Yin Yang Antique Shop

Chapter 207 Jun Siyan Appears

Chapter 207 Jun Siyan Appears

I was still hesitating in my heart. My body had already made a decision. I just walked into the house. I don’t know if it was my psychology or what was going on. I always felt that the house was gloomy.Taking a deep breath, I suppressed the fear in my heart and groped in a dark room, hoping to find a place that could accommodate me.

My eyes gradually adapted to the darkness, and I could roughly see the outline of things in the room. This should be the wizard's bedroom. I looked at the furnishings in this room with some despair. The only thing that could hide me was the one under the bed. Space, it can be discovered right away, I can't take chances, this is not a game, if I don't pay attention, I will really die here, I don't want to do this!
Touching the white jade on my chest, I turned around and was about to go out. At this moment, I suddenly heard the sound of the door being opened. The sound of the door being pushed open made me very nervous. Coming soon?When I came in just now, the door was already closed by me, who else would come here besides it?

But now there is no time for me to think so much, I hurriedly and cautiously got under the bed, holding my breath, hoping that the kid would not find me.

The sound of footsteps came towards the room where I was hiding, and my heart was in my throat, but then I suddenly heard the voice of someone talking, are those Thai wizards?I breathed a sigh of relief, but immediately my heart raised again, what are they doing here?If they find me... I can't help but shiver when I think about how I've become their killing tool.

The room was lit with lights, and it brightened up immediately.I shrunk my body into the shadows, and didn't even dare to breathe too hard, for fear of being discovered by them. I'm not sure I can deal with the two of them, and I don't know how many brats are there around them... brats?By the way, why didn't I see the kid next to them?Could it be that they usually put it away?

The two of them didn't know what to look for in the room. After turning over the closet, I turned over the bed, and I curled up in a small corner under the bed, hoping they wouldn't notice me. Fortunately, I didn't think about that closet just now, otherwise As soon as they opened the cabinet, I couldn't escape even if I wanted to. Although the situation is as bad now, at least I haven't been found, and I can still escape.

The two went out with a lamp, and the room returned to silence. I could faintly hear them rummaging for things in the next room, and occasionally I could hear some angry words popping out of their mouths. What are you looking for?I'm very hesitant right now, wondering if I want to take advantage of this time to escape, but that kid made me dare not make any moves, and now it's really hard to ride a tiger.

I sighed and hugged myself tighter. It is really cold to lie on the ground in this weather. I feel that half of my body has become cold. The time tonight is extremely long. Can I escape?Where did the master and the other masters go? I don’t know if they found out that something happened to me. I hope the master will come to save me quickly, otherwise I really can’t hold on.

When I was thinking about it, I felt a little drowsy. When I was in a daze, I suddenly saw a pair of children's feet appearing in front of the bed. That color... I woke up immediately, and my heartbeat began to speed up. That kid came over, and I My mind is full of the way it grinned at me and what it said. If I was discovered by it, I would definitely have no way to survive today.

The little ghost turned around in the room, and my heart went up and down following its movements. It probably didn't notice me and was about to go out. I just breathed a sigh of relief, and the little ghost suddenly giggled, "So you're hiding here, I found you."

It walked to the bed and squatted down while talking, staring at me with a pair of jet-black eyes, the smile on the corner of its mouth was like my nightmare, and I also broke the jar, anyway, I can’t escape, it’s better to be with me It fights hard, even if it really can't escape in the end, then I will admit it.

I muttered the mantra silently, and the spells in the bag flew out one by one to surround the little ghosts. I quickly took advantage of this moment to crawl out from under the bed. Maybe it was because I was curled up for too long, my body was still a little uncomfortable, so I crawled out Suddenly, he staggered and almost fell to the ground.

That kid didn't seem to have thought that I could still have the thought of resisting, and let out a sharp cry, and the Yin Qi on his body spread out like a spring, and the spell I released couldn't dispel so much Yin Qi at all. Seeing that things were not going well, I resisted the pain in my legs and wanted to run out. As soon as I got to the door, I saw the culprits of this incident, those two Thai wizards.

The two of them were surprised when they saw the kid in the room and me. It’s funny to say that we were stunned for about ten seconds before I realized that I wanted to deal with them. They also released a cloud of black mist , I don’t know what Chiligulu said, the black mist is coming straight at me, my spell can barely withstand it for a while, but those two Thai wizards obviously have the upper hand, the hope in my heart is like The candles in my house are going out little by little. It seems that today I really can't escape, but I still have a lot of things to do, and I still want to see Jun Siyan...

Just as I was struggling to resist, I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my shoulder. When I looked sideways, half of the kid's hand was almost inserted into my shoulder, and blood gushed out.I exhaled in pain, and under the disordered breathing, those spells lost their previous power.

Two wizards took this opportunity to rush over and kick me on the cabinet. I heard the crisp sound of the bones in my back. I could only curl up on the ground in pain. The white jade was broken into several pieces. I struggled to think Wanting to get the white jade back, he stepped on my hand hard with one foot. The wizard said something bitterly, but I couldn't understand it. Now I only feel that my soul is about to come out of my body. Probably the state of a dying person.

The two wizards picked me up and lit a few candles beside me. I knew the smell was corpse oil as soon as I smelled it. They should be preparing to take my soul now. I smiled weakly, no Thinking of how I died like this, I don't know if I will be conscious in the future. When the master sees me doing evil, will I be able to do it?
The two wizards began to chant spells, and they drew a series of symbols on my body. The thing used to draw the symbols was like engraving on the soul. Now I can’t even open my eyes because of the pain. Things were pulled, and my soul was pulled from time to time. The pain made me want to end my life quickly.

When I was in a daze, I suddenly heard a roar, the voice really seemed to be Jun Siyan's, but then I smiled wryly, the white jade was smashed, Jun Siyan didn't know where it was, how could he Come here?Maybe one day when he thinks of me, I've already turned into a handful of loess, but... I really want to see him again.

It’s been a while since the pain that pulled my soul just now, my eyes were covered with tears and ashes, I couldn’t see anything clearly, but I could hear the sound of heavy objects hitting the ground clearly, yes Is someone coming to my rescue?Hope was ignited in my heart again, "Master...Master, ahem, is that you?"

My voice is now as bad as the harsh sound of fingernails on the blackboard, but now I can't care about it, I want to live, I still have a lot of things to do.

A white figure slowly appeared in front of my eyes, I couldn't see his face, but I knew who he was by feeling, Jun Siyan really came.I don't know why, my throat seems to be blocked by a big rock, and I can't say anything, tears are like a flood that has broken the embankment, even though it was so painful just now, I didn't cry so hard.

"Yi Yao, don't be afraid, I'm coming." Jun Siyan squatted down and carefully hugged me in his arms, like holding a fragile treasure.His tone was a little trembling, big drops of warm liquid fell on my face, and Jun Siyan cried.

"Why did you come here? I'm so scared." I leaned my head into his arms and asked like a baby.All those fears just now were dispelled, even the pain on my body was not so obvious, as long as I lay in his arms, I felt at ease.

Jun Siyan carefully wiped off the filth on my face. I saw him who had been thinking about him day and night, and felt that he was a lot haggard. I didn't know where he had been during this time.

I raised my hand in distress and wanted to touch his face, but I managed to raise my hand only to find that my hand was covered with a mixture of blood and mud. It was made when I was just injured. I didn't want to dirty his face. face, and wanted to put his hand back, Jun Siyan quickly grabbed my hand, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "Why? Are you still shy?" He put my hand on his face, and the blood stained his face Dirty, I wanted to pull my hand back, but Jun Siyan refused to give it.

"Your face is all dirty..."

"It's okay, I'm very happy, really, you don't have to worry." Jun Siyan smiled, but when he spoke, he was trembling, and tears fell down uncontrollably.It was the first time I saw him like this, and I felt very distressed.

"Don't cry, I'm fine, I don't hurt at all." I understood what he was thinking now, and quickly comforted him.

Jun Siyan wanted to say something, but he opened his mouth but didn't say anything, he could only hold me in his arms, and he said after a long time, "I'm sorry, I didn't take good care of you, I worried too much, I hurt you, if I was by your side, this kind of thing would definitely not happen, sway, I'm sorry...I'm sorry..."

(End of this chapter)

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