Yin Yang Antique Shop

Chapter 275 Eat Tentacles

Chapter 275 Eat Tentacles
These red tentacles are the tentacles protruding from under the coffin at that time. My combat experience is really too little.Although I have dealt with many supernatural events before, this is the first time I have seen this tentacle system. His speed is really too fast.

So the scene in front of my eyes at that time was that red lightning bolts burst out of the sky suddenly, binding me in an instant.

"Hiss..." When the red tentacle touched me, it bound my whole body up and down, and at the same time, the front end of the hand was constantly moving around my body, trying to enter my body from my mouth.

Seeing this scene, of course I will not let him break into my body.How much shadow this has left for me.

"Swaying." Jun Siyan seemed to have expected this situation.

When the little boy zombie stretched out his hand, Jun Siyan flashed in front of me.He stretched out his hand and grasped the red tentacle that was about to enter my mouth.

At this time, Jun Siyan did not use the energy in his body, but the energy of his own body.Grabbing the assistant with one hand, I wanted to tear this hand away from my body.

Before Jun Siyan could use his strength, I screamed miserably, "Ah, ah, it hurts so much. Slow down, slow down."

When Jun Siyan heard my miserable cry, he quickly let go of his grip. He looked at the tentacle in his hand at this time, and found that the tentacle was covered with countless small suckers.It was exactly the same as it was under the coffin at that time. I didn't take a close look at it before, but now I found that there are countless sharp fangs growing on each suction cup.

And as the hand coiled around my body, these fangs also sucked deeply into my body.I can clearly hear the sound of hi-gulh-gulh coming from the animal.

These tentacles are sucking my blood.

"Si Yan, hurry up, save me." I was really in trouble. As a girl, I was already overwhelmed by this situation, and I had long forgotten the magic techniques I learned from my master.

When Jun Siyan moved his eyes, his eyebrows immediately stood up. How could he bear to see me get hurt?Jun Siyan said in his mouth: "Yang, it's okay, it's okay."

At the same time, a black light flashed on his hand. After the black light appeared, it was even more aura of Tai Sui than the blood in my body, which attracted these red tentacles even more.But the direction of these tentacles was aimed at Jun Siyan.

At this time, the other two people were too busy to take care of themselves and couldn't help me at all. They were also attacked by the red tentacles emitted from this little zombie.

Shen Yanfei and Ruan Tianhua were back to back, both of them held the peach wood sword from before.The thunderbolt peach wood sword really has a natural suppression effect on these forms. Every time the peach wood sword collides with the tentacles, there will be a piercing sound in the air.

It's like using a red-hot iron piece to put a fresh pork body.At the same time, there was a burnt smell in the air.

Seeing that his own means could not subdue us immediately, the pretty face of the little zombie boy suddenly turned hideous.The originally beautiful face was full of blue veins, the eyebrows were raised high, the white light in the eyes became more intense, and the corners of the mouth were wide open, revealing the scarlet mouth.

"Why, why?" The little zombie seems to be in a state of confusion now, and what he said is difficult for us to understand.Perhaps in his consciousness, people are his food, so he should take the initiative to let him eat, and he should not resist.

I don't know why, but I found that since Jun Siyan was with us, his ability has become weaker and weaker. In our understanding, the ancestor of zombies should have absolute suppression of all zombies.

"Good job." Jun Siyan said with a grin when he saw those tentacles teaching me to let go and attack him.

"Yao Yao, you hide by the side first. Watch me subdue him." Although Jun Siyan was besieged by that zombie at this time, he still cared about my situation and told me to fight with that red tentacle group.

Jun Siyan's palm stood up like a sharp knife.Facing the red tentacle, with a sharp blow, it actually cut off a section.After the red tentacles were cut off, they wriggled continuously on the ground, and then slowly dissipated, turning into a cloud of red blood mist.

"It smells good." At this time, I couldn't help but spit out these two words.

This time my body was not controlled, but I was indeed attracted by the smell of this red blood mist.My heart beat violently, and then I took the initiative to walk to the pool of blood mist.

What happened after that surprised me. I found that my body was like a bottomless pit, instantly absorbing the blood mist in the air into my body.

"What, what, what. It's you, yes it's you." The little zombie was enraged now, staring at me with fixed eyes, and yelled at me seriously.

At this time, the little zombie abandoned the other three people and attacked me with all its strength.I also calmed down at this time. If I didn't do anything at this time, I would definitely die without a burial.

"Come on." I said secretly in my heart, and at the same time raised the mahogany sword in my hand high.I thought about the fighting skills I learned from my master on weekdays.

Waving the mahogany sword in my hand in all directions, I smashed the red tentacles attacking me from all directions, one by one.It was extremely difficult at first, and I was slammed by the red tentacles several times.

But my body is quite different from before. Although I felt extremely painful when I was pulled by the red tentacles, it was not unbearable, and it didn't make me lose my fighting power.

What's more, there are three big boys next to me. When they saw the little zombie, they attacked me with all the red tentacles on their body. Those three men surrounded the little zombie in a triangle.Immediately, the three of them and this little zombie became a group.

The scene on the river beach is that there is a group of eight octopus tentacles constantly waving and attacking in the air, surrounding a beautiful girl in the circle.Then three big men and a child stood in a group, and from time to time, thunderous red stars were emitted from that group, as well as arcs of electric arcs.

Only by solving the source can I be rescued, this is what the three of them think in their hearts.And the source of this is obviously this little zombie.The red tentacles are too difficult to entangle. Although they can block the red tentacles, they are endless and there is no way to eradicate them.

"Jun Siyan, hurry up and think of a way, you are the ancestor of zombies." Shen Yanfei was already stunned by the situation in front of him, he had never seen such a big battle before.This was the first time he had seen such a difficult zombie, and he had never heard of such a difficult zombie even in his grandfather's bitter words.

"My ability has been getting weaker and weaker recently, and I can't subdue him immediately. And now I can't draw him out of his body, the breath that belongs to me." Jun Siyan was also very helpless at this time, although he said Xiao Zhang can't hurt him, but he can't do anything to this little zombie now.

"You all should die, you should all die, you are so hungry, let me eat." The little zombie looked at the three people besieging him, and the saliva in his mouth kept dripping.The saliva in this little zombie's mouth is extremely corrosive, and every drop of it hits the ground, a puff of white smoke rises, and the ground turns into scorched black.

"You have nothing to do, then you can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor." Shen Yanfei was born in a Taoist family, and he still has two brushes in his hands. Although his ability is not very strong, he should have a method .

"The money sword is out of its sheath." Shen Yanfei took a step back, leaving the battle circle, and at the same time squeezed out a sword formula on his finger.

After he gave an order, he saw a round brother Kong Fang flying out of his arms, revealing a golden light. "Dangdang" These golden copper coins collided in the air and made a crisp sound, and in an instant a magic sword made of copper coins floated in the sky.

The dharma sword instantly formed in the air, two dots and one line, directly in front of the dharma sword and the zombie, drew a set of sharp golden lights, and slashed at the little boy's face.

"When" the golden dharma sword hit the forehead of the little boy zombie, there was a sound of metal collision.

"Copper skin and iron bones?" Shen Yanfei discovered this situation even more desperately. When the three of them attacked the little boy zombie, the mahogany sword in their hands didn't actually hit the little boy zombie.But at this time, when today saw that the unexpected attack hit his forehead, there was a metallic sound.

This obviously means that this zombie has entered the stage of copper corpse.

"What else is going on?" Shen Yanfei was about to give up.

At this time, Ruan Tianhua, who had been silently attacking by the side, suddenly said, "I'll borrow your money sword."

Shen Yanfei didn't bother to ask him the reason at this time, today can be said to be his strongest method, when he attacked the little zombie boy, he didn't achieve satisfactory results for her.It just took two steps back from the little zombie boy's attack.

"Take it." With a flash of golden light, the money sword had already floated in front of Ruan Tianhua's eyes.

Ruan Tianhua quickly took the money sword in front of him, and at the same time, he took out a small statue from his bosom.This person is like a little fairy in the temple, when he took this out, Shen Yanfei immediately knew what it was.

"Why do you have such a thing?" Shen Yanfei kept attacking the little boy zombie with the sword in his hand at this moment, but he couldn't hold back the doubts in his heart.

Ruan Tianhua didn't have time to pay attention to him at this time. While we were dumbfounded, he swallowed the statue into his stomach in one gulp.

(End of this chapter)

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