Yin Yang Antique Shop

Chapter 40 Resolved

Chapter 40 Resolved
After Xu Wen had just experienced that kind of thing, she was terrified now. When I went to check to see if there was any handprint of the female ghost on her body, I was surprised to find that there was none.

"I saw the female ghost's hand just now, but she didn't touch me. I felt warm all over, and the female ghost didn't touch my body." Xu Wen's words reminded me of the peace talisman given by the old master , I quickly asked her to take out the safety talisman to have a look.

She took out the safety talisman from her pocket, and sure enough, the corner of the safety talisman had turned black, it seemed that it was indeed the function of the safety talisman.

"You should keep this peace talisman on your body, it's very useful." After hearing what I said, Xu Wen quickly put the peace talisman next to her body, and now she was like a frightened bird, so I sighed.

"Dong dong dong..." There was a knock on the door, I didn't doubt it was him, I thought it was Shen Yanfei again.

Opening the door, "Shen Yanfei..." I opened my mouth only to find that there was no one outside the door!
Who was that knocking on the door?A pair of faint footprints at the door caught my attention, could it be a female ghost!
There was a sudden scream in the room, and I rushed in. Xu Wen was grabbed by the female ghost, and Li Xiaojie passed out.

At this time, I can't control so much anymore. I reluctantly bit my middle finger and drew a blood talisman in the air. When the last stroke was completed, the blood talisman rushed into the female ghost's body. She let go of the pain and was about to be killed. Xu Wen strangled to death.

"What are you going to do? Xu Wen has no grievances with you. Do you want to be reborn forever?" I took advantage of this moment to protect Xu Wen and Li Xiaojie behind me, and then asked.

"Heck, I can't be reincarnated forever? Even if I can't be reincarnated forever, I don't want these hypocritical women to have a good time, they all deserve to die!" The female ghost's resentment exploded at once. Is she crazy?This way she will disappear soon.

After the female ghost erupted, the injuries on her body were temporarily suppressed. She rushed towards me, and behind her were two unconscious girls. My blood talisman can no longer be used, otherwise it will hurt the body at all, but there is no other way now. There is a way.

Just as I was ruthless and about to use the blood talisman again, Jun Siyan flashed out of my eyes, and with a slight push with his pale palm, the female ghost flew out.

I don't know what it feels like to be relaxed and envious, envious that Jun Siyan can have such a unique move, but it's a pity that I can't do it.

The female ghost got up and rushed over again, Jun Siyan was not so good this time, a ball of white light appeared from his hand and hit the female ghost.

That ball of white light ate away at the female ghost's resentment as if it was alive, and I was also terrified to see it. The resentment on the female ghost represented her ability, and now it has been eaten away. She will soon become an ordinary soul.

Sure enough, after a while, the female ghost turned into a translucent spirit body, and all the resentment in her body was eaten by the white light, and then returned to Jun Siyan's hands.

The female ghost stood up from the ground and looked around blankly, "Who are you? Where am I?"

"Have you forgotten? What you did before." I said tentatively, and the female ghost's expression slowly changed.

"My boyfriend cheated... Then I jumped off the building, am I dead now?" She looked at her palm, and there was no big mood swing, but a touch of sadness.

I breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that this is her original character.

"Xiaojie, how is she?" The female ghost saw Li Xiaojie lying on the bed, and a look of confusion flashed in her eyes.

"She's fine, why did you become like this?" I couldn't understand why she became like this.

"It's Wang Shen, he gave me something, and then I became what I am now." Unexpectedly, Xiaotian mentioned my counselor.

I thought of that gentleman-looking man, could he be the one to do this kind of thing?

"You mean the counselor in our class, Wang Shen?" I confirmed with her a little unwillingly.

Little Sweets nodded, "At first I didn't know who he was, but I heard someone call him a counselor by accident that day, I couldn't possibly have misheard the voice, right? Or there are two people named Wang Shen in the school. counselor?"

What Xiaotian said made me even more confused, so why did Wang Shen want to harm her?
"Can you tell me what happened? I don't want anyone else to be killed like you in the future." I said something sincerely, but I didn't know the truth in my heart. Ghosts generally rarely tell what happened to them when they were alive. , if Xiaotian doesn't want to say it, I can't help it.

"You know, my boyfriend cheated on a freshman student. I have been with him for three years, and he can treat me like this. From that day on, I feel that my mentality has changed. Unlike myself, I started to envy and resent every good-looking girl.” Xiao Tian paused, “Then I met Wang Shen, that day I was eating in the cafeteria, and he sat opposite me and gave me A talisman said it could make my boyfriend change his mind, I believed it, and I would do anything to make my boyfriend change his mind, women are so stupid sometimes."

"Sure enough, he called me that night, but...but what I didn't expect was that he actually told me that he liked Xiaojie for a long time. I never thought that he would say such disgusting words with such an affectionate face. , He also said that he had put up with me for a long time...so I lost my temper with Xiaojie when I went back that night..." Xiaotian covered her face and began to cry.

"I know all of this has nothing to do with Xiao Tian, ​​but I just can't control myself, my heart is blinded by hatred, and then I seem to be a different person, I feel uncomfortable when I see anyone... and you guys The quarrel is also for this reason."

"On the day I jumped off the building, Wang Shen asked me to put a talisman paper doll in your dormitory. I went too. I didn't expect you to lock the door. At that time, I felt like Wang Shen's puppet. He asked me to do it. I can't resist anything, I can only obey, that night he said I was useless now, so he let me jump off the roof..." Xiaotian recalled what happened that night, with fear in her eyes.

I suddenly remembered that the night Xiaotian jumped off the building, our door was indeed pushed through. I thought someone was going to steal something, but I didn’t expect it to be her. Why did Wang Shen ask her to put a talisman paper doll in our dormitory Woolen cloth?

"Then, I felt that I was being manipulated, as if my body was not under my own command. I just wanted to kill. I almost killed Xiaojie that day, or my own power took over my body. I don't know Why did it become like this...it's just terrible..." She cried like a helpless child, and she huddled into a ball.

Jun Siyan didn't want to see the girl cry, so he went back to rest in my eyes a long time ago, maybe it's because Xiaotian has no fighting power now.

"It's okay, everything is over. What you have to do now is to calm down and go to reincarnation..." I comforted her and gave her relief. Xiaotian's body gradually became transparent, her face Finally, the panic was gone, and it became peaceful, and finally disappeared into the air.

I breathed a sigh of relief, this matter is finally resolved.

Xu Wen and Li Xiaojie also woke up, the two of them were looking for something together, "What are you two doing?"

"Is Xiaotian gone?" The two asked in unison.

"Let's go." Hearing what I said, Li Xiaojie sat on the bed paralyzed, tears fell one by one, how sad must it be to cry like this?

"I just dreamed about Xiaotian, and she apologized to me and said that she would not bother me again." Xu Wen said with a sigh of relief.

I understand, no wonder they came here looking for something, originally looking for Xiaotian, but she has been reincarnated now, I hope she will be well in her next life.

"Xiaotian, it's all my fault...it's because I didn't take good care of her. If I stayed with her every day in the future, she wouldn't be like this..." Li Xiaojie burst into tears, and it was obvious that she and her Xiaotian's feelings are very deep, and she can make a lost ghost regain her body at a critical moment. This kind of feeling is really beyond the reach of ordinary people.

I comforted Li Xiaojie for a long time before she fell into a drowsy sleep. The moment I turned off the light, I lay comfortably on the bed and finally had a good night's sleep.

The next day, Shen Yanfei knocked on our door, "Are you all right?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? If something happens, who will open the door for you?" Early in the morning, I was so angry that I wished I could roll Shen Yanfei to death with just two rolls of my eyes.

"That female ghost didn't come last night? It shouldn't be..." Shen Yanfei was puzzled now, he walked around the door like an old pedant, muttering a few words from time to time.

"She came last night, and I took care of it." I don't want to talk to him like this anymore, and I won't be able to sleep anymore.

"What? You solved it?" Shen Yanfei gave me a look in disbelief, as if seeing some rare creature.

"You are not the only one who knows Taoism in this world!" After I said this, I closed the door, and Xu Wen and Li Xiaojie were still sleeping. They had been terrified for the past two days, but now they slept soundly.

I was lying on the bed but I couldn't fall asleep anyway, I cursed Shen Yanfei fiercely, I picked up my toothbrush and went into the bathroom, if you can't sleep, then get up.

Finally, when they all woke up, Xu Wen's mood stabilized a lot, and the sun lights on her body gradually returned to normal. We checked out of the room and went back to school. Today is another day without classes, which is so beautiful!
(End of this chapter)

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