Yin Yang Antique Shop

Chapter 9 Corpse Oil Lamp

Chapter 9 Corpse Oil Lamp

Jun Siyan and I walked down the stairs, and I accidentally stepped on the empty steps in this place where you can't see your fingers.

Jun Siyan supported me with all his strength, and his other hand waved in the air, and many small blue light spots slowly appeared around us, illuminating the tunnel.

I looked up at Jun Siyan. Under the blue light, Jun Siyan's facial lines seemed to soften a lot. His face was too good-looking.

"Let's go." Jun Siyan reminded lightly, but he didn't let go of my hand.

At the end of the stairs is a passage, and Jun Siyan and I walked in tandem.

Suddenly, the oil lamps on both sides of the passage turned on by themselves, and an old voice rang in my ears: "I didn't expect you to come here. I didn't want to embarrass you. Now it seems that you must die."

The entrance of the passage we walked in was slowly closed, and the stone door was smashed heavily on the ground, completely blocking our way out...

"Broken Dragon Stone." Jun Siyan didn't seem worried, "It seems a little unusual."

The smoke from the burning oil lamp filled the entire passage, and I inhaled the smoke, and I was in a trance for a while.I took a step back in dizziness, and Jun Siyan quickly supported me: "What's wrong with you?"

I vaguely saw Jun Siyan's face, but his face gradually became blurred, and another scene appeared in front of me.

It was a sea of ​​flowers, endless flowers, and the sky was rainbow-colored.Suddenly, colorful lights appeared in the sky, and the colorful lights were cast into the sea of ​​flowers, and a human figure slowly appeared, but it was just a nothingness human figure.

"Have you forgotten your mission, have you forgotten what you are going to do? Think about it, hurry up!" the figure spoke, his voice carried an invisible oppression, and that oppressive feeling directly pressed against the On my body, in my mind, a pair of eyes full of fear appeared.

"You can't hesitate anymore, don't forget why you are here, remember quickly..." The fear in those eyes became darker and darker, but a black hole suddenly appeared in the sky, and the black hole took the figure Sucked away, those eyes slowly disappeared from my mind.

"Don't forget your mission..." The figure gradually disappeared before my eyes, but his words kept echoing in my mind like a curse.

I opened my eyes suddenly, and what caught my eyes was Jun Siyan's anxious face: "Meng Yaoye, what's wrong with you?"

Only then did I realize that I was lying in Jun Siyan's arms, and Jun Siyan was sitting on the ground holding me.

I stretched out my finger and pressed my temple: "I seem to have a very strange dream. But, why did I suddenly faint?"

"It's because of these corpse oil lamps." Jun Siyan looked at the oil lamps on both sides of the aisle, "These oil lamps are made from corpse oil. Once people inhale the smoke of corpse oil, they will fall into a hallucination and may never wake up." come over."

"Then are you okay?" I thought about my dream just now, was it really just an illusion, but everything was so real, especially what that person said, it was really too real.

"These things are useless to me, so I didn't pay much attention to them. I didn't expect you to be tricked." Jun Siyan helped me stand up, "Are you still dizzy now?"

I shook my head: "I didn't expect that person to be quite cunning."

"Let's go, this should be his old den, and now he probably hasn't thought that we have escaped from the illusion." Jun Siyan said.

I looked at the corpse oil lamps on both sides and felt uncomfortable all the time: "I always think these corpse oil lamps are weird."

"It's really weird. Ordinary corpse oil lamps won't have such a powerful effect. It's just because the corpse oil collected by that person is the corpse of a person who died unjustly. People who died unjustly have a lot of resentment. This kind of resentment can even stay on their corpses. There is a lot of resentment in the corpse oil. Once it is burned into smoke and inhaled, it will produce hallucinations, and those resentful spirits enshrined in the corpse oil lamp will take the opportunity to kill him and then occupy him. body, live on."

"Then I was almost killed in the illusion just now?"

"Don't worry, with me here, nothing will happen to you."

Jun Siyan seemed to be talking about a very ordinary thing, but I was a little moved in my heart.In these years, even the master had never made such a promise to her, and it was the first time someone cared about her so much.

"Get out of here quickly, the corpse oil lamp has no effect on me, but it has a great impact on you." Jun Siyan reminded, and I followed Jun Siyan to continue walking.

At this moment, in the secret room, the old ghost looked at the scene reflected on the wall with a look of surprise. It was actually the scene I just saw in the illusion.

A thoughtful look flashed in the old ghost's eyes, who is she?
What is produced because of the corpse oil lamp is not a hallucination, but the most painful memory of this person. Maybe they will forget it, but as long as it exists, it will be awakened.

In other words, everything in the illusion is real.If all this is true, then who is Meng Yaoyao, her identity does not seem to be simple.

The old ghost wants to switch scenes and see the man's memory.However, it was blank!
A drop of cold sweat dripped from the old ghost's forehead, how could it not?Meng Yaoyi has already been recruited, which means that the man did not notice the oil lamp, unless the corpse oil lamp has no effect on this man.

Corpse oil lamps are the best way to seize the wronged soul. If the corpse oil lamp has no effect on that man, it can only prove one thing, this man has no soul, or he is a dead person!
Thinking of this, the old ghost felt that his current situation was very dangerous. He quickly got up and wanted to leave, but the next second he heard a familiar voice: "You are in such a hurry, where are you going?"

The old ghost looked back in disbelief, and standing behind him were Jun Siyan and Meng Yaoyi!

"How did you get in?" The location of this secret room is very remote, how could they find it in such a short time?
"Isn't it just to find a mouse hole, what's the problem?" The corners of my mouth curled up.

The old ghost looked at Jun Siyan who was standing beside him. For some reason, he felt a little terrified when he saw this man now.This man easily saw through his mechanism, dispelled all the grievances, and even awakened Meng Yao from the illusion of the corpse oil lamp. He was really scary.

I saw the astonished look on the old ghost's face, and I felt better: "Aren't you very proud before, and you put down the broken dragon stone to block our way. I thought you did this to treat us well, How did you see us so surprised?"

The old ghost's eyes fell on the small figures next to him, and Jun Siyan's cold words shattered his illusion: "Don't perform the soul return technique in front of me, it's just playing tricks on others."

After hearing Jun Siyan's words, the old ghost was even more surprised. This man actually knows the soul return technique?

"What on earth do you want to do?" The old ghost has been hiding in this secret room for a long time, and it can be said that he has not seen the sun all year round. He is wearing a black cloak, and his dry cheeks make him look as terrifying as a corpse. .

"Why do you want to harm those people, are you responsible for what happened in this hospital?" I asked.

"I don't know what happened in the hospital. I'm just hiding here. You should be able to tell that I'm about to die. I'm just hiding here waiting to die." The old ghost was still quibbling.

I looked at such an old ghost, and the anger in my heart continued to rise: "Do you think we all know the soul return technique, and don't know what you did? You were the one who wanted to kill me in Ruan Tianhua's ward that day." Well, dare to do it but not admit it, that's all."

The old ghost smiled, but his withered face like a tree trunk and that smile were really as disgusting as he wanted: "I've already said it, I'm just a poor old man with nothing. I know. I'm locked up here, can you take me out?"

I have to look at the old ghost's shamelessness with admiration, he has refreshed my three views: "If this is the case, then don't blame me for being rude." I took out a piece of talisman paper and put it on the old ghost's forehead. The ghost quickly escaped: "Little baby, why are you so excited, I'm an old man, don't you know how to respect the old?"

"As you said, the old man is respected, not a dead person." Jun Siyan said at this moment, he looked at the old ghost with a gloomy smile on his face, "I'm afraid you are not about to die, but You are already dead. Now you are just hiding here, using the semi-completed soul return technique to continue your life, I am afraid that once you are exposed to the sun, Heavenly Dao will find you immediately, and you will become a rotten corpse."

The smile on the old ghost's face finally disappeared, and he looked at the man in front of him warily: "Who are you, and you know a lot. But, you are probably not a living person, are you?"

"I'm really not a living person." Jun Siyan laughed.

The old ghost looked at Jun Siyan and then at me, with an evil light flashing in his eyes: "You and I are the same kind of people, why don't you kill this little girl. When I practice the soul return technique, even the Dao of Heaven will be destroyed." You can't help me, how about I take you with me when the time comes?"

"It's a good proposal." Jun Siyan looked at me suddenly, but I was not afraid at all when I heard Jun Siyan's words. Maybe I don't know when I have believed in him and believed that he would not hurt me. .

Sure enough, Jun Siyan cast his eyes on the old ghost again: "But it's a pity, I don't need it! And the soul return technique you are practicing now, I don't like it at all. Even if you succeed, you are just a walking dead .”

(End of this chapter)

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