Yin Yang Antique Shop

Chapter 264 Devouring the Blood Moon

Chapter 264 Devouring the Blood Moon

"Roar!" I groaned involuntarily in my throat.Although my mind is sober at this time.But my body is out of control.When I came to this village, I specially wore a white dress in order to wear a couple outfit with Jun Siyan.

Now I feel like I am a boarder, and my body is just my boarding house.I lost control of it.Then in the eyes of Jun Siyan, Ruan Tianhua and Shen Yanfei.

I was bathed in the red moonlight, and the white skirt was illuminated slightly red.With hands and feet on the ground, he walked around the courtyard from an unbelievable angle.

Jun Siyan saw that I was in this state, so he didn't stop me.This is very abnormal, Jun Siyan loves me very much.I will never be allowed to suffer a little bit of damage. In this situation, I am obviously affected by unknown factors.

Fortunately, I also lost consciousness at this time, and I don't know how ugly I am now.And when Jun Siyan saw me in this state, he couldn't help showing a strange look in his eyes.His expression showed that he clearly knew that he had seen this situation, but there was still a trace of puzzlement on his face, and he didn't know why this situation happened to me.

Another possibility came to Jun Siyan's mind. He just didn't want to think about it. If that was the case, Jun Siyan really didn't know what to do.

Ruan Tianhua and Shen Yanfei kept wandering around me, trying to find some way to control me who was running wild.In the last moment, although I was on all fours, my speed was extremely fast, as if I was possessed by a ghost.

The expressions on the faces of both of them were so painful. Seeing their beloved woman being tortured like this, but they were powerless, their hearts were about to break.

Shen Yanfei shouted to Jun Siyan: "Don't you love her? Think of a way."

Jun Siyan understood at this moment that he had to stop me, if something bad happened otherwise, he would never forgive himself.

Fortunately, I didn't bring a mirror at this time. If I had a mirror at this time, I would find that my face was distorted, and the saliva at the corner of my mouth was already raging.The eyes were opened to the limit, and even the corners of the eyes were torn apart, revealing pink flesh and strips of textured muscle tissue.Blood flowed down the curve of the face, and the image of the whole person was like a ghost crawling out of hell.

Later, when I heard some of them talk about my appearance at that time, I felt like dying, because of my image.I am a fairy.

Just when Jun Siyan came to me, I was walking around in the courtyard.Suddenly, they stood still as if they had found their target, before the three of them could react.

With a "boom", my beloved little white shoes were smashed by my foot.

With a loud sound of pedaling on the ground.My body ran out of the yard as fast as Li Xuan's arrow.At this time, I ran out of the village like a ghost smelling blood.

Although my consciousness is still clear now, the control of my body is definitely not in my hands.And at this time, I can clearly feel the sensation of my body.

Hunger, at this time, I have only primitive desires left, and the crazy hunger tortured me to be extremely irritable.No one can stop me from filling my stomach. At this time, I will tear everything in my way.Now I am like a starving ghost, sober conscious, soberly feeling very hungry.

Now I clearly feel that I am like a person who has been starved for a lifetime.So hungry, so hungry, this is the only thought in my mind right now.The hunger was eating away at my thoughts, leaving my mind filled with nothing but maddening hunger.

And just when I was about to go crazy with hunger, I smelled a unique aroma.Ah, it smells so good, swallow it, swallow it.I smelled a very tempting fragrance outside the village, and I couldn't wait to swallow this temptation in my stomach.

The saliva from the corner of my mouth spilled all over the ground along my running hands and feet.Red flags, I see a row of red flags set up here.On the river beach, my body dominated by hunger dragged me to the river beach under construction.

Shen Yanfei and Ruan Tianhua tried to stop the crazy me many times, but they were always left behind by me.Even when they pulled me, I opened my mouth full of saliva and bit them hard.Among them, Shen Yanfei was bitten off a piece of flesh by me when he couldn't dodge in time.

At this time, although my body was full of hunger, and I still had the piece of meat in my mouth, I didn't swallow the piece of meat, and still vomited it to the ground in disgust.It seems that except for the special aroma, nothing else can tempt me, and I can't eat anything.

The blood-red moonlight is like a projection lamp, gathering all the surrounding empty lines together, illuminating a four-meter-square area on the river beach.

This is not the place where the blood-red moonlight shines like blood clots there.Ah, it smells so good!There's good food there, something to fill my stomach.I rushed there.

boom!I slammed into a transparent wall, still hot.Sigh, my body was burnt, emitting bursts of black smoke.Ah I opened my mouth and yelled at the moon.I frantically hit the wall again and again.

Bang, bang, bang, I can clearly feel the pain in my body, and I can feel the sound of my bones breaking.But the primitive desire of hunger dominated my body and kept pounced on me again.

Puff puff puff, there was the sound of violent footsteps in the distance, "Sway, calm down." The familiar voice hit my heart fiercely with echoes.Jun Siyan caught up, he stretched out his hand and hugged me.His body is so cold, a stream of cold breath passed through his body into my body.

Although my body felt more and more stiff due to the cold breath, my consciousness became more and more clear. I felt that I could slowly control my body.

I heard Jun Siyan's words clearly, but I, who was already dominated by desire, kept resisting instinctively, other people.My body reacted, as if I knew that someone was about to stop me from tasting the peerless delicacy.The body hit more violently.

Pop, like glass shattered.A more intense and charming aroma flooded into my nasal cavity.Uh, ah ah ah!I opened it so hard that the corners of my torn mouth fell into the blood-red moonlight on the ground.The color is so red, like a charming red wine.

"Ah" I heard three men shouting.Phew, I devoured that tempting delicacy greedily.In the surprised eyes of the three people, they saw that I absorbed all the blood red in the place where the moonlight illuminated the ground into my stomach.

Ah, so comfortable.I felt the agitation in my body calm down.When Jun Siyan saw this scene, his frown suddenly eased.

"So that's how it is." Jun Siyan said to himself, he seemed to understand why I suddenly lost control.

As I continue to suck the blood-red moonlight on the ground, the hunger in my stomach is slowly dissipating.As the hunger dissipated, my consciousness slowly returned to normal.At the same time, I was pleasantly surprised to find that I seemed to be in control of my body.

It's like a person who has squatted on the ground for a long time, suddenly stands up, and his legs and feet feel numb.There was a numbness all over the body, and as the hunger dissipated, the numbness gradually increased.When I felt a sense of fullness in my stomach, the numbness reached its peak.

The body has numbness, which means that my body has returned to my control.I stood up slowly, waiting for the numbness in my body to dissipate.

"Ah, it's so itchy." I suddenly felt itching on my face and hands, like countless bugs crawling on my body.At this time, the numbness in the body is slowly dissipating.

The numbness dissipated, and then it was itchy all over.I couldn't bear it any longer. I stretched out my hands and kept scratching all over my body.But what I didn't expect was that every time I scratched it on my face, I would grab a hand of dead skin.

These three people didn't know what to do when they saw me in such pain.But the itching all over his body dissipated quickly.It hardly caused them too much trouble. Before they came up with a good solution, I was covered in bookshelves, and I didn't feel anything, and I didn't have any negative feelings.

"Burp" A gust of air burst out of my stomach, I couldn't control it, and I burped.If it wasn't for me being a girl and wanting to pay attention to my own image, I would even say the three words, so cool.

Now my whole body is warm, like soaking in a hot spring, very comfortable.And when the three of them saw my current appearance clearly, their eyes couldn't help but widen.

When I lost control of my body, the corners of my eyes were opened, the corners of my mouth were torn, and my face was bloody.In addition, I used my hands and feet all the way, running crazily on the ground full of gravel. I don't know how many skins of my hands and feet were worn, and how many wounds were left.

But what they see now is the same as before, without any wounds.What's more, they feel that my skin is whiter and smoother, and my complexion is better.

"Ah, my face." I didn't see my appearance clearly at this time, but I vaguely remembered that when I lost control, the flesh on my face was torn apart.

As a girl, what I fear most is that my appearance will be damaged.But when my hands touched my face, it felt extremely smooth.It's smoother than a spa.

"What's going on?" I really don't understand.

(End of this chapter)

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