Yin Yang Antique Shop

Chapter 10 The Man Behind

Chapter 10 The Man Behind
The old ghost laughed crazily as if hearing something ridiculous, "The walking dead? That's better than me now. Why am I hiding in this gloomy place? Isn't it just to see the light of day again?"

Seeing his crazy appearance, I couldn't help sneering, "This is your purpose? Just now you pretended to know nothing, but now it's finally revealed? You killed him for your own selfish desires. With so many people, even if you can see the light of day again, you will die a terrible death!"

Thinking of Ruan Meng's despair when he was about to lose Ruan Tianhua, I couldn't help my anger. There are people who don't take other people's lives seriously, so there are so many separations in this world!
Jun Siyan blushed when he saw that I was angry, he patted my shoulder lightly to make me feel relieved, then his whole body turned into a flash of white light, the old ghost screamed and wanted to run away, the black and white lights were entangled together It's like a Tai Chi.

I also want to join the battle, but after thinking about it, I stopped. It would be bad if I hurt Jun Siyan. The waiting time is always extremely long. In my eyes, 1 minute seems to have passed Like a year.

As expected, Jun Siyan did not disappoint me, the old ghost is not enough to look at in his hands, "Where is the person who taught you the soul returning technique?" He grabbed the old ghost by the neck and asked coldly.

"I... I don't know where he is, he is the one who contacts me every time." The old ghost had difficulty speaking when his throat was choked.

"He also taught you the soul returning technique on your body?" Jun Siyan looked at the old ghost carefully, his eyes were very strange.

"Yes...he said he could let me walk in the sun again, and he also taught me such a spell." The old ghost also knew that his life was in Jun Siyan's hands, so he told everything honestly.

"Hehe, he really is still so insidious. The soul return technique taught to you can't let you walk in the sun at all. At most, you can maintain your current appearance. The real power is in his own hands, thanks to you being used by him It's ridiculous to be complacent after so long!" Jun Siyan sneered and told the truth, and the old ghost couldn't believe it.

He even forgot to struggle, and kept muttering to himself that it was impossible. Seeing him like this, Jun Siyan also let go of the hand that was holding his throat.A strange smile suddenly appeared on the old ghost's face, which made me flustered.

Sure enough, before I could remind Jun Siyan, the old ghost turned into tens of thousands of black light spots and disappeared into the room. Jun Siyan didn't expect him to escape like this, so he cursed secretly before withdrawing his hand .

"What kind of trick did he use just now?" I asked curiously, could the old ghost know the spell of doppelganger?But if he knows this kind of spell, why is he still confronting us for so long.

"That's another usage of the soul return technique. It can save your life at a critical moment, but the old ghost won't feel much better. I guess the injury this time is enough for him to drink a pot. Let's go." Jun Seeing that the most important person was gone, Si Yan led me towards the exit.

"Who do you think is behind the scenes?" I followed him, the place was gloomy, although I was brave, but in such a terrifying atmosphere, I was still a little scared, so I had no choice but to find something to talk to Jun Siyan to chat with.

"Whoever will receive the backlash will be the one. The old ghost will definitely not be able to accept so much soul power. His soul return technique has not yet come home, and he has only learned half of it. This hospital must have his helper. Let's find it in a circle. Got it." Jun Siyan led me to the door of the mortuary, his brows frowned slightly, and then disappeared into a white light before my eyes, the familiar feeling told me that he had returned to my right eye.

"Miss Meng, where have you been? We've been looking for you." A few bodyguards saw me around the corner and ran over quickly. Only then did I know why Jun Siyan disappeared so quickly just now.

This awkward man is still unwilling to let others see him!What a proud little prince.

"I went to do some errands, what's the matter, did something happen?" They led me the way, and I also experienced the feeling of having a bodyguard, um, it's not bad, for a moment I also felt that I was a little rich woman.

"It's like this, Mr. Wang. When the director of this hospital came to see his wife in the ward, he suddenly vomited blood and fainted. He couldn't wake up no matter how much he screamed, so his wife asked us to come out to find you." The bodyguard truthfully described the situation just now. Tell me, and sure enough, someone's horse's feet have been exposed.

Jun Siyan also sent me a message saying that Mr. Wang had a problem. I talked with him for a while, and when we got to the ward, the flowers in the vase had disappeared, and Ruan Tianhua was standing next to Ruan Meng to comfort her.

There was a man who looked refined and refined lying on the bed, but the strong resentment on his body told me that this man was not kind.

"Yao Yi, you are finally back. Wang Ming fainted suddenly. Is there something like that again..." Ruan Meng didn't say the last part of the sentence. I knew what she was referring to, but I haven't come to a conclusion yet. I unbuttoned Wang Ming's clothes, and now Ruan Meng next to me hesitated to speak. I knew what she wanted to say, but isn't this an extraordinary time, and I have to resort to extraordinary measures.

I took out a yellow talisman from my backpack, stuck it on Wang Ming's chest after being stained with the blood of my middle finger. If he was a normal person, this talisman would not have any effect, but if there is something wrong with him, this The talisman paper will quickly turn black, this is the method I often use to test the energy of resentment.

Before waiting for a few seconds, the talisman paper turned black at a speed visible to the naked eye. Sure enough, there was something wrong with Wang Ming!
"Yailing, how's it going? Is it resolved?" Ruan Meng stood aside and looked at Wang Ming worriedly.If she knew that this gentle-looking man lying on the hospital bed was a murderous devil, wouldn't she be able to accept it?
"What's your relationship with him?" I decided it would be better to test Ruan Meng's tone, lest she not believe me.

"He and I are ordinary friends... It's just that she has been pursuing me." Ruan Meng stared at her with bright eyes, halfway through the sentence, she still told the truth, but she was also a little embarrassed, maybe in a It's a little embarrassing for the little girl to say this in front of her son.

"That's the best. I'm afraid you won't be able to accept what I said because you have something to do with him." I breathed a sigh of relief and found a chair and sat down. , I don’t know how many innocent people have been killed in this hospital, if I’m one step late, I think your son’s soul will be taken away by him too.”

"How is it possible?" Ruan Meng looked at me in surprise. She probably didn't expect that the gentle and gentle man by her side was actually a murderous demon behind his back, and almost killed her own son.

"Mom, I've wanted to tell you for a long time. You seemed to be possessed at the beginning. Don't you know what kind of person my dad is? You have been in love for so long, how could he cheat? And just now Fortunately, I was discovered by you. Let’s talk about Uncle Wang. He usually moves very strangely, but you still think he is a good man. If I hadn’t had an accident this time, you would probably have married him. Killed."

Ruan Tianhua was originally very soft and cute. After such an emotional offensive, we all felt sad when listening to him, let alone Ruan Meng.

Just as she was about to speak, Wang Ming groaned on the hospital bed. It seemed that he was about to wake up and had another good show to watch. Ruan Tianhua gave him a questioning look, and I blinked at him, indicating that everything was under my control. among.

In fact, I don't know, but Jun Siyan just told me that Wang Ming's own abilities have all disappeared after the backlash, and now he is like an ordinary person, and maybe there will be some residual diseases. I was relieved when he said that.

If Wang Ming can't accept this fact, and he still has some skills, I won't have a place to cry when the time comes, and I will have to smash my master's signboard.

(End of this chapter)

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