Chapter 65 Let go of my sister

The Xunshan Shuwang looked at the young sword fairy, afraid that the young sword fairy would pierce him with his sword.

The Xunshan Shuwang simply thinks that Yan Ping is a young sword fairy, and he has not dabbled in Confucianism, otherwise he will be able to see the extraordinaryness of the twelve mutton fat jade flying swords.

At this moment, they are just twelve beautiful and powerful flying swords.

[Mountain Patrol Mouse, second-order demon king consummated]

[Five Elements Mountain Patrol Mouse, metal, wood, water, fire, earth and five elements are balanced in the body, no obvious shortcomings but no special advantages.Proficient in the five elements escape technique, and at the same time have a certain immunity to the five elements.Boundary-breaking direction: According to the order of earth, water, wood, fire, and gold, refine five low-grade five-element spiritual weapons as natal objects, and you can break through the realm.After breaking the mirror, there is no bottleneck in the Demon King Realm, and you can practice all the way to the ninth level of Demon King Consummation]

Yan Ping looked at the Mountain Patrolling Mouse King.

Wearing a green shirt, he is handsome and extraordinary, without the wretched feeling of a rat demon in his body.At first glance, I thought he was a scholar.

Yan Ping retracted his flying sword and asked, "Are you coming back at this time to save people?"

Feijian disappeared, and the Mountain Patrolling Mouse King heaved a sigh of relief, bowed and said, "Report to Sword Immortal, I came back this time to take care of a few traitors in the clan, and I will pick up some talented seedlings in the clan to take away. As for saving people, I will This little Mice King is probably out of his mind."

"How do you say, didn't you save a group of people before?"

The Mountain Patrol Mouse King smiled wryly and said, "You also said before."

"There is a huge mountain patrol circle in Yuzui Mountain within [-] miles. Once the human race leaves the range of Yuzui Mountain, it will give a warning."

"I am the Yuzui Mountain Patrol Mouse King. I was in charge of the magic circle before, so I have the capital to save people. If it weren't because a traitor in the clan leaked my plan, I would have had the opportunity to kill all clans. They were all rescued."

"Now that I have betrayed Yuzui Mountain, I don't know which king is in charge of the mountain patrolling circle. If I take people away by force, I will be chased by other demon kings within a short distance."

Speaking of this, the Mountain Patrol Mouse King suggested: "Senior Sword Immortal, if you really want to save people, you'd better find the Demon King who is in charge of the Mountain Patrolling Formation. Only when you control the Formation can you have a chance to rescue people safely." .”

"It doesn't have to be so troublesome."

"You, Shu King, are quite chivalrous. I think it would be good for you to be the king of Yuzuishan Mountain."

Hearing the tone of the young sword fairy who was convinced of the King of the Cleft Tooth, the Mountain Patrol Mouse King had no choice but to pour cold water on him: "Senior Sword Fairy, the King of the Cleft Tooth has a top-grade spiritual armor that cannot be broken by the Nascent Soul. Think twice before acting, don't save the adult, but take your own morality and life into it."

"Also, Yuzui Mountain is not limited to the four human villages on the surface. Except for me, every demon king in Yuzui Mountain has a private captivity secretly, and there are no fewer human races in captivity than on the surface."

"That's all I've said, please Senior Sword Immortal think twice before acting."

Yan Ping frowned, if he hadn't happened to meet this mountain rat king, he really didn't know that there were still human races being kept in captivity.

Yan Ping bowed and said, "Thank you Shu King for letting me know."

"That's all I can help you with, so farewell."

"Shu Wang, wait a moment, you might as well leave an address. After I reorganize Yuzui Mountain, I can invite you back to be the king."

The Mountain Patrolling Mouse King was speechless, did this young Sword Immortal really think he was the Nascent Soul Sword Immortal?

The Mountain Patrol Mouse King felt that he had exhausted all his benevolence, and he didn't want to persuade him any more. After reporting his address, he left, giving up no hope for the young sword fairy to kill King Cracked Tooth.

Hubao said: "Master, you want this Mountain Patrol Mouse King to be in charge of Yuzui Mountain."

Yan Ping smiled and said, "I think he is very suitable."

The fact that there are few human races in the Southern Wilderness Monster Mountain is compared to the monster race living in the mountains.

The actual number is definitely not less than one million.

The treasure-tuning space that Shenguang comes with is currently only a hundred and ten square meters, not even a prototype, and ordinary people simply cannot survive for a long time.

Only by refining the sun's gold, the moon's cold jade, the heart of the earth and the spring of life to create the source of yin and yang, can Tunbao space have a prototype and allow ordinary people to survive for a long time.

The gold of the sun, the cold jade of the moon, the heart of the earth and the spring of life.These four treasures are the cornerstones of the evolution of the heaven and earth. They are rare in the world, and they can be encountered but not sought.

Yan Ping didn't know if he had the chance to evolve into a paradise in this life.

Therefore, the plan of Yan Ping and others is to kill a batch and pull a batch.

Kill the demon king who takes the lead in eating people, and win over the excluded demon king or general.

In the Southern Wilderness Monster Mountain, there are few human races. For the Monster Race of the Chonggu Sect, humans are precious "ingredients".

Not all monsters can eat the Master's flesh and drink the Master's blood, and this kind of monster is something that Yan Ping and the others can win over and cooperate with.

Clean up the stubborn monsters of the revering sect, support the powerless monster kings or generals, restrain them with poisonous oaths, and build a new order between monsters and humans.

After clearing the small hills, the big ones will be cleared, and finally a famous mountain will be built, and the human races from each hill will be gathered together to build a famous mountain completely belonging to the human race in the Southern Wilderness Demon Mountain.

This trip has a long way to go.

Only by overcoming obstacles and forging ahead.

Because of the new information provided by the Mountain Patrol Mouse King, Yan Ping decided to continue dormant, and when he found out about the secret human captive breeding grounds, he would take action again.

Too bad the plan didn't keep up with the changes.

The next day, Yan Ping, a young man, went up the mountain to reclaim wasteland.

The Qinglang Demon will bring the Qingfeng Wolf King's warrant into the village to choose girls.

The old friend sent guns thousands of miles away, and received hundreds of guns in one night.

The Qingfeng Wolf King thought about cooking an old friend's favorite food, a girl, to make up for her.

"My lord, all the girls under the age of three are here."

The patriarch had no expression on his face, and his right hand was clenched tightly behind his back.Although it was not the first time he had experienced such a thing, it was still difficult for him to accept it, and he was still angry, and only angry, only daring to be angry.

The blue wolf demon will patrol back and forth, reaching out to touch the girl from time to time, just like people pick and choose when buying meat.

"It's her."

"Wow, don't eat Bai Niu, Bai Niu doesn't taste good, Bai Niu will stink, Daddy, Mother..."

Bai Niu seemed to know her fate, crying for her parents.

Her parents were standing beside her, just crying, and only crying.

The distance of less than one meter seems to be a sky that can never be crossed between them and their daughter.

"Let go of my sister."

The little boy rushed out and stopped the blue wolf demon general. The little boy's charge was so sudden that his parents didn't even have time to stop him.

The blue wolf demon general was expressionless, condescending, and said coldly: "Little thing, if you don't want to die, get out of the way!"

Under the threatening power of the big demon, the little boy swayed his legs in fright. He closed his eyes tightly and held up the sword fairy doll to strengthen himself. With a stubborn cry, he said loudly: "Let go of my sister."

(End of this chapter)

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