Yin Yang Antique Shop

Chapter 42 Li Yuyue's Abnormality

Chapter 42 Li Yuyue's Abnormality
It was almost time to close the dormitory door at night, and Guan Yilian had come back long ago, but Li Yuyue still hadn't come back. She would usually come back before the door closed no matter how late it was, because she didn't have spare money to stay in a hotel outside.

It's strange to say that Li Yuyue's company seems to be very busy recently, and even her part-time job often has to work overtime.

Li Yuyue stopped doing idle part-time jobs when she was in her sophomore year. Firstly, she had no money, and secondly, she wasted a lot of time.

Later, she found a part-time job in a beauty salon somewhere, and she went there at a fixed time every day, and she would go there when she was free. When she was in her junior year, she did an internship in that beauty salon. In her words, it was , The salary is high and does not delay learning.

After she worked there, her monthly salary was indeed much higher, at least she could afford living expenses and some money for submitting documents.

So she cherishes her current job very much and goes to work every day rain or shine. We all admire her perseverance.

The door was pushed open, and Li Yuyue appeared in front of our eyes with a big bag in her arms. She seemed very happy today, with a smile on her face.

"Yuyue, you're finally back. It's 10:30 now. I thought something happened to you." Xu Wen said worriedly. She usually has a good relationship with Li Yuyue.

"I'm sorry to make you worry. I changed the boss of the company today. She came to take over our beauty salon and brought a lot of new products. Well, this is what I have." Li Yuyue put the things in the On her desk, I didn't study these things, it seems to be daily necessities for girls.

"You guys don't know, I finally opened my eyes today. Our female boss is amazing. She gave people facial massages, and after she finished the facials, I really felt that their faces were glowing." Li Yuyue said excitedly. Looking at her appearance, I found it a little strange. She who usually doesn't like to talk, how could she become so talkative all of a sudden.

"Does it really have this effect? ​​Didn't it mean that all beauty salons are deceiving people?" Xu Wen asked curiously.

"I thought it was the same before, but I didn't know what it means until the boss came. You must try it when you have time. It's really good. We old employees still have gifts. Come and see!"

Li Yuyue happily pawed at the things on her desk, and told us everything about what it was and what effect it had. We finally saw her so happy, and we all patiently listened to her.

After finally waiting for her to finish speaking, she went into the bathroom to take a shower. We were almost blinded by what we heard. Is this still the Li Yuyue from before?I felt as if I saw a dummy.

"Do you guys think there's something wrong with Yuyue? Why does she feel like she's joined a pyramid scheme? It's like she's been brainwashed. My God, why didn't I think she was so good at talking before?" Guan Yilian said without hesitation. Feelings, but neither of us refuted, this time I think she is right.

Xu Wen flipped through the things on Li Yuyue's desk, "They are all unknown brands, how dare you sell such things? Yuyue won't be deceived, right?"

"There's nothing you can do now, do you dare to tell her? Believe it or not, she will turn against you right now?" Guan Yilian said with a frown.

"Let's just say, Yuyue and I have such a good relationship. I don't believe that she will turn against me because of this kind of thing." Xu Wen raised her head. She didn't believe Guan Yilian's words at all. It is impossible for the relationship between them to collapse because of this kind of thing.

But the truth is always unexpected.

"Xu Wen, stop talking. I know you usually look down on me. Now that I'm finally good-looking and capable, are you jealous of me? I won't quit this job." Li Yuyue came out of the toilet Afterwards, Xu Wen told her about making her resign, but Li Yuyue exploded suddenly.

We were all stunned, this was the most emotional time for Li Yuyue since she was in college for four years, I don't think I've ever seen her lose her temper like this.

"I know, you usually give me things like beggars, don't you just want to see how grateful I am to you?" Li Yuyue seemed to be a different person, her eyes were no longer gentle when looking at us, but There was a resentment like we've never seen before.

This... what the hell is going on here?
"I've had enough of your hypocrisy. Now that I have the ability to make money, you don't want to compare to me. I won't look at your faces anymore." Li Yuyue's words made us all fall into a daze.

When did we look down on her before?When did you show her face?When did you see her joke again?

After Li Yuyue finished speaking, she got into bed on her own, and ignored any of us. Xu Wen stood there blankly, and finally couldn't help sobbing softly.

Guan Yilian was even more embarrassed, she didn't expect that what she just said became true, Li Yuyue not only didn't listen to Xu Wen's words, but felt that she was sincerely wanting to see her jokes.

Our dormitory, which had been in harmony for three years, suddenly became tense, all of which caught us off guard.

I comforted Xu Wen who was crying for a while with swollen eyelids, and now I don’t know what to do, Li Yuyue doesn’t have any negative energy in her body, she is still her, everything just now is from her heart, then we treat her Well, is it really a kind of charity for her?
This makes me a bit unacceptable. We usually care about everything we do and take her feelings into consideration. Is all this our ridicule and charity in her eyes?

No one spoke, only the breathing of us and Xu Wen's occasional sobbing. Because of this incident, I covered my head with the quilt in annoyance, and didn't want to think about these things anymore.

The next morning, Li Yuyue went out without even saying hello to us. Could it be that what she said last night was true? None of us spoke. Guan Yilian also went to class after washing up.

Xu Wen and I stayed in the dormitory. Xu Wen must have not slept well last night. Two big peaches were pressed against her eyes, not to mention how funny.

"Yay, tell me, is what Yuyue said true? She doesn't want to be friends with us now, does she? We have never been like what she said before." Xu Wen couldn't help but She began to cry, she usually sincerely regards Li Yuyue as her friend, but now she said such a thing, she couldn't believe it.

"I don't know, there is nothing different about Yuyue, but what she said is not like what she can say normally." I feel very uncomfortable now. The relationship has always been very good, and there have never been any contradictions and differences.

We are always careful about Li Yuyue, afraid of hurting her self-esteem, but we didn't expect that one day she would say such a thing. How can she explain it in normal times?Are they all pretending to show us?

All these doubts seemed to surround me, I didn't want to believe it at all, but we all saw Li Yuyue's attitude last night with our own eyes, can this be fake?

"Do you think there is something wrong with Yuyue's new boss? It seems that after she changed a boss, her whole person changed." Things have changed since I got them back.

"Right now we are just guessing, without any evidence, and no one will believe us when we say it, so let's wait." I told Xu Wen not to worry, if Li Yuyue really changes, it must not be for a while That will change, and we'll definitely find clues.

"Well, I know." Xu Wen thought for a while, but she decided to listen to me.

Today we still have classes, we will go to class after tidying up, Li Yuyue should have come with us, but she went out in the morning, maybe she came to class by herself.

Both of us remembered the time when the three of us were in class together, and we didn't know why it became like this.

When we got to the classroom, we found that Li Yuyue hadn't come. This was the first time we saw her skipping class. No matter how hard she worked, she would not delay her study.

"Yi Yao, why don't we send her a message?" Xu Wen sent me a message worriedly, and I secretly sent a message to Li Yuyue while the teacher wasn't paying attention.

She replied to me soon, but the content did not surprise me.

'Put away your hypocrisy, I don't need you to point fingers! '

I'm going to be blown away, what is hypocrisy, I can't even care about it as a classmate?What happened to Li Yuyue now!
"What's the matter, Yao Yi?" Seeing that my face was not good, Xu Wen quickly sent another message asking me, and I sent her the screenshot of the message Li Yuyue sent just now.

Xu Wen felt bad after seeing it, I don't know what to say, now Li Yuyue really treats us as enemies, if we don't find out the reason why she became like this, maybe we will really end up at the end of the university Lost this friend for a year.

After a class in a daze, Xu Wen and I were going to eat in the cafeteria. Now what happened to Li Yuyue made both of us have a lingering haze in our hearts.

After we had lunch, the two of us ate without knowing what to eat, but Li Yuyue still didn't come back, she should go to work in her so-called company now.

It seems that we have to wait until night, otherwise we really have nothing to do. Going to find her will definitely be another taunt.

It's fine if she's blinded by something, but if she really thinks so, then I don't have this friend anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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