Yin Yang Antique Shop

Chapter 206 Shocking One Night

Chapter 206

The yin around this well is obviously much thicker than other places. In fact, wells are generally places with relatively heavy yin. Some places will attract people to commit suicide before the wells are about to dry up. Of course, those are also those who are light on business. will be attracted to it.

But once a well has died, it will become a dead well. The water in it will not only be unusable, but also the weak people will not be able to pass through, because the resentment inside will make the weak people weaker, and in the end it will be for no reason. This is one of the reasons why some people in rural areas seem to be in good health, but all of a sudden they fail.

So we still have to take a look at this well. It is very likely that there is something hidden in it. Suddenly stretched out a hand, the kid I saw today slowly poked his head out, and smiled weirdly at us.

The master and the three of them cooperated tacitly to summon the spell, and then the master began to light incense. During the process, he still reminded me to go far away. This is a ghost corpse, not a little ghost at all.

Hearing what the master said, I quickly stood aside. If it was a ghost corpse, I couldn't help at all. It's better to stay on the side honestly.No wonder I said why this little ghost can hurt people. It turns out that he is a ghost corpse. This is a rare evil thing. I have only heard of it before, and even the master has only seen it two or three times.

First of all, ghost corpses are a type of zombies. They still eat flesh and blood. Unlike zombies, their souls still exist in their bodies. When they die, they suffer great pain and cannot express their grievances. It turned into a zombie. If it happened to be cloudy and cloudy at that time, it might become a ghost corpse. There are indispensable steps. This child is probably an innocent victim.

The ghost corpse was a little afraid of the spells hovering around it, and kept yelling at the master and the others, but when they tried to touch the spell with their hands, they would be knocked back. They took them all out, it seems that they also know that ghost corpses are difficult to deal with, so they want to preemptively strike, and don't give it any chance to take advantage of it.

I stood not far from them to watch what the master did. Now the ghost corpse is at a disadvantage, but there must be no slack in the slightest, otherwise it is very likely to run away. After all, it is only trapped and not injured.

I don’t know if it’s because I’ve been outside for a long time and it’s a bit cold. I always feel that my body is cold, as if there are ice cubes around me. I rub my shoulders. Maybe it’s because of the heavy yin here. Now The weather here is also a bit cold, now I just hope that the master and the others can solve it as soon as possible and go back early.

"Giggle..." There was a burst of small laughter suddenly, it felt like someone was standing beside me laughing.

I turned my head and used the flashlight to shine on the position behind me. There was nothing beside me. Could it be my illusion?I continued to watch the master and the others do it. The ghost corpse was smoked and screamed on the ground after being hit by them with the thunder talisman. Subdued by ghosts.

The night wind blew, and I felt as if I had fallen into an ice cellar. I don’t know when the fog started, and the figures of Master and the others gradually disappeared into the fog. I could only see three vague black figures. I'm a little uneasy, I want to see if the master has subdued the ghost, but the master asked me to stand here just now, what if I accidentally broke their spell in the past?And now it's foggy again, making it even harder to see clearly.

When I was hesitating, a black figure suddenly flashed beside me, my heart beat faster, I turned around and looked over, but there was nothing, no one dared to come out of this village at night, so it goes without saying what I saw just now Yu, I try my best to calm down my mood. I can't be afraid. If I get scared, my sun lamp will definitely start to erratic, and those ghosts will definitely come to me at that time.

I walked towards the master and the others. The closer I got, the more strange I felt. Why did the master and the others seem to be frozen, as if they were motionless?Could it be that the ghost corpse has been subdued?

"Master?" The three of them had their backs to me, and under the cover of thick fog, I stopped when I was one meter away from them and called out softly, "Master."

But the strange thing is that they didn't seem to hear it. Standing there motionless, the uneasiness in my heart became more intense. Master and the others, nothing happened, right?Thinking of this, I might not care about the formation they set up, so I hurried forward, and as soon as I got to the master, I saw his stiff face turned away before I could speak, "You are finally here."

After finishing speaking, the master and the three of them giggled. The more I looked at them, the more frightened I became. They were not my master and uncle. I quickly turned around and ran towards the village. Now I don’t know where the master and the others have gone. I can only go to the village to avoid it first, otherwise I will definitely not be able to escape tonight.

"Where are you going?" A child's voice suddenly came from next to my ear, and I froze in place as if I was frozen. Who was talking, and it was right next to my ear?

I suddenly remembered something my master once told me. There was a Taoist priest who went to exorcise ghosts, but he didn’t expect that there were more than one ghost in that village. After removing one, he thought it was gone, but he didn’t expect a ghost to exist. When he was relaxing, he would secretly lie on his back. At that time, he was exhausted after getting rid of the ghost, and the sun lamp was not as bright as usual, so the ghost took advantage of it and covered his eyes.

The Taoist priest had been dead for a long time when he was discovered later. He was clearly outside the village, only one step away, but he seemed to be unable to walk in. There were traces of blood everywhere around him. The Taoist priest died Miserable.

I remembered that today I was frightened by ghost corpses at the beginning. I was sure that the sun lamp was not so stable at that time. Later, when I was near the well, I didn’t rest because of the heavy yin. Maybe it was at that time that I was raped by little ghosts. I got up... I swallowed a mouthful of saliva, if my guess is true, then this brat should be on my body now.

Trembling, I took out the mirror from my pocket. This is what I usually want to use to see if I have acne on my face. It is only the size of a palm, but now it is my life-saving straw. The mirror has the effect of warding off evil spirits, which is why The reason why some people in rural areas hang mirrors at the door of the main house is that some pregnant women can also wear a small mirror on themselves because their yang energy is low, which can also make those ghosts a little more afraid.

I looked in the mirror with a flashlight, and suddenly shone on my face. The expected screams did not sound, and I opened my eyes with some doubts. Could it be that my guess was wrong?

I just took the flashlight away, but I saw a pair of pale hands in the mirror. Those hands covered my forehead and just blocked my seal. The kid was still on me, but its position changed.

I moved the mirror to the top of my head, and a pale little face appeared in the mirror. The kid seemed to notice that I was looking at it, and smiled towards the mirror, revealing a mouthful of sharp black teeth.

'Click——' There was a crisp sound, and the mirror suddenly shattered into several pieces for some reason, and my eyes were also covered by the kid, and I could no longer see anything.

I wanted to take out the talisman from my pocket, but every muscle in my body seemed to be stiff, and I couldn't move at all, so I could only stand there and let myself be manipulated.

"Let's play games, play hide-and-seek, I'll come to you, and if I find you, you won't be able to escape." The little ghost suddenly let go of his hand covering my eyes, and said in my ear with a smile.

Now I have no choice but to nod and agree, "How do you want to play?"

The little ghost appeared in front of me. He looked like an ordinary boy, but he had large and small wounds on his body, and his pupils were also pure black, which gave people a strange feeling.

"Go and hide, I'll come looking for you, if I find you, I won't be able to escape." The kid tilted his head and said innocently.

I feel bitter in my heart, but there is no other way now, I can only hold this brat first, and I don’t know where the master and the others have gone. What I saw just now is definitely not them. Maybe I have already felt the cold from the very beginning. I was blinded by ghosts, and now the surrounding fog is not as thick as before, and I can barely see the surrounding situation clearly.

The little ghost turned around and counted, and I quickly ran in the opposite direction. Although I didn't know where I should hide, it was better than staying here.

I don't know how long I've been running, but the little ghost's voice is faintly heard. I should be some distance away from him, but where is this place?I looked around in a daze. I didn't know this place at all. I stumbled and walked in the bushes. I quickly found a house not far away, which gave me a little more confidence. As long as I could get into the house, the kid would definitely I can't get in.

I didn't care about my leg being scratched, and walked towards the house at the fastest speed in my life. When I stood at the door, I didn't have time to be happy. My whole body seemed to be poured with cold water. Dead wizard's, how did I come here?
After hesitating at the door for a while, I gritted my teeth and walked in. I ran out of time. If I go any further, I will definitely be chased by the kid. If I hide inside and cover up the yang energy on my body, maybe Can still escape.

(End of this chapter)

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