Yin Yang Antique Shop

Chapter 217 The Disappeared Master

Chapter 217 The Disappeared Master

When I returned to Lancheng, I almost couldn't wait to go back and tell the master that there was still Xiaotong, but what greeted me was not their smiling faces, but the closed door.

There is no information on the phone, not even a missed call, where did the master go?Why don't you tell me?
I was a little overwhelmed, Jun Siyan comforted me, "Maybe they just went out to do errands? Maybe they will come back later."

My heart was relieved at once, yes, maybe the master took Xiaotong out, although it is rare to see him go out with Xiaotong, but it is also possible, besides, the master and the others may not be able to get in touch I will be like this, why should I scare myself.

Thinking of this, I feel a lot more relieved. It is only noon now, and I took Jun Siyan to a nearby restaurant where we often order takeout for dinner. The proprietress was very happy to see me, "It's you, why is your store closed Is it? The door has been closed for a few days, and I have never seen you close the door for such a long time without hanging things on the door."

"Oh, I went out, maybe my master forgot, why, how many days has my shop been closed?" I forced a smile.

The proprietress thought for a while, "Maybe two or three days, don't you know?"

I shook my head and didn't speak any more. The proprietress wisely ordered and went to do her business, but I fell silent again because of what she just said.

Jun Siyan sat on the side and looked at me, "Maybe something unexpected happened, or why don't you call your master to see?"

I raised my head abruptly, that's right, I just panicked and didn't expect this.

If the master doesn't tell me, I can also ask him. I picked up the phone and dialed the string of numbers that I kept in mind, but to my disappointment, I didn't get through. The master's phone was turned off.

"Master turned off the phone, I can't find them." I put down my phone in frustration, and I said with a sad face.

Tears flowed out uncontrollably, Master and Xiaotong are my only relatives, but where will they go? Why didn't they tell me any news? According to the proprietress's words, after I left, Master and the others will close the door immediately Oh, why do you want to do this? Do you think I'm a burden?

"Okay, don't think so much, eat first, let's go back and have a look later, maybe your master and the others left a letter for you in the store." Jun Siyan pushed the meal in front of me, comforting me road.

Hearing what he said, my hopes slowly rose again. The master doesn't seem like someone who will leave without saying goodbye. They will definitely not abandon me. Maybe it is really like what Jun Siyan said, they left the letter What about in the store?

I started eating big mouthfuls, and Jun Siyan was relieved. The way he ate made me a little ashamed. Why do people feel aristocratic when they eat fast food? I feel like I have been hungry for several days The beggar... Shaking his head, this is probably temperament, forget it, don't want to be unrealistic, the most important thing is to have enough food.

After paying the bill, I walked quickly into the store and opened the door. The furnishings in the store were the same as usual, except that there was one person drinking tea and one reading a book missing. I searched around, and finally sat down weakly. On the sofa, "You're wrong, the master didn't leave me anything, they really left without saying goodbye."

I lay down on the table, seeing the tea tray and chess pieces, I couldn't help feeling sad, and burst into tears, "Why, do they think I'm a burden, master, or they don't want me because they think I can't be cured? Don't want me, it's been like this since I was a child, why is it still like this when I grow up?"

Jun Siyan quickly came over to wipe my tears, and patted my back like coaxing a child, "Why do you think this way, you are the best Meng Yao, everyone likes you, maybe your master and the others just have some unspeakable secrets, You have to have more confidence in them. Besides, I'm by your side too, I'll always be there, don't cry, okay? I will feel bad."

Maybe it is the fact that I knew that I was adopted since I was a child. I have always lived with trepidation, fearing that if I behaved badly, my master would send me back to the orphanage. I grew up under the severe reprimand of my master. big.

But even this kind of master has brought me the warmth of home, made me grow up healthy, and taught me all kinds of principles in dealing with people. Xiaotong also made me realize the relationship between siblings. I care about them. Today My gaffe is also because I usually don't say anything, but I'm always worried, so I can't control my emotions. I believe the master and the others know this, so what happened to make them even tell me Don't have time to send a message?

It took me a long time to stop my tears, "I'm sorry, I stained your clothes." I looked at the tears and snot on Jun Siyan's body with some embarrassment, it was all when I was crying and forgetting myself. of.

"Fool, what are clothes, as long as you don't cry, I don't care if I use this clothes as a towel for you. Just now I saw you cry, and I really panicked." Jun Siyan heaved a sigh of relief, and lovingly touched my red and swollen eyes, Distressed blow to me.

"Are you still afraid of me crying?" I was also in a slightly better mood, and I was able to disperse my energy to other places.

"Of course, who would be indifferent when seeing their beloved cry?" Jun Siyan said affectionately.

I'm a little embarrassed. Since he confessed last time, he has become very talkative. I almost feel that he has been changed. Could it be that I turned on the switch in his body?

"Okay, I'm fine. I just felt a little lost. I cared about Master and Xiaotong, but they disappeared for no reason. I was worried and sad, so I couldn't help my emotions." I rubbed Rubbing her eyes, she said coquettishly to him.

"It's okay, they will definitely come back, so what are you going to do now?"

"Why don't I go back to school first, there's no one in the store anyway." After thinking about it, I made a decision.

Jun Siyan will follow me anyway, it doesn't matter where he goes, in his words, he just feels at ease when he is by my side.

I took a taxi back to school, and I felt something was wrong just after entering the school. Today's school seems to be a little lifeless, without the vitality of the past.This is somewhat impossible. Normally speaking, places with people will be more angry, and this is a university with many students. Could something happen?

I was a little surprised. On the way to the dormitory, I noticed that the yin energy in the school had increased a lot. It was still broad daylight. If it was night, it was still reasonable. Now... I looked up at the sun above my head, and my heart was slow. It sank slowly.

Counting it, I haven't been back to school for half a month. What happened in this short half month will make the campus that should be full of vitality become what it is now? How much power is needed to make it happen? At this point, I dare not think about it.

"Student, classmate!"

I passed a girl by my side, and I took a few steps to catch up with her, wanting to talk to her and ask if any strange things happened these days.

Unexpectedly, she ignored me and walked forward on her own, without even giving me a look. I wondered in my heart, why is this girl like this, could it be that she just fell out of love?
Originally, I wanted to find someone to ask, but the weather is really changeable. It was sunny just now, and now it is raining lightly. It is really cold in winter. I walked quickly to the dormitory. Fortunately, my The quilt is still in school, otherwise I would really be like a chicken today, my neck is curled up in the cold.

When I arrived at the dormitory, I sighed comfortably. They were all sleeping, and the heating was turned on inside the dormitory, which was much more comfortable than outside.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Li Yuyue felt the least. Seeing that it was me who came back, she lowered her voice and said happily, "Yao Yi, where have you been all this time? Why are you only coming back now? We miss you very much."

I smiled and said, "Something happened recently, so I went abroad. By the way, how is the school? Is there any problem?"

Li Yuyue said worriedly, "It's not just a problem, it's a big problem." She got off the bed, looked outside the door, closed the door, and then turned to talk to me, "No one followed you when you came back Bar?"

I didn't understand what she meant, but I still thought about it, and shook my head after making sure there was nothing, "What do you mean by asking that?"

"Recently, the school is so weird. There are always some students who follow others as if they are mentally retarded. There is also a black mist that wants to come into the dormitory at night. Fortunately, we have the talisman you left behind, but we asked other dormitories People, they said they didn't see it, it was really scary." Li Yuyue said with lingering fear.

I looked at the talisman on the back of the door, and the cinnabar patterns on it had been eroded, probably caused by the night they saw the black mist, and I don't know what it was.I couldn't understand why only Li Yuyue and the others could see it. Could it be because I gave them a spell?
"It's okay, I'm back now, don't worry, why are they still sleeping at this late hour?" I patted Li Yuyue's shoulder and said.I still have confidence in protecting the few of them, at worst, wouldn't there still be Jun Siyan?

But what makes me wonder is why they are still sleeping in the afternoon. Normally speaking, Guan Yilian has already woken up to read at this time. Could it be that they have inherited my good habit of sleeping late after I left?
Li Yuyue sighed, "Isn't it because of the black mist that we dare not sleep at night at all, and sometimes the amulets you gave us are still hot, do you think we can sleep?"

(End of this chapter)

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