Yin Yang Antique Shop

Chapter 265 What Master Left Behind

Chapter 265 What Master Left Behind

"How do you feel now?" Jun Siyan came over at this moment, took my hand, and even the sky was full of concern.

At this time, I did not accept Jun Siyan's affection. Although I lost control of my body at that time, my consciousness was still very clear.I can clearly feel it, even see it.

Shen Yanfei and Ruan Tianhua desperately came out to save me and stop me.But Jun Siyan was watching from the side, as if the matter had nothing to do with him.

I pulled my hand out of Jun Siyan's grasp, without the slightest expression on my face, and said to Jun Siyan coldly: "Don't bother me, I am dead or alive You have nothing to do with it."

Although I said so in my mouth, my heart was still in sharp pain. I thought of the time when I lost control of my body. At that time, my consciousness was clear, but my body was not under my control at all. This feeling of fear really made me almost collapse.

It can be said that I was the most helpless at that time, my consciousness kept shouting in my mind at that time: "Jun Siyan, Jun Siyan..."

But it made me feel, what I saw was only Jun Siyan's expression and actions that kept him out of the way.Although Jun Siyan was the one I pursued first, he also fell in love with me later, and the relationship between him and me has already been established.

I see my lover doing such a thing.How can I not, chilling.

Seeing me standing there with a stubborn face and secretly hurting myself, Ruan Tianhua and Shen Yanfei seemed to be greatly stimulated at this moment.At that time, the two of them also saw that Jun Siyan didn't help me in time for my strange behavior.

The two of them love me so deeply that they can't see me being hurt in the slightest.

"Jun Siyan, are you still human? How can you treat Yao Yi like this? You are really blind to fall in love with you." Ruan Tianhua grabbed Jun Siyan's collar regardless at this time, wanting to make a move To teach Jun Siyan a lesson.

Jun Siyan didn't pay attention to them at this time, he looked at me straight in the eyes and said, "Yao Yi, do you think I will be the kind of person who just ignores you?"

Although I am still a little angry and sad in my heart now.But think about it carefully, since Jun Siyan can accept me, he won't be the kind of person who only cares about himself.And now I can't hurt him no matter what, since he didn't stop, is there a reason I don't know?

"Yang, don't listen to him. No matter what reason he has, he didn't stop your behavior at that time. If you were hurt or something happened, what should you do?" Ruan Tianhua said angrily. Jun Siyan shouted.

"Ruan Tianhua, you have to remember that Yao is my woman. It's not up to you to intervene in the matter between the two of us." Jun Siyan didn't give Ruan Tianhua a good look.He pushed him back with harsh words.

Ruan Tianhua was agitated by Jun Siyan's words, and was about to attack him when he went up.

But he was stopped by Shen Yanfei. After all, Shen Yanfei was a little Taoist priest and had seen all kinds of things.He knew that there must be other stories in his heart, and he wanted to hear Jun Siyan's explanation?Shen Yanfei likes me no less than anyone else, and he doesn't allow others to hurt me.

However, Shen Yanfei couldn't do anything about my state of madness.Everyone knows that if they like someone, they will protect themselves, and the person they like will not be hurt.Shen Yanfei is like this, Ruan Tianhua is like this, and Jun Siyan is even more like this.

Furthermore, as the ancestor of zombies, Jun Siyan, there is no power in this world that can hurt him.Not to mention that he was afraid of being hurt and refused to rescue his most beloved person. Jun Siyan must have a special reason.

Although I said no, I still wanted to hear Jun Siyan's explanation.I stubbornly turned my head away, not looking at him, leaving only his lonely back.

"Yang, you know me. You will definitely blame me for what I say now. But I want you to calm down first. Do you remember what happened when you went crazy and walked to the river beach?" Jun Si Yan didn't explain to me why he did what he did. He just asked me a question. I understand that he wanted me to figure out what was going on.

"Do you remember that when you walked to the river beach, you couldn't break into the blood-red moonlight at all?" Jun Siyan saw that I was still angry and didn't speak, so he spoke again.

I also thought about it at this time, when it made me fall into crazy hunger.I saw that the blood-red moonlight on the river beach was so delicious, and I wanted to devour the blood-red moonlight.But at that time, I was isolated from the red moonlight by an inexplicable force.

I remember that I broke through the invisible screen under the crazy impact.Thinking of this, I cast my gaze there again, and then I saw the little red flag crumbling on the ground.

"Yang, you saw that little flag, right?" Jun Siyan saw that I turned my gaze to the river beach again, and followed my gaze to look over again.

"Little flag?" Hearing what Jun Siyan said, Shen Yanfei quickly ran there, picked up a bunch of flags from the ground, and brought them over.

Shen Yanfei held the flag in his hand and looked around. He looked around for a long time, but he didn't see anything, and then he handed the flag to my hand.

When Jun Siyan saw me holding the flag, he kept looking at me, and he knew it in his heart.Jun Siyan looked at me affectionately, and said slowly, "Are you familiar?"

Although I don't really want to, agree with him and agree with what he said.But looking at the small flag in his hand, he still, undeniably, affirmed his words in his heart.

Not only is it familiar, this flag is so familiar that it cannot be more familiar.The pattern on the top, the flagpole that is the flag, and the spells painted on the flag are really no longer familiar.This is something I've seen since childhood.

Master, this is the master's stuff.

As soon as Jun Siyan saw the expression on my face, he knew what I was thinking in my heart. He took two steps forward again, walked up to me and said, "Yang Yi, isn't it very familiar? It belongs to your master." During this period of time, I kept looking at things in the village, and I saw these chess pieces here at that time, sealing something and imprisoning something."

I still can't figure out what the master wants to do?
"I didn't understand at the time, why did your master keep the flag away?" Jun Siyan turned his head to the place where the flag was sealed.

"Now I understand." Jun Siyan looked at me deeply, with a strange look in his eyes, as if he wanted to see through me.

"You, what are you going to do?" Although I really didn't want to admit it, what Jun Siyan said made sense. Seeing him looking at me like this, I couldn't help feeling flustered for a while.

"All of this was arranged by your master, wasn't it?" Jun Siyan finally said with certainty.

Thinking of everything that happened in this period of time, although I really don't want to admit it, I have to admit that it is most likely arranged by the master.Why did the master say that I will definitely deal with the situation here?Could it be that the seal in this formation was really left by the master for me?

Can this explain why only I am attracted, but the other three have no reaction at all?
Could it be that this is really what the master left behind for me?So that I can solve the abnormal world in the village better and faster, and stay to help me?But why didn't the master use other methods to tell me?Didn't he know that adopting this method would throw me into a panic?
The master loves me so much, would he have the heart to let me fall into such a state of panic and fear?Although I really don't want to admit it, but now only, all this is arranged by the master, this explanation is the most reasonable.

Now there is only one last question left, what exactly is that bloody moonlight absorbed into my body?
"Blood energy." The words that came out of Jun Siyan's mouth made me feel as if I was struck by lightning, and I stood there dumbfounded.

Blood energy, these red moonlights are actually blood energy. Could it be that this is the blood of people in the village or animals that disappear after death?Thinking of this, I felt sick for a while, thinking that I had devoured these things into my body, I suddenly felt that life would be worse than death.

When Jun Siyan saw my expression, he immediately knew what I was thinking. He looked at me with a funny face, patted my head lovingly and said, "It's not what you think."

Then I heard it, and he explained slowly.He said that this blood is only the essence of life, and after death, this blood will nourish the earth.This is to the earth, just like people drink water.

The food that human beings eat grows from the earth. On the other hand, these plants grow by absorbing the essence of life and blood in the earth.In a word, this semester is just a kind of energy, which is continuously transmitted from the earth to the living beings, and then some of the living beings return to the earth.

So there are no other disgusting places.

Although Jun Siyan explained this way, I still couldn't accept it.

Jun Siyan went on to say: "If you don't absorb it, this mass of blood energy gathered here, so rich, is definitely a great hidden danger."

(End of this chapter)

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