also looked at him in surprise at the moment. Could it be that this old crab is the little guy's father?
The old Capricorn Crab only had Long Yao in his eyes at this time, so he didn't notice the weird gazes of Qin Feng and Qian Lian Crab.

"It's impossible for you to break free from the Yin-Yang Subduing Demon Formation, it's impossible." Long Yao tremblingly said.

Once the Yin-Yang Subduing Demon Formation is activated, it will automatically absorb the divine power between the heavens and the earth to suppress the people in the formation. Unless there is a special way to break the formation, otherwise, even if you have a cultivation level of the King God Realm, don't even think about it. This time, his Red Dragon Clan paid a big price.

Suddenly, he thought of something, and turned to look at Qin Feng, because a few humans just reported something to him, and that weird Capricorn crab was also brought by the other party, could it be...
Seeing Long Yao's gaze, Qin Feng chuckled and said frankly: "You guessed right, I did it."

Fuck, upon hearing Qin Feng's words, the old Capricorn crabs and Long Yao were all stunned. It turned out that just last night, Qin Feng received a message from the front crab that the strong man of the Capricorn crab family was trapped. In the array arranged by Long Yao and others, and that place is relatively hidden, and there are strong guards from the Red Dragon family, it is really not an easy matter to rescue.

But this is really not a difficult task for Qin Feng, afraid of being discovered?The hidden word scroll makes you not feel any breath, Yin-Yang Subduing Demon Formation?It's a piece of cake, a high-level formation breaking talisman, what?Can't one?Then come and fight me. If you are rich and willful, you can be burned as paper.

When the guardian of the Red Dragon Clan reacted, four strong crabs were already watching them, and then sprayed him KILL.

"So it was Your Excellency who came to the rescue, and Mo Geng thanked you here." The leader Capricorn Crab said gratefully.

"Thank you for saving me." The remaining three were also grateful. They didn't experience the feeling of being imprisoned, and they would never experience it.

"My family, you're welcome!" Qin Feng said with a smile.

My family?Do you call yourself a human and a group of crabs?What the hell?

Mo Geng also looked puzzled, could this human being be the blood left by some ancestor in the human world?But it's not right, the other party doesn't have the slightest characteristics of the Capricorn crab family, but there is an aura that makes him feel kind.

Fortunately, Qin Feng didn't know what the other party was thinking, otherwise, he would have built a new formation and threw the other party into it. I was kind enough to save you, but you actually called me born of a crab, which is too deceitful.

Looking at the other party with a chuckle, without waiting for the other party to ask, Qin Feng first said: "Senior, what doubts do you have? After solving the current troubles, it would be better for us to chat while eating spicy crayfish."

Mo Geng was taken aback for a moment, then laughed loudly, and said boldly: "What the little brother said is very true, since that's the case, then I will make a quick decision so that the little brother won't wait for a long time."

After finishing speaking, Mo Geng turned his head to the three beside him and said: "Those old fellows are entrusted to you, remember, don't keep your benefactor waiting for too long."

Hearing this, the three Capricorn crabs nodded, without a word of nonsense, they swooped down directly, and the opponent of the front row crab, Long Yu, was directly taken over by one of them, making him stand there helplessly.

Mo Geng turned around, looked at Long Yao with a murderous look, and said sharply: "Come on, let me see if you have improved a bit these years."

After finishing speaking, without saying a word, he directly swooped forward, not even wanting to listen to the other party's words, that's how domineering he is.

Maybe it was because of what he said, or maybe it was because of the anger in his heart, Mo Geng directly gave up the warm-up and trial link when he came up, and the power of the law directly circulated.

To Qin Feng's astonishment, the opponent's power of law turned out to be a rare law of life!High-level laws are fighting ordinary water system laws. To be honest, Qin Feng has no intention of watching the next battle, because he can clearly feel that Long Yao's vitality is slowly passing away. The prawns are dead.

Qin Feng's eyes kept scanning, and finally, he stopped at the member of the Red Dragon Clan who was maintaining a defensive posture, licked his tongue, and raised his eyebrows at the front crab not far away.

The front crab who received the signal smiled. After years of cooperation, one person and one crab cannot be said to be connected with each other, but it is not much different. After adjusting the posture, it turned into an afterimage, like a comet hitting the ground, landing domineeringly.


The powerful force directly broke through the defense of the Red Dragon Clan, and said to the Capricorn Crab Clan behind him: "Brothers, kill me, but remember to leave the whole body, their corpses are still useful."

The Capricorn crab group had already sharpened their knives, and after receiving the order, they rushed in without saying a word. With the crabs at the forefront, the red dragon group was still an opponent, and they instantly fell into a one-sided state.

The onlookers looked at the two sides in the fierce battle. To be honest, they are a little nervous now. They have caught a lot of Capricorn crabs over the years, and now they are well. Boss, oh yes, there is an even weirder fire-breathing one. For a moment, a look of despair filled everyone's faces.More bad luck than good luck!

Time passed continuously, and just when Qin Feng was falling asleep, Mo Geng's hearty voice suddenly came over.

"Haha, little brother has been waiting for a long time."

Hearing this, Qin Feng immediately refreshed himself, and turned his head to look. Mo Geng, who was originally a bit old, turned out to be much younger at the moment. Long Yao, on the other hand, was like an old man in the twilight. The lines on his carapace had long since disappeared and become dim. There is no light, and the breath in his body is pitifully weak, as if he will die at any moment.

Seeing this, Qin Feng was amazed that the law of life actually had the effect of rejuvenating youth, this is simply the law that female warriors dream of!
"It hasn't been long." Qin Feng asked with a chuckle, "Why didn't Chief Mo kill him?"

Hearing this, Mo Geng snorted coldly, and said: "Wouldn't it be too cheap to kill him like this, there are some debts, and we have to settle them slowly."

Qin Feng shrugged his shoulders disapprovingly. It is completely understandable for Mo Geng's actions. Anyone who has been imprisoned for a hundred years will not have a good attitude, not to mention that the other party killed many of his clansmen.

Just as he was about to say something, suddenly, the front row crab came over with an excited expression on his face, and said, "Boss, it's done, enough for us to eat for a year and a half."

"Not bad, not bad." Qin Feng nodded in satisfaction, turned around, and was about to ask something about the front crab, but suddenly found that Mo Geng's eyes were fixed on the front crab, and his burly body was still a little trembling.

"Chief Mo, what's wrong?"

"Like, it's so similar! It's exactly the same as when I was young." Mo Geng muttered to himself, and then he took a deep breath, excited: "Little friend, you may not believe it, it may be my long-lost son."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Qin Feng's answer, he said to the front row crab: "Son, I am your father, called Dad."

(End of this chapter)

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