Yin Yang Antique Shop

Chapter 214 Spirit of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 214 Spirit of Heaven and Earth
"You'll know if you stay." Jun Siyan didn't answer me directly, but said mysteriously.

After Xu Yu and the others went out, Jun Siyan also set up a white light at the door. I asked him what it was, and Jun Siyan smiled, "This is to prevent eavesdropping and peeping. What we have to do is too much." Strange, if it gets out, you may not be at peace for the rest of your life, so we must be careful."

I was confused, but Jun Siyan will not harm me, as long as I follow him.

"What are you doing, Tan Yang will kill you if he finds out!" I watched Jun Siyan's movements in surprise, he had already taken off most of Jasmine's clothes, exposing the hideous wound on his chest.

After Jun Siyan heard my words, the movement of his hands stopped, "How can I save her if I don't expose the wound, or are you jealous?"

Jun Siyan looked at me with a half-smile, but couldn't utter what he wanted to justify... Well, I admit, I'm a little jealous.

This is the first time I have seen a girl like Sleeping Beauty, even though she is a monster, the cat ears on her head make her even more cute.Even I think she is pretty, so what about Jun Siyan, I am not a generous person, I definitely hope that my lover only sees me.

Seeing me like this, Jun Siyan couldn't help but chuckled, "Fool, have I seen too many beauties? I've lived for so many years, and the only one who caught my eye was a little fool."

After he finished speaking, he started to move his hands again. The sour feeling in my heart just now was driven away by the sweetness, and I became happy, "Is there anything I can do for you now?"

"No, just watch from the side. I'll call you later." Jun Siyan concentrated on pulling out white things from Jasmine's wound, which looked disgusting. What exactly are these?
After a while, Jun Siyan suddenly cut open his palm, and his blood was actually golden in color. I was a little surprised to see him take half a bowl, and the blood seemed to have its own vitality and was still slowly simmering in the bowl. flow.On the other hand, Jun Siyan's face turned pale immediately, as if he had lost too much blood.

"Jun Siyan, what's the matter with you, are you alright?" I hurried over to support him and asked with concern.

"Yang Yao, I'm fine, let's bleed the blood into the bowl, I will tell you to stop." Jun Siyan waved his hand, urging me to bleed out the blood.

I gave him a puzzled look, and honestly opened my palm to let the blood out. I don’t know if it’s my illusion. I feel that my blood is a little different from the usual one. Why does it feel like pink? It may be my illusion, no one's blood is pink.

When Jun Siyan called to stop, there was almost a bowl of blood in the bowl. Jun Siyan wrapped it up for me, and then used magic to wrap the blood into a small ball. The surface of the ball was golden pink, and it looked pretty good. .

"Sway, give me your hand."


I put my hand on his, and then closed my eyes according to his instructions. It didn't take long for me to feel a force in my body slowly flowing out along Jun Siyan's hand .

Is this the energy contained in my body? Why Jun Siyan can easily draw it out is because the two of us have the same power?
"Okay, it's done." Jun Siyan let go of my hand, and the strength slowly faded back.

I tried to draw it out, but I didn't expect it to be successful. That power appeared in my hands, and it accumulated more and more.

Looking at the room, there is only a withered plant next to the window. I want to try my strength, let it out, and wrap it around the plant to pull it back. Unexpectedly, what happened next second made me stunned , My power can actually turn a dead tree into a spring?

The strength in my hand gradually faded, I felt dizzy for a moment, and almost fell to the ground, Jun Siyan had no time to take care of me at this time, he was putting our blood mixture into Jasmine's wound, this is the last It's the critical time, and there must be no mistakes. I was afraid that it would be bad if my movements were too big to disturb him.

I leaned on the wall to rest for a while before I recovered, the green basket next to the window had come to life completely, it stretched its leaves, as if the withered plant just now was my illusion.

I looked at my hands in confusion, is this true, is my strength really that powerful?

A girl's moan came from inside the coffin, which brought me back to my thoughts. Is Jasmine alive?

I turned around and walked to Jun Siyan's side. He had stopped moving, and the wound on Jasmine's chest was gone. Her chest began to rise and fall, and the cat's features on her body were slowly fading away.

"She, is she about to wake up?" I asked in a low voice.

"Yes, we rescued her." Jun Siyan held me in his arms and said softly.

My heart is sweet, because Jun Siyan said that we rescued her, it seems that I am still of some use, at least I won't hold him back.

"Brother Tan Yang..." The girl's deep and hoarse voice came from inside the coffin, and I hurriedly probed to see that Jasmine had already opened her eyes, but her pupils were still dizzy, unconsciously calling her sweetheart's name.

It seems that she really loves Tan Yang. After sleeping for so long, she still misses her most beloved person after waking up, which is really touching.

Jun Siyan removed the barrier he had just set up, and after opening the door, Tan Yang rushed in. Seeing his anxious appearance, he must be living like a year outside.

"Jasmine, Jasmine, how are you? I'm Tan Yang, look at me!" Seeing Jasmine's appearance, Tan Yang wept with joy, gently held her hand, and choked up.

"Brother Tan Yang, am I dead? Why can I see you again?" Jasmine raised her hand to touch Tan Yang's face and asked strangely.

"You are not dead, I found someone to save you, Jasmine, you will be fine. I can protect you now, and no one will be able to separate us from now on, and no one will be able to bully you." Tan Yang held Jasmine Putting his hand to his mouth and kissing again and again, the tears and snot on his face were all smeared together and he didn't care, it could be seen that he was really happy.

"Really? We will never be separated again, right? I don't want to leave brother Tan Yang again." Jasmine also cried with tears from the corners of her eyes.

"Can I take her out now?" Tan Yang wiped away the tears on his face, then turned his head and asked Jun Siyan.

"Yes, but she has just recovered now, you just need to be more careful." Jun Siyan nodded and said.

Tan Yang carefully carried Jasmine out of the coffin, then cried and laughed, "Jasmine, do you feel it, the fresh air, we can go out to bask in the sun like before, and you can also eat your favorite dried fish gone."

"Brother Tan Yang, it's great that we can be together again." Jasmine showed her first smile after waking up, her two dimples were sweet and lovely.

When Jasmine got better, Jun Siyan took her pulse again and asked Tan Yang to carry her outside to sit after confirming that she was fine.Because she woke up after sleeping for so long, there might be some sequelae. Jun Siyan was just observing.

"Thank you very much this time. I didn't expect Jasmine to recover so well, as if she had never been injured before." Tan Yang touched Jasmine's cheek and said with a sob.

As the saying goes, "A man does not cry lightly, but he does not reach the point of sadness." At first, Tan Yang thought he was a very gloomy and selfish person. I didn't expect him to have such deep feelings for Jasmine. Looking at the two of them with affection The way I looked, I had goosebumps all over my body.

"You're welcome. To be honest, we would like to thank you this time. If it wasn't for you, something would have happened to Yao Yao. I can't get rid of the Gu worms in her body. I can only watch her suffer. It's okay to save your wife. This is my repayment to you." Jun Siyan glanced at me and said to Tan Yang gratefully.

"Haha, let's stop thanking each other. It's fate to meet each other. Why don't we be friends? I'll take you to Thailand for two days. How about it?" Tan Yang said with a smile.

Probably because Jasmine woke up, his mood improved a lot, and he said he would take us to play.

But my impression of Thailand is already very deep. These Gu worms have made my life worse than death. Now I just want to rest and go home. The only way to go back to my own place is the safest.

I shook my head apologetically at Tan Yang, "This time I was really scared. I want to go back to China as soon as possible. If you go to our place, I can show you around."

"That's right. Many people don't want to touch these places anymore after being tortured by Gu insects. But it's a pity. There are still many beautiful places in Thailand." Tan Yang said regretfully.

"It's okay, maybe we can go to more places with more beautiful scenery in the future." I said with a smile.

"You're not human, are you?"

Jasmine spoke suddenly, she stared straight at Jun Siyan, what she said surprised me.

"I don't mean anything else. You should know that monsters are more sensitive to the spirits of heaven and earth, and I happen to have this ability that is more prominent, so I can perceive your identity, even if you are an existence that I cannot touch. And this girl , She also has a special aura, if some daring monsters might attack her, you'd better pay more attention."

I don't understand what Jasmine said, what is an untouchable existence, and what kind of special aura do I have?
But Jun Siyan seemed to understand, he nodded, "Thank you for your reminder, I will pay attention to it, and you should cultivate well in the future, the things in your body are only good for you and not bad for you."

(End of this chapter)

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