Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 104 What Will That Call You?

Chapter 104 What Will That Call You? (Begging for votes at the fifth watch!)
Although Zhou Niannian is very thin, she is tall and tall, and she is a natural hanger on clothes.

Lu Qingfeng's pink turtleneck sweater was worn on her body, making her look slender. She was wearing a beige windbreaker and black tight cotton trousers, which made her look rosy and pale.

When she was trying on clothes, she let her hair down. At this moment, her long black and flowing hair fell on her shoulders like a waterfall, which made her look even more pink.

Looking at the girl's clear and bright apricot eyes, curved willow eyebrows, and a touch of pink on her fair face, Lu Qingfeng felt his heart beat a few beats slower for a moment.

To be honest, since he was a child, he knew that Zhou Niannian was very good-looking, but it was the first time for him to see him at such a close distance.

"Oh, little girl, your partner is really good at picking clothes. This dress looks like it's tailor-made for you." The salesperson praised with a smile.

Zhou Niannian was a little embarrassed by her praise, but in fact she also thought that she looked pretty in this outfit.

Which girl doesn't like to be pretty, Zhou Niannian used to wear the most popular and fashionable clothes in the capital, that is, her previous life. Before her rebirth, the economic development has been very fast, and there are many kinds of clothes.

Back in the 70s, after wearing a big gray padded jacket for a few months, I almost forgot what it was like to wear fashion.

Zhou Niannian rubbed the clothes on her body fondly, couldn't help turning around in front of the big mirror, turned around and asked Lu Qingfeng who had been silent all this time: "Is it good-looking? Why don't you talk?"

Only then did Lu Qingfeng realize that he had looked stupid at Zhou Niannian just now, he couldn't help turning his head in embarrassment, and said in a rough voice: "It's okay."

Just okay?Zhou Niannian stood in front of the mirror with her mouth curled up and turned around again, she obviously thought it looked pretty.

"Auntie, how much is this outfit?" Zhou Niannian turned her head quickly when she heard Lu Qingfeng ask the salesperson.

The salesman replied with a smile: "Young man has good eyesight. This suit looks good on you. The three suits cost 80 yuan in total, and a cloth ticket."

80 yuan, Zhou Niannian gasped, it was too expensive, it was more than half a year's salary of an ordinary worker in the county.

She went to the fitting room to change the clothes, but saw Lu Qingfeng took out the money and the cloth ticket and handed them over without blinking, "Auntie, please wrap up the clothes she just changed."

There is usually no business in the afternoon, but when I met a big customer by accident, they sold three pieces at once. The salesperson was so happy, and immediately went to get a bag to pack Zhou Niannian's changed clothes.

Zhou Niannian grabbed Lu Qingfeng anxiously, and asked in a low voice, "What are you doing, these clothes are too expensive."

"Is it expensive?" Lu Qingfeng glanced at her, then turned his head away uncomfortably, "That's all, I see you are ugly in that dusty cotton-padded jacket and trousers, it looks ugly. .”

Zhou Niannian, who originally wanted to explain to him the truth of saving money, became angry, and gave Lu Qingfeng a hard look, you are the one who is ugly, your whole family is ugly.

Was she thrifty then?
"I'm so good-looking, can I be beautiful in anything?" She curled her lips and muttered in disbelief, "You must be blind to think I'm ugly, and I still think you are ugly."

Lu Qingfeng was relieved to see that she stopped arguing about whether she wanted clothes or not. It was the first time she had bought clothes for a girl at such a big age.

Just now he was really afraid that Zhou Niannian would refuse it, so he called her ugly in the padded jacket and trousers in a hurry, but in fact she was not ugly at all in the dusty padded jacket and trousers.

While the two were talking like this, the salesperson had already wrapped Zhou Niannian's clothes and handed them over.

Naturally, Lu Qingfeng took the bag, dragged Zhou Niannian to the shoe counter, and spent 20 yuan to buy a pair of cotton shoes for Zhou Niannian.

With the experience just now, this time Zhou Niannian simply shut up and stopped arguing with him.

After buying the clothes and shoes, the two went to the first floor and picked out some fruits, brown sugar and eggs. These things are common and practical but not expensive, so they are suitable for bringing to County Chief Chen's house.

When he left the department store, Lu Qingfeng's hands were already full of things.

"It's not far from brother's house, let's push the cart and walk there." He looked at the road and said.

Zhou Niannian had no objection, and the two walked side by side pushing the bicycle. The man was tall and the girl was slender and beautiful, which attracted the attention of many people.

Zhou Niannian turned her head and asked Lu Qingfeng suspiciously: "Lu Qingfeng, where did you get so much money?"

It cost 100 yuan to buy clothes for her, but Lu Qingfeng didn't even bat an eyelid. It cost 16 yuan to buy fruit, brown sugar and eggs, which was also paid by Lu Qingfeng.

How much money does this guy have on him?
Lu Qingfeng was carrying his things and focused on the road under his feet. Hearing this, he frowned and looked a little displeased: "Why do you always call me Lu Qingfeng? You call that bird better than calling me." Dear, we grew up together anyway, so you have to call me by my first name?"

Zhou Niannianmo, why are you unhappy again?Didn't she always call him that since she was a child?

"What do you want to call you?" She blinked her eyes and humbly asked for advice.

Lu Qingfeng didn't even look at her: "Think for yourself."

He didn't know why, but he just felt that Lu Qingfeng's sentence just now was extremely harsh. Although Zhou Niannian had called him that since he was a child, but today he suddenly didn't want to hear it.

Zhou Niannian tilted her head and looked at Lu Qingfeng for a while: "Qingfeng? Afeng? Aqing?"

The girl's voice was clear and sweet, every title hesitated between her lips, and she spit out gently, with a trace of ending, the listeners couldn't help but feel their hearts tremble.

Lu Qingfeng inexplicably felt that his name could still be called so nicely, and couldn't help feeling a little hot in his ears.

Zhou Niannian yelled one by one, and as soon as she finished speaking, before Lu Qingfeng could respond, she shivered unbearably: "Oh, it's so sour, I can't yell."

Lu Qingfeng's face turned dark immediately, why is it sour?He thinks it sounds good.

"How about calling you Brother Lu?" Zhou Niannian suggested after thinking about it.

She remembered that the children in the compound called him that. At that time, Lu Qingfeng often took the children of the same age in the compound to climb the walls, fight, and skip classes. He seemed to be the king of children in the compound. Call him Brother Lu.

Lu Qingfeng's face became even darker, and he was silent for a while, squinting at Zhou Niannian: "Are you my brother?"

Zhou Niannian: "."

It's just a title, why is this guy harder to serve than Ah Liang?
"Why are you more difficult to serve than Ah Liang, who named Ah Liang herself." She couldn't help muttering.

Lu Qingfeng stopped suddenly, frowned and stared fiercely: "You compare me with that bird? What is my relationship with you, and what is its relationship with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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