Chapter 276
"The true story of the old ghost, please enter the body." Ruan Tianhua held the money sword in one hand, and muttered in his mouth with the other, "There are two wings on the back, bare breasts and three eyes, a face like a monkey, and feet like eagle claws." , with a wedge in one hand and an awl in the other, he is the God of Thunder. Listen to my orders and come."

"Kacha" there was a thunder on the ground, and after Ruan Tianhua finished reciting the incantation, he saw a bolt of lightning strike the top of his head in the sky.At this time, we don't know whether it is an illusion or some reason, but we actually saw that his appearance has a tendency to change to the legendary Thor.

"Damn it, magic trick please. When did the old ghost learn this move?" Shen Yanfei saw Ruan Tianhua's phone call, and knew that this trick must have been taught by the old ghost. When the old ghost dealt with Gu Chen before Use this trick.

"Stop talking nonsense, tell me to trap him quickly, and I will strike him to death with lightning." Ruan Tianhua seemed to be under great pressure at this time, his body trembling non-stop.

If he hadn't eaten Tai Sui before, he wouldn't have dared to use this trick rashly.At that time, when he learned to invite the gods to his body, the old ghost warned him that with his current body strength, he couldn't bear the pressure when the gods descended on his body.

At this time, although the upper body of the god was successful, the pressure on him was still extremely huge.Seeing this scene, Jun Siyan and Shen Yanfei hastily increased the strength in their hands, constantly attacking, the little boy was a zombie, not letting him interrupt Ruan Tianhua's spellcasting.

As Ruan Tianhua continued to gather the thunder and lightning energy between heaven and earth, arcs of lightning flashed continuously on his body, and the sound became louder and louder.

Even I, surrounded by those red tentacles, felt that my hair was slowly falling apart.And I feel that these tentacles are in the air, and the impact of these lightning makes the attack power greatly weakened.It was a perfect timing for me, I raised my knife and quickly cut off a few red tentacles.

These red tentacles immediately disperse into blood in the air, and I found that once these sacrifices become blood, they will be absorbed by me in an instant.

At that time, the balance on my side was broken. After I absorbed the blood loss, my body's strength continued to surge up, while his offensive weakened.I feel that it won't be long before these red tentacles will be completely absorbed by me.

Although I don't know why I absorbed the blood energy?But I always feel that this is the master's arrangement.

"Boom" as soon as the shadow of dark blue legs flashed, Shen Yanfei was kicked to the waist by the little boy zombie.Kicked him out of the ring with one kick, and kicked him a distance of two or three zhang.

Even if Shen Yanfei ate Tai Sui's body, he couldn't bear this violent kick. Although he said that it didn't kill him, he still vomited blood continuously when he sat up.The spit blood was obviously very dark in color, and it was obvious that the internal organs had been injured.

Jun Siyan saw the situation and knew himself, if he couldn't do anything about it.Among the four of us, except for him, the other three must die.

Jun Siyan frowned, and slowly exuded the essence in his body.It doesn't matter if he doesn't disperse, as soon as he disperses, the little boy zombie suddenly goes crazy.

"Ugh." The little boy's zombie's mouth had already opened to the limit, but he still managed to open it.Even his copper-skinned skin couldn't withstand this force, the flesh on his face was torn apart, and the blue skin was ripped into strands.

"Crack" The little boy zombie immediately lay on Jun Siyan's body, his big mouth that had been torn open, bit Jun Siyan's neck violently, sucking something greedily.

As soon as Jun Siyan radiated out his original source, he immediately retracted it into his body.So the little boy zombie kept biting something on his body, but he didn't absorb even a trace of the breath that made him crazy.

Jun Siyan's origin can create countless zombies in the world.Anything that touches his aura will turn into zombies, and these zombies need more of these auras if they want to evolve into a more advanced existence.

Since ancient times, as many zombies have appeared, as many roots in Jun Siyan's body have been taken away.This is out of his control, and it has been suppressed by Gu Chen for thousands of years.The power of this formation comes from his power, and the original power he used to resist the formation has long since dissipated between heaven and earth.

"Looking for death." Jun Siyan snorted coldly, the ancestor of zombies, but fame is not so easy to come by for nothing.

Although Jun Siyan's physical strength is not as strong as before for some reason, and he can't extract the original breath from the little boy's zombie body, but since he took the initiative to pounce on it.Isn't that the fish on the chopping board for him to slaughter?
"Drink" Jun Siyan yelled violently, and the ten fingers of both hands were like sharp forks, and they were inserted into the lower dantian of the little boy zombie.Because Jun Siyan felt a strange aura in the dantian of this little boy's zombie.

"Ah, ah." The little zombie boy let out a pitiful cry when he was bumped hard by Jun Siyan.

Shen Yanfei also regained his breath at this time, he knew that he couldn't help Jun Siyan at this time, but he could help me, he staggered over, and kept slashing at those red tentacles.With Shen Yanfei leading me, I quickly absorbed these blood-red tentacles into my body.

Although it has been a fierce battle for a while, my body is full of strength at this time, and these blood energy are like melting pots, which continuously feed me strength.

"Si Yan." Because I was far away, I only saw Jun Siyan and the little boy zombie rolling together.Regardless of whether Jun Siyan is the ancestor of zombies or not, I don't want to see him suffer a little bit of damage.So when I was out of trouble, I screamed and jumped at Jun Siyan.

"Be careful." When I walked up to the little boy zombie, I saw the crazy look on his face, and at the same time I saw his nose, the constant instigator was clearly sniffing something.

The aura on Jun Siyan's body was the most irresistible temptation for him, but when I walked up to him, I found that the consciousness of the little boy's zombie was partly divided by my arrival.Does it mean that I also have what he needs?
Could it be more tempting than the breath of the zombie ancestor?
Jun Siyan obviously felt the abnormality of the little boy's zombie body in his arms.He wanted to get out of his arms and pounce on me, so he opened his mouth to warn me, and at the same time increased the strength of his hands and feet.

"Boom, boom, boom" the bodies of the two rolled into a ball, like a huge bouncy ball, rolling and ejecting on the river beach.

I couldn't get in at all, but I could see that when the little boy zombie couldn't find the taste he needed in Jun Siyan's body, he said that his target was locked on me again.

But at this time, Jun Siyan's hands had been deeply inserted into his dantian, and Jun Siyan felt that the little boy would be a round thing in his dantian.

No need to think about it, this must be the so-called corpse pill.It is extremely difficult to refine the corpse alchemy, and it was quickly taken away by the alchemist after it was practiced. I don't know how the little boy zombie escaped this difficulty.The corpse pill in his body was not taken away by the alchemist, but instead became the capital for its evolution.

At this time, Jun Siyan's gaze had already caught sight of Ruan Tianhua who was preparing for thunder and lightning. Seeing Ruan Tianhua's current situation, he was already very pessimistic.The lightning that Ruan Tianhua gathered at this time has reached the limit it can bear.If the lightning is not released at this time, Ruan Tianhua will be turned into a pile of coke by the lightning.

Seeing this situation, Jun Siyan yelled: "Ruan Tianhua, hold on for another half a minute for me."

Jun Siyan did this for a purpose, because at this moment, his hands had already touched the corpse pill in the little boy's zombie body.Although the corpse pill is also a kind of elixir, it is refined from the corpse as the mother cauldron.And thunder and lightning are the most powerful and righteous existence in the world.

Once the lightning strikes the zombie, it will inevitably hurt the corpse pill.He still has use for this corpse pill, so he can't waste it in vain.

"Hurry up." Ruan Tianhua gritted his teeth and squeezed out these words.As he was distracted, the thunder and lightning almost ran away in his body, scaring him so that he quickly withdrew his mind.

At this time, I watched lightning strikes in the sky. The little zombie boy obviously felt the critical situation, and his struggle became more and more intense.

Jun Siyan found that his ability had not disappeared. When he inserted his hands deeply into the dantian of the little boy zombie, he could feel a trace of familiar breath pouring into his body.That is his origin, the origin that dissipated between heaven and earth.

In this way, Jun Siyan's speed increased greatly.No matter what, the little boy zombie couldn't break free from Jun Siyan's shackles.Jun Siyan's hands were already tightly grasping the corpse pill.

What Jun Siyan didn't expect was that the corpse pill refined from the little boy's zombie body was unexpectedly large.You know, all things related to longevity are against the laws of heaven and earth.It's like a relic of a grain of rice, the size of a peanut, after an eminent monk who has attained the Tao passes away and is cremated.

And Jun Siyan could touch the corpse pill in his hand at this time, which was the size of a ping-pong ball.Of course, the bigger it is the best for us, the premise is that this little boy zombie can be subdued.

In fact, what has always made me feel uneasy is that although the means shown by this little boy zombie are extremely stressful to us, there is no life-or-death crisis.This is very abnormal, it is impossible for the zombie that will evolve into Hanba to have such a little ability.

(End of this chapter)

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