I open a black shop in another world

Chapter 459 The Holy Land of the Capricorn Crab Clan 1

Chapter 459 The Holy Land of the Capricorn Crab Clan
At night, Qin Feng and Zhu Duiyou were sitting together. They were talking and laughing, and they were very happy. After receiving the reward from Qin Feng, they can't be said to become rich, but there is no problem in becoming well-off. Qin Feng was alone looking at the fire in a daze.

The first crab was dragged to some holy place by Mogeng, and the ritual of the holy place was needed to confirm the relationship between father and son. It is said that his mother was also sleeping there.

Back then when the Red Dragon Clan rebelled, Mo Geng and other strong men were tricked by the opponent and trapped in the Yin-Yang Subduing Demon Formation, doing mental calculations without intention, so the Capricorn Crab Clan suffered great trauma.

When they realized it, the remaining clansmen were still opponents of the Red Dragon Clan, so they could only flee in all directions. In order to send him away, the mother of the crab in the front row directly blew up the power of the law, broke through the void, and sent the young front row crab away. Crab banished.

As for whether Qian Lie Crab is Mo Geng's son, to be honest, Qin Feng is not sure now, because in his opinion, the crabs all look the same except for their size.

Sighing lightly, Qin Feng didn't know how to describe his current mood, and was even a little worried. If the other party was not the parent of the front crab, then according to the temper of the front crab, he wondered if they would fight.How can anyone start with such a defiant opening statement?

"You may be my long-lost son."

"I may be your father, called Dad."

Putting these words on the earth is directly used to incite hatred. The frontline crab has been with Qin Feng for so long, and some popular terms are still known. If you were a different race, you would probably be roasted as soon as you opened your mouth, and you can finish the first sentence Two words?

But if not, who were his parents?

Just as Qin Feng was thinking wildly, on the other side, Mo Geng brought the front row crab to a palace, but the strange thing was that there was no entrance to the whole palace, and it was shrouded in a bright yellow halo.

Mo Geng looked at the main hall slightly absent-mindedly, but the crabs in the front row did not disturb the other party, but just stood aside patiently. After a while, Mo Geng came back to his senses and said: "This is the holy place of our Capricorn crab clan. To enter, you must Only the essence and blood of the patriarchs of the past generations will do."

Speaking of this, there was a trace of regret in Mo Geng's eyes, which was replaced by hatred immediately, and he said coldly: "Over the years, that guy Long Yao didn't dare to attack me, so he has been hunting our Capricorn Crabs all the time. To break open the Holy Land, how many people from the Red Dragon Clan were killed in just a hundred years, it is my patriarch's dereliction of duty."

The front crab didn't speak, and still stood quietly aside. At this moment, he didn't know what to say.

Taking a deep breath, Mo Geng adjusted his mentality, and continued: "But my royal blood essence is so easy to condense, even if I have royal blood essence, I can't open it without a special method."

As soon as he finished speaking, Mo Geng opened his mouth, and a drop of golden blood floated out. Afterwards, he assumed a strange posture, the blood kept trembling, and finally turned into a character, merging with the bright yellow halo.

With a sound of "buzz", the bright yellow shield suddenly dissipated, and then, there was an ear-piercing friction sound, and the originally closed palace began to rise slowly, revealing a huge portal.

"Go in." With an inexplicable trill in his voice, Mo Geng walked in first, followed by Capricorn Crab.

Coming to the interior, apart from a huge crab statue in the empty hall, there is also a frozen Capricorn crab in the middle. For some reason, after seeing this Capricorn crab, the front row crab felt a little pain in his heart. An uncontrollable surge of kindness from the heart.

"Ah Zhen, I'm back!" Mo Geng saw the frozen Capricorn crab, his face was full of remorse, but the front crab's eyes trembled unnaturally when he heard the latter's address. Nostalgic.

Seeing Mo Geng's lost look, Qian Lie Xie wanted to comfort him, but for a while, he didn't know how to address him!uncle?father?Patriarch?After hesitating for a moment, in the end, he continued to choose silence. Anyway, the other party would definitely come to chat with him, so he was not in a hurry.

Sure enough, half an hour later, Mo Geng finally finished his narration, turned his head to the front crab and said, "If there is no accident, the one inside is your mother. Although the power of the law of self-explosion saved you back then, her soul He also suffered a huge trauma, and can only continue his life through self-sealing."

Soul trauma?

"You mean that as long as there is a soul-healing elixir, she can be cured?" Frontline Crab hesitated for a while, but still didn't call out. Wouldn't it be a disadvantage if you called?

Mo Geng nodded when he heard the words, and said, "That's right, but there are very few pills to heal the soul, let alone such a serious injury."

Sighing lightly, he continued: "After confirming your identity, I'm going to go out to find the elixir to heal the wound of the soul. I hope Ah Zhen can persist until I come back."

"You don't need to go out, I have a bunch of pills to heal soul injuries." The front row crab pouted, and then, under Mo Geng's astonished gaze, directly took out three bottles of dark green enveloping air, and handed them to Mo Geng. The other party said: "Is it enough? I still have more!"

Mo Geng looked at the bottle handed over by the frontline crab in astonishment, felt the powerful soul power in it, and couldn't come to his senses for a while. Could it be that something strange happened to him during the hundred years that he was sealed, which caused the soul-healing pills to be like this? Is it worthless?
"Enough is enough." Mo Geng came to his senses, his face immediately revealed a look of excitement, no matter what else, as long as he can heal his wife well.

After receiving the potion, Mo Geng took a deep breath, looked at the front crab seriously, and said: "My good boy, even if you are not my child, I will adopt you as my adopted son."

After finishing speaking, he turned around, came to his wife, and murmured, "Ah Zhen, I will rescue you right now."

Qian Lie Xie looked at Mo Geng's busy figure speechlessly, and the guy in front of him actually wanted to take advantage of him and accept him as his son?Just kidding, if he finds out later that the other party is not his parents, he decides to turn around and leave. With his current 13 squares, no one can take advantage of him except Qin Feng.

Hmm. Except for the three proprietresses, after thinking about it again, let's add the big brother, this one can't even offend Qin Feng, let alone him!That's all, wait, and the eldest child, nothing more.

Just as the front row crab was thinking wildly, Mo Geng also fed the pill to his wife, and then waited anxiously.

Time passed minute by minute, but Mo Geng still stared at his wife on the ice bed intently. Finally, after a while, the figure on the ice bed trembled. Although the amplitude was small, he was still captured by him.

"It works, it works." Mo Geng said excitedly.

"Where am I?" Mo Geng's wife whispered.

"Ah Zhen, you're finally awake." Mo Geng couldn't bear it any longer, and hugged her directly. The latter trembled slightly when he heard the voice, and said, "Si Geng?"

"It's me, it's me, I'm here to pick you up."

The front row crab stared at the other party. To be honest, he was glad that Qin Feng hadn't come over. Otherwise, the other party would have been able to laugh for half a year with just these two titles. If he hadn't considered the current serious scene, he would have wanted to laugh.

A Zhen Sha Geng
If the other party is really his parents, then he must be an accident.

"By the way, A Zhen, I have something to tell you." After lingering for a while, Mo Geng told about the Capricorn Crab and the Red Dragon Clan, and then the situation of the Front Crab.

"As long as he passes the test, we can determine whether he is our child."

"My child, my child." After listening to the narration, Mo Geng's wife looked at the front crab with red eyes, overflowing with maternal love, and said: "I can be sure that he is my child, there is no mistake. "

Mo Geng looked at the front crab tenderly, and said, "No matter what, the rules cannot be broken."

Hearing this, Mo Geng's wife nodded, but her eyes still did not move away from the front crab. Seeing this, Mo Geng chuckled, turned to the front crab and said, "Son, don't be nervous, take your blood essence drip on this statue."

He didn't know if he was nervous or not, but Ken was sure that Mo Geng was very nervous, because the opponent's mighty body was visibly trembling at the moment.According to the words, he forced out a drop of purple-gold essence blood, which fell towards the altar.

Mo Geng and his wife nervously watched the changes in the statue. After a while, the statue in front of them didn't change at all. Just when they were lost, suddenly, the huge statue began to shake slightly, and then, it emitted a burst of blue light. Halo, getting brighter and brighter, and even a little dazzling in the end.

"It's him, mine." Mo Geng's wife said excitedly, but before she could finish speaking, there was a "bang", and the huge statue exploded.

Even Mo Geng didn't react to this change, and the statue left by his ancestors exploded on the spot!What the hell?

Inside the hall, the silence was extremely high, and Mo Geng and his wife looked at the front row crab in astonishment, who also blinked his big eyes innocently.

(End of this chapter)

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