Chapter 215
Jasmine touched her chest unconsciously, as if she was feeling the beating of the heart inside. She looked at Jun Siyan and nodded slightly, without saying a word.

"Since the matter is settled, why don't we have a meal together?" Xu Yu said, who had been silent all this time.

I rubbed my stomach, and I was a little hungry after a lot of tossing. Jun Siyan knew that my heart was moving when he saw my movements, and I had never eaten Thai food before, so I didn't know how it tasted.

"Sure, but we're new here, so I don't know where the food is better, so you have to take us to eat something special." Jun Siyan said with a smile.

Xu Yu seemed very happy that we were willing to stay for dinner, nodded vigorously, and led our group out.

"Where is this place?" Jasmine asked Tan Yang in fear as she looked at the stranger outside.

Tan Yang's face was gloomy for a moment, but it quickly returned to its original appearance, "I brought you to this place while you were sleeping, don't worry, no one will find us."

"You seem to have enemies in Thailand?" I couldn't help asking.

At the beginning, I also heard from Tan Yang that Jasmine put her heart into his body because she saved him. Could it be that Tan Yang's heart was dug out at that time?Who is so cruel?
Tan Yang shook his head, "It's a long story, and I'll tell you about us in detail later. Now that there are so many people talking, it's inevitable that someone who cares will listen to it."

The few of us didn't mention it anymore, Xu Yu took us to a restaurant that looked pretty good, and chatted with the owner, and Tan Yang also echoed a few words.

After the boss left, I asked, "What did you two talk to the boss just now?"

"Let the boss cook some special dishes for you to try. You will know after you have tried it. You can try Thai food, but it will not be good if you eat too much. The Chinese home flavor is better."

Tan Yang talked about the taste of his parents with some nostalgia. It sounds like he also wants to go back to China. I find it very strange. Now that Jasmine is well, why don't they consider going back?
"Have you known Jasmine since childhood?"

Tan Yang and Jasmine looked at each other, the love in their eyes was revealed in the air, it was so sweet that it made people sick.

"I picked up Jasmine when I was in the fourth grade of elementary school. She must have been abandoned at that time. She was dirty and wary of approaching others. I felt sorry for her, so I fed her, and then she followed me. back home."

"At that time, I had already developed my spiritual wisdom, and I knew who was malicious to me and who was sincerely good to me. It is not an exaggeration to say that he appeared like an angel, because I was just abandoned at that time, and my heart I was very disappointed, it was he who took me home and took care of me so that I could reopen my heart." Jasmine followed Tan Yang's words.

Speaking of the time at the beginning, the eyes of both of them are full of nostalgia. That period of time may be the best time in their memory.

"As I grew up, Jasmine became more and more humane. She no longer looked like my pet, but a friend I got along with every day, and she was jealous. At that time, I was surprised to find that if I Jasmine would be unhappy if she got in touch with other girls a little bit, and would ignore me for several days, now that I think about it, it's so cute." Tan Yang couldn't help but chuckled softly as he stroked Jasmine's long hair.

Jasmine pouted angrily, "Who told you to hang shoulders with other girls? You said you would only hug me. If you break your promise, I will definitely be angry."

"Okay, okay, it's all my fault, miss." Seeing that Jasmine was faintly getting angry, Tan Yang quickly raised his hands in surrender.

"Then why did such a thing happen to you later?" Jun Siyan asked a little puzzled.

Tan Yang's sunny face just now turned cloudy, "There are always people in this world who want to step on other people's blood to climb up. Jasmine was still weak at that time, but her talent was very high. Some so-called Taoist priests Put your mind on her."

"I just found out that Jasmine was a demon. After confirming my relationship with her, someone came to my door. My parents were also killed by those people at that time. They killed my parents in the name of eliminating demons. I was also dying to protect Jasmine. Seeing my parents lying in a pool of blood, I hated, hated myself for not being able to protect my family and loved ones. Jasmine's spiritual blood was taken away. Died, I really thought that everything would end that night, but..."

With tears in Tan Yang's eyes, when he mentioned those painful things, his anger and sadness surged out like a tide.

"But Jasmine saved you, right?" I guessed what he didn't say in the second half of the sentence.

"Yes, she crawled to my side and used her last strength to exchange her heart into my body, saving my life. She was reduced to her original form at that time because of the exhaustion of her strength. Do you know my despair at that time? I am now I don't even want to think about my feelings at that time, I am so desperate." Tan Yang couldn't help sobbing.

"It's all over now, your persistence has paid off, Jasmine has woken up." I was afraid that he would be too sad, so I hurriedly comforted him.

"I will definitely avenge this revenge. They ruined my family and left me in a foreign country. In order to find the materials to save Jasmine, I also offended many people. The hardships are all thanks to them. Even if I die, I won't rest in peace." Tan Yang said these words almost gnashing his teeth.

"Then when do you plan to go back?"

"Let's wait for Jasmine to get better. Now that I have the ability to protect her, I also hope that I can go back and pay homage to my parents. It was a disaster at the beginning."

I nodded silently, not knowing what to feel in my heart, it turned out that there was such a tortuous and bizarre story between the two of them.That Jasmine is a monster is enough to surprise people, now who can accept that their lover is a monster?

What makes people feel even more sad is what happened between the two of them. Tan Yang's parents have even passed away. I don't know how Tan Yang survived. Seeing his lover become his original form in front of his eyes, how could he endure it? It took so much pain to beg people everywhere to rescue Jasmine, and it took so much courage to link their two fates together and share his life.

Ask yourself, if it were me, would I be able to do what Tan Yang did?He never gave up and guarded her for four years. If he were an ordinary person, he would have given up a long time ago. I really admire his feelings for Jasmine.

"I really admire you for being able to persist for so long, have you never been in despair?"

"Of course I will be in despair. There have been many times when I couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to die with Jasmine in my arms, but I thought that I hadn't taken revenge, and Jasmine and I hadn't fulfilled the wish we both made, and she was so timid. , I persevered." Tan Yang said with a smile, his bitterness at that time could be heard in the simple answer.

Maybe this is true love, if not love, who would be willing to give everything to save a person who doesn't know if he can survive?I didn't expect to meet such a couple when I came to Thailand this time. I was almost moved to tears by their feelings. Fortunately, the final ending was good, otherwise I would definitely cry to death.

The few of us cleaned up the food on the dining table and returned to Tan Yang's house. Xu Yu kept silent, and Xi Le was silent when she saw her brother like this.

"Xu Yu, what's on your mind?"

"Ah? No, no." He recovered and waved quickly.

"Then what's the matter with you? Why do you look sullen, can you tell us anything?" I thought he must have something hidden in his heart, and asked helplessly.

"I, I just think I'm quite useless." Xu Yu smiled wryly.

"Why do you say that? You are very useful. You saved me and helped Tan Yang. If it weren't for you, we would never have met."

"This is your fate, I didn't contribute. You all have skills and have places to go. But me, I don't know where I should go, what to do in the future, and the joy is still so small, so I am a little lost .”

Xu Yu expressed his worries, he was worried about his future whereabouts and how to arrange for joy.

When I think about it, I think this is a difficult problem. Xu Yu has no backing. If Tan Yang is gone, how can he survive in this place that eats people without spit out bones? Worrying is also normal.

"What's so embarrassing, when we go back to China, you can just go back with us. Do you still want to stay here for the rest of your life? It's better to go back to your homeland than wandering outside, right? Tan Yang took a sip of tea and said slowly.

"Are you willing to take me back?" Xu Yu asked in disbelief.

"When will my words not count? Don't make an expression that you are about to die, be happy, there is no hurdle in this world that you can't get through." Tan Yang teased Xu Yu.

We chatted for a while, and Jun Siyan and I were going to leave tomorrow morning. Jun Siyan didn't know what was wrong with him, but he always felt that he was in a strange mood. I asked him and he didn't say anything, and he didn't know what was wrong with him.

That night, Jun Siyan and I slept on the sofa outside, and seeing him lying on the other side in a daze, I felt a little wronged, he was never like this before, why is he still not with me when he has something on his mind? Speaking of which, could it be that he feels that I am getting better and will become the same as before?
I panicked right away, if that's the case, I would rather I didn't get better, didn't Jun Siyan promise me that he would never leave me again, is it possible that he is going to break his promise again?I didn't know what it was like, and I couldn't help crying when I saw Jun Siyan's fascinated look.

(End of this chapter)

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