Yin Yang Antique Shop

Chapter 218 The Strange State of School

Chapter 218 The Strange State of School
"It will still be so hot, it may be really a problem." I was a little startled, usually if the amulet I gave was hot, it meant that something dirty was staring at them. They haven't had any accidents yet, so I can only say They are lucky.

"Show me your amulet." I thought for a moment and asked her to take the amulet to see if the thing left any clues.

Li Yuyue took out the amulet from the bag and handed it to me. The original yellowed talisman paper was a little black, and the bright red cinnabar pattern on it also became a little dull. If I don't come back these days, this amulet will be gone soon. used.

"What's the matter, Yaoyao, did you find something?" Seeing that my expression was wrong, Li Yuyue asked cautiously.

I took out another amulet from my pocket, "It's okay, it's just that this amulet has been used for a long time, I'll give you a new one, you put it away carefully, something is wrong in the school recently, please pay attention, don't run around at night .”

Li Yuyue nodded, "Then will you be at school soon?"

"Well, I will be at school recently, don't worry, why are the two of them still sleeping?"

Li Yuyue's words reminded me of the disappearance of Master and the others, and I felt a little disappointed, so I quickly shook my head, so as not to cry again after thinking about it.Seeing Xu Wen and Guan Yilian on the bed, I was a little surprised. Why did they sleep so soundly? Why didn't they notice that I have been in for so long?

"I don't know either. They've been chattering all the time recently. Every time I ask them, they don't say anything. I wonder if they're bewitched." Li Yuyue curled her lips and said with some dissatisfaction.

I was even more surprised, for Li Yuyue to say such things, it must be because they behaved too abnormally.I was worried, so I went to Xu Wen's bedside to see what was wrong with her. If she was really bewitched, I could tell at a glance.

Xu Wen's head is buried in the quilt. She always likes to sleep like this, saying that it makes her feel safer. I told her many times that sleeping like this is easy to suffocate, but she still goes her own way, so I can't say anything else, after all This is a personal habit.

Stretching out my hand, I wanted to lift her quilt to have a look, but hesitated.Ruan Tianhua's matter has completely pushed us to a breakup. According to Xu Wen's personality, she must hate me now. If I wake her up now, she might have a big fight with me. Should I take a look at her? ?
Just when I was hesitating, Xu Wen didn't know when to show her face, staring at me, her eyes startled me, "Xu Wen, are you awake?"

"I don't wake up, how do I know if some people will plot against me?" Xu Wen sat up and replied coldly.

I was so choked by her words that I almost couldn't get up. What does it mean that I will plot against her? Even if I can't be friends with you, I won't do such a terrible thing.

Seeing my flushed face, Xu Wen sneered, "Why, have you been hit by me, can't even speak?"

"Xu Wen, I'm just worried that something will happen to you, so I just want to see you, can you not speak so harshly, don't you understand who I am?"

I felt a little uncomfortable, even though I knew that Xu Wen would not treat me as a friend, but her attitude still stabbed me severely.For girls, friendship is as important as love. If you are hurt by a friend, the feeling is as painful as arguing with your boyfriend. I feel this way now, feeling wronged and angry.

"Of course I know who you are. You said you were my best friend, but what did you do to destroy my love! This is your so-called good friend. I really regret knowing you. about you!"

Xu Wen's eyes were red. If she had a knife in her hand now, I have no doubt that she would stab me.

I looked at her in disbelief. After so many things, Xu Wen still doesn't know where she went wrong?I admit that some things I did were cruel, but Ruan Tianhua is also a person, shouldn't he have his own life?
In her eyes, I am the biggest sinner.Xu Wen snorted and slammed the door out, Guan Yilian was also woken up, she looked at us in some puzzlement, sighed knowingly, got out of bed and went to wash.

"Yueyue, do you think I did something wrong? Why does Xu Wen hate me so much?"

I'm a little confused, am I really doing something wrong?

Li Yuyue pulled me to sit at the desk, and said earnestly, "You should know better than me what kind of character Xu Wen is. She is what she wants and she must get it, but love is different from other things. , it’s not that she can give it to others if she wants it, don’t think too much, don’t you understand how she is after going through so many things?”

"That's right, why do you bother yourself? No matter how good you are, no matter how little you flatter her, Ruan Tianhua's matter is her heart disease. What did she do to get the love she dreamed of? He even cast a Gu on Ruan Tianhua, I think it's scary when I think about it."

Guan Yilian walked out and said that she rarely talked about other people's right and wrong, and Xu Wen did go too far in this matter.

I sigh, now I don't want to repair our relationship, and I know it's impossible.I just want to stay well until graduation, and maybe I won't have too much interaction with her in the future.

Guan Yilian's talisman was also replaced. The strange thing is that her talisman was more severely eroded than Li Yuyue's. What's going on?

"Little Lian, have you been somewhere recently? Why is your talisman so dark?" I looked at Guan Yilian in puzzlement, and when I opened the wrapped talisman, the runes inside turned black. , if I come back one day later, I guess this talisman will be useless.

"No, I haven't gone anywhere, and I've been staying in school recently." Guan Yilian replied with some confusion.

I nodded thoughtfully, it seems that there must be some unknown secret hidden in the school, I opened the door of the dormitory, I looked at the sky, it is now evening, just the time when the cloudiness starts to increase, maybe I go out at this time What can be found.

I made up my mind, turned around and said to the two of them, "I'm going to find out if there's anything sinister in the school now, so you stay in the dormitory and don't go out, it's almost night now, maybe Something will come out."

"Then you will be okay?" Li Yuyue asked me worriedly.

I felt warm in my heart, "Don't worry, I dare not say anything else, I still have the ability to protect myself."

I pasted the talisman paper to exorcise the evil spirits on the wall, and I went out the door of the dormitory. At this time, there were quite a few people coming and going in the girls' dormitory.

I have some doubts, is it true that those dirty things only entangle Guan Yilian and Li Yuyue?It doesn't make sense, their yang energy is quite high, and they have the talisman paper I gave them, so they don't look like people who will be entangled in dirty things.

As I was thinking, I walked forward, and accidentally turned off the road, and unknowingly came to the abandoned library. As night fell, under the dim street lights, the library with its closed door was in the night. There was a gloomy feeling.

There was only the sound of the trees being blown by the wind. I tightened my clothes and turned around to leave. A figure suddenly appeared not far away. My footsteps that I wanted to leave stopped. There seemed to be something wrong with that person...

She looks like a girl, but her footsteps are flimsy, and the closer I get, I feel startled. She has no soul, but the sun lights on her shoulders still exist. What's going on?

The shadow of a person can tell whether he is possessed by evil spirits or whether his soul is not complete. This is what the master told me. The shadow of a normal person will change into various shapes according to the position of the station.

But once the soul is missing or the soul is lost, the shadow will become a circle, no matter where it goes, it will look the same, and this girl will not have the appearance that a normal person should have. The walking dead, but such a person should not be able to move, why can she still act like a normal person?

The girl walked up to me, her dull eyes and blackened seal confirmed my thoughts, sure enough, the soul of this girl was taken away, and she is still able to walk now because someone is controlling her, who is this person? who?

I followed the girl. She should have just come back from the library. On the way back to the dormitory, she actually went to the small supermarket to buy some snacks. On the bench below, no words could come out.

"Yao Yi, what's the matter with you?" Jun Siyan appeared beside me and asked with concern.

"Did you see that person just now? I really don't understand how she can walk without a soul. If someone really controls it, then this person is too powerful." I was extremely worried, although these people They are strangers to each other, but they are all classmates in the same school, and the person who did this kind of behavior is definitely not a good person, how can I just sit idly by?

"I see, this method seems a bit familiar..." Jun Siyan said to himself.

"What are you mumbling about?"

I didn't understand what he meant, so I asked a little puzzled.

"It's nothing, I'm just wondering who the person who did this kind of thing would be, and the people in your dormitory said that there are evil things at night, maybe this person is making trouble, we just need to track it down in the school, you don't have to Worry, I have everything to do." Jun Siyan said methodically.

I think what he said is right. It is useless for me to worry so much now. It is better to find out who is behind it, or our school may become an empty shell.

(End of this chapter)

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