I open a black shop in another world

Chapter 460 The crab who became the king of the sea clan

Chapter 460 The crab who became the king of the sea clan
PS: The upload is late, and everyone is safe and healthy during the Dragon Boat Festival!Today is my mom's birthday!Isn't it very slippery!
The hall, which was already empty, was even more empty now, only the three members of Qianliexie's family were sitting stupidly, looking at the stones all over the floor in a daze, ancestors, I'm guilty.

But one thing to be thankful for is that the identity of the frontline crab has been confirmed, and it is still the real baby of the two of them. Otherwise, the statue would not be able to resonate. Only the blood of the royal family will have such a situation. The power of the blood cannot be forged. As for why It will explode, to be honest, Mo Geng is also at a loss now.

Suddenly, Mo Geng thought of something, and suddenly came to the crab in the front row, looked at the purple and gold lines on the opponent's body, and muttered to himself: "It turned out to be purple. Could it be that child, you force another drop of blood."

"What's the matter, silly Geng?" Mo Hong, the crab's mother in the front line, looked at Mo Geng who was in a hurry suspiciously, and said dissatisfiedly: "It's very harmful to the body to force the child's blood all the time, and he is still growing. Be a father?"

Sure enough, after learning the identity of the front row crab, Mo Hong instantly turned into a baby-protecting madman. The front row crab's body, not to mention a few drops of blood, even a few liters may not be a problem. Who made him in good health!But Mo Hong doesn't think so, her own children can't be hurt a little bit.

"A woman's point of view, what do you know? I suspect that our child is of purple blood." Mo Geng ignored the other party this time, and became a real man for a while, looking straight at the front crab, and said: "Son, don't Listen to your mother, my father will not cheat you, hurry up."

Qian Lie Xie squinted at this strange father, seeing how he looks like the strange sorghum that Qin Feng said tricked the little girl into looking at the goldfish.

Disgusting is disgusting, but he still forced out a drop of blood according to his words.

"It really is purple." Mo Geng looked obsessively at the blood essence in front of him, his eyes were full of obsession, just now he was only focused on confirming the life experience of the front row crab, and forgot to check the power of the bloodline.

Suddenly, Mo Geng laughed loudly and said excitedly: "Purple blood, my son is actually the legendary purple blood, haha,

Jane, did you see it?Our children are of purple blood. "

Even Mo Hong, who had blamed him before, looked at the crab in disbelief at this moment, his eyes full of shock.

Qian Lie Xie looked at the laughing Mo Geng suspiciously, the father he finally found wouldn't lose his mind, he made such a fuss!

After a while, Mo Geng restrained himself a bit, came to the front crab, and said with a smile: "Son, you will definitely become the Capricorn crab of the King of the Sea Clan."

Suddenly, Mo Geng thought of something, and without waiting for the front crab to speak, he turned around and walked towards a corner of the hall. When he came back again, there was a golden box in his hand.

"Do you know why the Red Dragon Clan betrayed?"

The first crab stared at the box in his hand, and said indifferently: "For the box in your hand."

"Hahaha, as expected of my son, not only his blood is strong, but he is also so smart." Mo Geng looked proud.

The first crab felt his heart twitch for a moment, and he finally understood why his mother called him a fool. How did such an IQ become the patriarch?It is really a miracle that the Capricorn crab has not been wiped out.Mo Hong also looked embarrassed on the side.

Mo Geng didn't care about the gazes of the two at all, and continued to show off: "Then guess what's inside!"

Fuck, come on, the front crab took a deep breath, seriously, if it wasn't for the face of the other party being his father, he really wanted to do it, where did this weird thing come from, just take a box and let people guess what's inside What it is, a ghost can guess.

"You can't guess it." Mo Geng chuckled, and suddenly, his expression froze, he slowly opened the box, and said, "There is a drop of blood essence inside, strictly speaking, it is the blood essence of a divine beast."

Mo Hong obviously knew about this situation, so she didn't show much shock on her face. Both of them looked at the front crab at the moment, but what surprised them was that after the latter heard the "spiritual blood of the beast", nothing but curiosity Besides, there is no other look.

Seeing this, Mo Geng nodded in satisfaction. What he didn't know was that the front row crab had seen many big scenes. How could a drop of the blood of a divine beast be able to move him?
"That's right, don't be moved by the temptation, keep it up." Mo Geng said appreciatively, "This drop of divine animal blood was found in a ruins for my father and Long Yao, and it was originally prepared for you. I didn't expect that guy He would launch a mutiny for this."

After finishing speaking, Mo Geng directly handed the box in his hand to the front row crab, and said: "After absorbing the blood essence of the beast god, your bloodline power will increase again. At that time, you will inherit the position of patriarch and lead the Capricorn crab clan. Become the king of the entire sea clan."

The first crab looked at the powerful blood exuding from the box, and after a while, he shook his head and said, "Dad, let's leave the blood essence to mom."

Hearing this, Mo Geng and his wife showed a look of relief, and Mo Hong even said: "Silly boy, compared with the whole ethnic group, my injury is nothing, your filial piety is enough."

"Mother, you're worrying too much. This blood is not very helpful to the child. It won't take long for my blood power to break through again." Qian Lianxie explained.

Mo Geng and his wife were instantly startled by his words, and they looked at each other in shock. The blood of the beast is not very effective?And according to the other party's wishes, the power of the bloodline can break through again immediately!

Mo Geng and his wife are very clear about how difficult it is to improve the blood power of the Warcraft family. What's more, the front crab has reached the intensity of purple, and if it breaks through again, what the hell, is this guy really his own son?

Seeing the shocked looks of the two, the front crab smiled slightly and continued: "Besides, I am the boss's contract monster. I must follow him and cannot inherit the position of patriarch, so Dad, the Capricorn crab clan can only be controlled by you." Continue to lead."

What?Contract Warcraft?

Hearing what Qian Lianxie said, the faces of Mo Geng and his wife changed drastically in an instant. The next moment, a powerful murderous intent erupted from both of them, and they said angrily: "It's unreasonable, what cunning means did humans use to deceive you, no, He must die, you are a rare genius in our clan, and also our hope to unify the Sea Clan, as a father, go and kill him now."

After finishing speaking, Mo Geng walked out of the store with a determined face. Seeing this, Mo Hong didn't stop her. Her son is so outstanding that he has become someone else's contract monster. How can she bear it?

When the first crab saw this, he almost peed in fright, and hurriedly stopped the other party, saying: "Father, if you don't want your mother to be a widow, you'd better not go."

Mo Geng stopped in his tracks, looked at him steadily, and said, "Son, don't worry, daddy's horror is beyond your comprehension, so don't worry."

The first crab gave the other party a blank look, and said: "I don't know that you are terrifying, but I can be sure that the boss wants to kill you, just like playing."

"True or not, son, you can't boost other people's ambitions and destroy your own prestige." Mo Geng said with a puzzled look on his face, "Or do you want to protect that human being?"

"I want to protect you. Even the high-ranking powerhouses who comprehend the law of time have been dealt with by the boss a few times. How long can you last?" Qianqian Xie gave Mo Geng a blank look and said.

This time, Mo Geng and his wife were shocked again, and the powerhouse of the law of time was overrun in a few strokes. My God, if this is the case, it is really impossible, but when he thinks that his son has become a contracted monster, he will Feeling guilty.

Seeing Mo Geng's dilemma, the frontline crab continued: "Besides, how do you think my purple blood came from? Naturally?"

"Isn't it?" Mo Geng looked blank.

"Of course not, it was cultivated later." The front row crab felt a little speechless, patted his forehead, and said, "Forget it, let me show you my snacks first!"

After finishing speaking, the first crab took out a lot of fetishes, and Mo Geng and his wife looked at the pair of fetishes exuding powerful divine power, their eyes widened suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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