Yin Yang Antique Shop

Chapter 41 Jun Siyan's Guess

Chapter 41 Jun Siyan's Guess
"Did anything happen to you last night?" Seeing us coming back, Li Yuyue hurried over. She has to work part-time every night, and originally wanted to go with us, but she came to work suddenly last night. She couldn't get away.

It is rare for Guan Yilian not to go to the library today. Seeing us coming back, she also got off the bed. My heart is warm. Although everyone in the dormitory has different personalities, I can still see how much they care about me. from.

"Nothing happened. Aren't we all back now? Don't worry, it's okay." I smiled and patted Li Yuyue's hand as she was holding my hand, and she was relieved.

Xu Wen and Li Xiaojie didn't fall asleep for most of the night last night, and the sun lights on their bodies were no longer suppressed by the yin energy. Apart from their pale faces, everything else basically returned to normal.

Lying on the bed in the dormitory, covered with my own quilt, I sighed comfortably, "My own kennel is the most comfortable."

How come some people say that 'a golden nest and a silver nest are not as good as your own kennel'?

I fell asleep and slept until the afternoon. It feels so good to have no class today, and I am not like other people who need to look for work everywhere.

The master said that after I graduate, I will go back and travel with him to learn things. I am also very interested in this aspect. If I want to go to work, I might as well let me go back to deal with antiques.

I don't know why, but I feel like I've forgotten something, especially after Jun Siyan pulled me out of the fog of the corpse oil lamp, I feel empty in my heart, but I can't remember it no matter how I think about it.

"Yao Yao, you're not hungry, you've been sleeping all day, let's go out and find something to eat?" Xu Wen returned to her original appearance, and her eyes that were afraid of losing their brilliance became shining again. I watched It was only then that the big stone in her heart was let go.

"Okay, what do you want to eat, but you have to invite me to dinner today, or you won't be able to make up for my fragile heart." I said something pretending to be deep, and patted my chest pitifully.

"Pfft," Xu Wen dimpled with a smile, "Oh, you'll pretend to be pitiful at some point, okay, then I'll invite you out to eat today, but don't make me poor."

She winked at me, and we both laughed knowingly.

After wearing the clothes, the current weather is still a bit hot during the day, so adding a coat at night is almost enough.

After walking out of the school gate, we accidentally found Ruan Tianhua who was on the phone near the back street. He seemed to be waiting for someone. I thought about it and said hello to him, lest he think we came to him specially.

But Xu Wen saw him as if he had been pasted with 502 glue, no matter how much he pulled it, he couldn't pull it off. My heart was cold and cold. This is a model of emphasizing color and despising friends!
"Meng Yaoyi? Student Xu, are you coming to eat too?" Ruan Tianhua saw us immediately after finishing the phone call.

Can it work if you don't see it? Xu Wen can't wait to have her eyes glued to Ruan Tianhua's body. Ruan Tianhua can't see it if they are so big.

"What a coincidence, Ruan Tianhua, are you coming out for dinner too?" Xu Wen saw him coming, like a newborn deer.

I sighed weakly, I was afraid that the deer would bump into me and accidentally kill myself.

But now it is the time when people are in love. You must know that Xu Wen has not been in a relationship yet. I have known her for so long, and there must be many people who like her. It is a pity that people just look down on her. Now finally One came, and I couldn't dampen her enthusiasm.

"Then why don't I treat you guys to dinner? I've said I've invited you to dinner several times, but every time Meng Yaoye says I'm not free." Ruan Tianhua glanced at me and said with a pleasant smile.

I rolled my eyes at the side, can I be free? According to your personality that likes to make troubles, I'm afraid that you won't be able to think about causing trouble, and then you will want me to clean up the mess for you.

Although I like money, I don't like to wipe people's asses!

Xu Wen agreed without saying a word, and I had no choice but to go eat with her. If I said no, this little girl could eat me right now. Comparing the two, life is more important.

The rich second generation really made a difference. They took us to a very high-end restaurant. The food was still foreign dishes, but the taste was quite good.

As the saying goes, a cannibal's mouth is soft and his hands are short. After eating such an expensive meal, my attitude softened, "You are about to graduate, why do you transfer here? Will sister Qin agree?"

Ruan Tianhua politely put down the knife and fork in his hand, wiped his mouth before opening his mouth, which shocked me, the woman who was like a rough man just now is definitely not me.

"She just wants me to be happy. She is quite relieved to hear that you are here. But you, seeing me is like seeing a plague god. Am I that scary?" Ruan Tianhua said casually. I think so, Sister Qin loves him so much, what will she want?
I'm still a little ashamed to hear his last sentence, don't I just regard you as the god of plague?But this kind of words can't be said, "Why? I just thought that you caused a sensation when you came that day. It's better to keep a little distance from you. I don't want to be regarded as the public enemy of the girls in the class."

After hearing my explanation, Ruan Tianhua looked a little better, and after that there were some meaningless conversations.

But I looked at Xu Wen as if she was not very happy, and I didn't know what was wrong with her. We separated after dinner, and Xu Wen was always depressed.

"Wenwen, what's the matter?"

She didn't chirp about her thoughts as usual, but continued kicking stones with her feet. I know her, and she must be very conflicted now.

"Yao Yi, do you know Ruan Tianhua?" Xu Wen asked me after a while before answering the question.

"It doesn't mean that we know each other. At most, it's an employment relationship. Before, I helped their family solve some problems, and he may be more curious about this aspect of me, but I think he, a rich second generation, is not suitable for playing this game. , so I often avoid him." I told Ruan Tianhua and I acquainted in a concise and concise manner, and I didn't know what Xu Wen wanted to ask, but I didn't want her to think that I was hiding anything.

After Xu Wen heard this, the cloud on her face dissipated a lot, and she hesitated, "Then do you think it is possible for me to be with him?"

"You really like him?" Now I was the one who was surprised. I always thought that she just had a crush on Ruan Tianhua, but I didn't expect her to be serious.

Now I really hesitated, Xu Wen's character is really good, if Ruan Tianhua's family is not so rich, I might agree with her being with him, but the situation is not like this at all, what kind of girl is Ruan Tianhua? The child has never seen it before, if he gets tired of Xu Wen in the future, what will Xu Wen do then?
"What's the matter, Yao Yi, do you also think I'm not suitable for him?" Seeing my appearance, Xu Wen immediately showed disappointment on her face.

I couldn't bear to hit her, so I could only say a few words in a roundabout way, and I don't know if she understood.

After returning to the dormitory, Xu Wen went to play with her mobile phone by herself, and I also lay on the bed to play games. Jun Siyan was very curious about this high-tech thing in my hand, and he even came out to observe it carefully for a while.

"This thing is amazing." Seeing that I can still chat with people while playing games, he was so surprised that his red phoenix eyes became round.

I felt funny and sad when I saw him. It's funny that a person as powerful as him would be amazed by such a high-tech thing.The sad thing is that he must have been very lonely when he was locked up in the Demon God Formation alone, enduring that inhuman torture alone.

"Jun Siyan, are you uncomfortable? I mean when I'm alone." I suddenly asked what was in my heart.

Seeing his indifferent expression, I suddenly felt a little regretful, why did I have to ask quickly.

"No, I have lived like this before. There is no loneliness at all. If it is sad, it should be a little bit. That is the first person I believe in. Unfortunately, the world has changed a lot, and people's hearts have also changed a lot. .” Jun Siyan seemed to be recounting someone else’s life without any disturbance.

"I'm sorry, I don't have a gatekeeper in my mouth, and I brought up your sadness again."

"It's not a sad thing, at most it's because I don't know people well." Jun Siyan smiled, and his handsome face made people even more intoxicated.

I don't know how many times I was indulging in his beauty, I felt like I was about to become Jun Siyan's little fan girl.

"By the way, do you think there is something wrong with your counselor Wang Shen?" Jun Siyan turned his head and said to me seriously as if he suddenly remembered something.

Wang Shen?

I was stunned, if Jun Siyan hadn't reminded me, I would have almost forgotten about it.

Xiaotian said that it was Wang Shen who gave her something at the beginning, and then she felt that her temperament changed drastically, and she couldn't even control her behavior.

Why did Wang Shen do this?What is his purpose?
"I don't think Xiaotian will lie. Then there must be something wrong with Wang Shen. I just don't know what his purpose is, and we can't find any evidence now." I expressed my opinion, and now even if we No one would believe it. Wang Shen was not the counselor in their class, so how could he intentionally kill her?And the police also came that day, and the results came out afterwards, which proved that Xiaotian committed suicide.

"Be careful yourself during this period. If he wants to do something, it's best to use his current identity." Jun Siyan's reminder made me feel warm in my heart, and I nodded.

Skynet is very sparse and not leaking. If he really did it, then one day he will show his feet. Now we'd better wait and see what happens.

(End of this chapter)

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