Chapter 66
"Tie Dan, come back quickly."

Mother Bai cried out in tears, she had already lost a daughter and could not lose a son again.

Otherwise, she will really collapse.

Tie Dan's father stepped forward, pulled Tie Dan behind him, nodded and bowed to the blue wolf demon general, and said with a smile on his face: "This king, he didn't do it on purpose, he is still a child, he doesn't"

Tie Danpai spat out a mouthful of blood, and was kicked away by the green wolf monster.

"Boy, you have guts. No one has dared to talk to me like this for many years."

The blue wolf demon general grinned, revealing a mouthful of sharp canine teeth.

"Hey, King Qingfeng is very happy today, and he doesn't mind giving his subordinates an extra meal, so... you can go to hell with me!"

The green wolf demon kicked it out, ready to kick the human child who didn't know what to do or what to do in front of him to death.


Tie Dan screamed in fright, and his self-defense instinct made him throw the sword fairy doll in his hand.

At that moment, the Sword Immortal puppet moved, as if a swordsman who had been sleeping for thousands of years had come to life, holding the long sword high in his hand, and slashing out with a sword.

A flash of dazzling gold exploded in front of everyone's eyes.


The blue wolf demon threw his left arm up to his shoulder and flew high, splashing the blood of the demon, and the pitiful scream echoed in the ravine.

"Is this the voice of the blue wolf?"

On the top of the mountain ten miles away, a young man in white sat up and looked to the south.

"It was his cry. Xiong Li kept saying that he was going to explode his ass. Could it be that this guy was really exploded by Xiong Li?"

The big man in black put on his pants, patted the snow-white buttocks of the young man in white and said, "Get dressed, let's go and have a look."

The shrill cry of the blue wolf demon general attracted many demon generals.

Seeing the scene, everyone frowned.

This guy Qinglang had an arm cut off, who is it, who has such power, and where is he?What is the purpose of lurking in Yuzui Mountain?

"Qinglang, who attacked you."

"A puppet is a puppet on the ground."

The blue wolf demon general pointed at the sword fairy puppet on the ground in a slashing posture, with endless fear in his eyes.

Almost, he almost died here.If the child hadn't lost his way, the sword glow would have hit his forehead in ten to ten, splitting him in two.


The big man in black grabbed the doll, looked it over carefully, and said puzzledly: "It's a very ordinary doll, the person who made this thing is very skilled, almost to the point of being lifelike. It's a pity that a dead thing is a dead thing. Dead things, how could they hurt you, and even cut off one of your arms?"

The blue wolf demon general frightened: "It's really this puppet. This is a puppet that can release sword light."

Sword light?

Could it be that a sword cultivator broke in!
The big man in black looked at Tie Dan who was stunned, squatted down and said with a smile: "Little friend, tell me who gave you this doll."

Tie Dan came back to his senses.

The good-looking big brother seemed to appear in front of him again.

"Big brother, this doll was given by a fairy. If you are in danger, throw it out. It can kill demons for you."

Really, what Big Brother said is true.

Tie Dan looked at the bloody severed arm of the blue wolf demon, but he didn't feel uncomfortable. Instead, there was a kind of excitement in his heart to kill the demon.

The sword fairy doll can really kill monsters, but unfortunately he was too scared to miss it, otherwise this hateful villain monster would be dead by now.

A demon general said: "Is this kid out of fright?"

"Brother Black Eagle, it's not easy to see if there are any sword cultivators sneaking into our Yuzui Mountain."

The hyena demon general bared his teeth and said: "Kill this human kid, if there is really a sword repairer by his side, he will definitely appear."

Black Eagle Demon General nodded and said: "It makes sense, everyone is on alert."

The demon light flickered, and the 27 demon generals put on their armors, took out their weapons, and put on guard.

The black eagle demon's eyes flashed fiercely, he raised his hand, and slapped the little boy with a slap.

Twelve swords flashed to them, they were twelve mutton fat jade flying swords.The flying sword spun and fell, and the swords were connected with each other, exhaling a lightning-like golden sword energy.

One after another, golden talismans appeared out of thin air and fell down at an extremely fast speed.

The runes flickered, and the words Suppressing Demons and Refining Demons could be vaguely seen written on them.

"It's not an ordinary sword cultivator, it's Jindan Sword Immortal!"

A demon general screamed in fear, riding the demon wind to fly high into the sky, the next moment he was struck by lightning, and fell down with a bang, no matter how he struggled, it was useless, as if he was firmly pressed to the ground by an invisible mountain.

It is a talisman.A gleaming golden demon-suppressing talisman.

The black eagle demon's face changed drastically. He felt that he had fallen into a cage created by the long river of time. His mind was frozen and his movements slowed down. The palm he slapped was completely fixed an inch above the little boy's forehead.

Phew, a flying sword pierced through the skull, instantly annihilating the soul of the black eagle demon general.The flying sword continued to castrate, like a touch of golden firefly, spinning, jumping, piercing through the heads of monster generals.

The demon-refining talisman fell like rain, and the corpse of the demon general melted before it showed its original shape, leaving only demon pills of different colors on the ground.

In Yuzui Mountain, three majestic demonic auras rose into the sky, the wind suddenly rose, and the situation changed.The strong evil spirit caused the climate in the mountains to change, dark clouds billowed out, the sky became dark, the cold air in the mountains and forests became more severe, and in early summer, it actually rained coldly.

The monster cloud condensed, and three figures with powerful aura appeared.

Facing the falling golden talisman, a piece of black cloth flew up to cover the three of them.

Wisps of black streamer surged, and the black wind blew, destroying the golden talisman.

This is a middle-grade defensive spirit weapon.

"Where is the bastard, hiding your head and showing your tail, sneaking around, if you have the ability, get out of here!"

The Qingfeng Wolf King is full of monster aura, wearing a blue wolf head and heavy armor, holding a wolf knife, and shooting two blue light from his eyes to scan the mountains.

On the top of the mountain, the young and strong looked up at the sky.

"It's the direction of Xiaocun. What happened? Why is the demon king angry?"

"Let's go back first."

The young and strong were worried, dropped their hoes one after another, and ran down the mountain in the cold rain.

Only one person did not move.

The rough and stubborn middle-aged Confucian scholar turned his head and shouted: "Wen Jin, why are you still standing there in a daze, something happened in the village, come back with us..."

The rough and tough middle-aged Confucian scholar suddenly froze, with his mouth slightly open, staring straight at Yan Ping, oh my god, what did he see.

When the icy rain came to Yan Ping's side, they all avoided it automatically, leaning to both sides, as if they had encountered an unrivaled force and dared not act presumptuously.It is also like a mortal believer who dare not desecrate a high-ranking god when he meets a powerful god.

The splashed muddy water droplets scattered before they touched his body.His temperament is dusty, like a banished fairy.Within a ten-foot radius of the foothold, it was as dry as ever, and not a trace of smoke could be seen.

Wen Jin, is Wen Jin a fairy?

"Wen, Wen Jin, you, you..."

Yan Ping nodded at him, a white robe appeared out of nowhere, Yan Ping put on the white glazed brocade robe with open hands, and the wind swept away under his feet.

"Immortal! Hahaha, Wen Jin is an immortal!"

The middle-aged Confucian scholar suddenly burst into tears, crying and laughing.

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(End of this chapter)

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