Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 105 When Will You Get Married?

Chapter 105 When Will You Get Married?
Zhou Niannian frowned for a moment.

She and Lu Qingfeng are a fiancé couple, what about her and Ah Liang. Well, master and pet?The hatching and the hatched eggs, uh, the relationship is so complicated.

"It's just a title. What are you struggling with? Otherwise, I'll call you whatever you want me to call you." She lost her patience and snorted, pushing the car into the family courtyard of the county party committee.

Lu Qingfeng followed her with his things, and stubbornly said, "Think for yourself."

Zhou Niannian glared at his broad back from behind, and made a grimace fiercely, but Lu Qingfeng suddenly turned around, and she was caught grinning at him.

Lu Qingfeng turned his head to remind her to park her bicycle downstairs, but as soon as she turned her head, she saw Zhou Niannian's eyebrows and eyes almost squeezed together, his appearance was indescribably cute.

The suffocation he felt because of the address just now dissipated in an instant, he suppressed his smile, squinted his eyes and said, "You have a lot of opinions?"

This is embarrassing!Zhou Niannian smiled awkwardly and instantly put his facial features back into place, "No."

But I decided in my heart that I didn't want to call him, so I called him Lu Qingfeng, what's wrong?
"Very good!" Lu Qingfeng withdrew his gaze in satisfaction, "We're here, brother's house is on the second floor."

"Oh," Zhou Niannian quickly parked his bicycle and followed Lu Qingfeng up to the second floor.

The county magistrate Chen was not off work yet, and his wife Zheng Qiuli opened the door. Seeing two young men standing outside the door, she immediately invited them in with a smile: "It's Qingfeng and Xiao Zhou, right? Come in, come in .”

"Hi sister-in-law." Lu Qingfeng and Zhou Niannian greeted in unison.

Zheng Qiuli has just turned [-] this year, with a round face and clear eyebrows, she is a very temperamental woman.

She is also a graduate of Kyoto University, and she was very happy to see Lu Qingfeng: "Old Chen was very happy when he came back the day before yesterday. He said that he saw you. He has been hanging around his teacher and his wife all these years. Now that he sees you, he finally feels so happy." A little relief from the pain of worrying."

While talking, she asked the two to sit down, and poured a cup of tea for them: "Old Chen went back to his work unit to deal with some matters, and he will be back in a while. Let's have a light meal at home today."

Zhou Niannian stood up, took off her coat and hung it at the door: "Sister-in-law, let me work with you and help you."

Since Zhou Niannian entered the door, Zheng Qiuli has been secretly looking at her, seeing her elegant demeanor, she has a lot of good feelings in her heart.

County Magistrate Chen mentioned Zhou Niannian in front of Zheng Qiuli before, and later learned that she was Lu Qingfeng's fiancée, and she was always happy for the teacher and his wife when she came back.

Zheng Qiuli wanted to know more about Zhou Niannian, and she was not too polite to her: "Okay, my sister-in-law is not too polite to you. If you have more people to help, you can cook faster."

Zhou Niannian rolled up her sleeves and was about to enter the kitchen, but Lu Qingfeng grabbed her and frowned: "You don't know how to cook, so wouldn't it be more troublesome to follow in?"

Zhou Niannian was spoiled and spoiled since she was a child, and she never even entered the kitchen, Lu Qingfeng was worried that she would cut vegetables into her own hands.

"I can't cook and I can't learn?" Facing Zheng Qiuli's playful gaze, Zhou Niannian was embarrassed, glared at Lu Qingfeng, averted his gaze, and quickly walked into the kitchen.

The 17-year-old Zhou Niannian really can't cook, but the [-]-year-old Zhou Niannian can.

In her previous life, she lived alone in a mountain village for more than ten years, and she often ate at home as an international student. Although she didn't know how to cook big meals, she still had simple home-cooked meals at her fingertips.

"Is there any girl who can't cook, Qingfeng, are you feeling sorry for Xiao Zhou? Don't worry, my sister-in-law won't let her do heavy work." Zheng Qiuli laughed twice, and followed into the kitchen.

As soon as he entered the kitchen, the county magistrate Chen came back and saw that Lu Qingfeng had arrived, so he happily pulled Lu Qingfeng to sit down and chat.

Lu Qingfeng said this absent-mindedly, but his ears were pricked up, listening to the kitchen all the time, ready to rush in and pull Zhou Niannian out as soon as he heard the screams.

To his disappointment, half an hour passed, only Zhou Niannian's chirping and laughter in the kitchen.

"Sister-in-law, the meat is cut, where should I put it?"

"Sister-in-law, let me scrape the fish scales."

"Sister-in-law, should the tofu be eaten steamed or stewed?"

"I've blanched the celery, sister-in-law."

With the sound of cooking in the kitchen, the voice of speaking gradually decreased, and Lu Qingfeng's frown did not relax, but frowned even tighter.

The girl Zhou Niannian has only been released for more than four months, and she can cook. What kind of hardships did she suffer? It seems that there are many things that Captain Meng didn't tell himself.

Lu Qingfeng's heart shrank slightly, and a strange emotion surged up.

He didn't know that this kind of feeling was distressed, he just felt his mouth astringent, in his heart, Zhou Niannian should still be that delicate and beautiful girl who dresses up every day, and shouldn't suffer so much.

"Qingfeng, what's the matter? What are you thinking? So preoccupied?" The voice of County Magistrate Chen's words came to mind.

Lu Qingfeng came back to his senses, saw the county magistrate Chen was looking at him with a look of understanding, and smiled uncomfortably: "It's okay, brother, what did you just say?"

"Where did you say it?" County Magistrate Chen shook his head in amazement: "Your sister-in-law said the food is ready, so I'll ask you to eat."

Lu Qingfeng was embarrassed: "Don't you have to wait for the child?"

He knew that the county magistrate and his wife had a son who was in high school.

County Magistrate Chen waved his hand: "Ziqian is going to his classmate's house tonight, and he won't come back to stay. It just so happens that you are staying here tonight, and you won't leave."

Lu Qingfeng didn't refuse, it was getting dark after dinner, and he didn't have a car back to Jinchuan Town, so he couldn't take Zhou Niannian to live in a guest house, "Then we won't be polite, we'll just stay at the senior brother's house for a night of trouble."

Zheng Qiuli and Zhou Niannian packed up the food, and there were six dishes and one soup on the table.

Zheng Qiuli pointed to two of the dishes, and said with a smile: "This pickled fish and braised tofu are both made by Nian Nian. You should try Nian Nian's cooking skills later."

Zhou Niannian chuckled and helped Zheng Qiuli set the dishes.

Lu Qingfeng took a deep look at her, and Zheng Qiuli called her Nian Nian instead of Comrade Xiao Zhou in the time it took to cook a meal, which shows that she has a good impression of her in her heart.

Zhou Niannian has always been likable, he always knew this in his heart, and he was even more surprised that Zhou Niannian could really cook.

Lu Qingfeng took a mouthful of braised tofu with apprehension, and ate it. The fresh and spicy flavor in the mouth made his eyes light up suddenly.

County Magistrate Chen tasted it twice, praised Zhou Niannian's delicious cooking, and joked with Lu Qingfeng: "You will have good food in the future."

Lu Qingfeng didn't speak, but he couldn't hide the smile in his eyes.

A meal was a feast for the guests and the host, and in the evening, both of them stayed at the county magistrate Chen's house.

The county magistrate Chen's house is a two-bedroom house, Zheng Qiuli and Zhou Niannian live in one, and the county magistrate Chen and Lu Qingfeng live in one.

"I don't think Qingfeng's character is exactly the same as what Mr. Lu said in his letter. He is thick and thin, and he knows how to hurt others. When are you going to get married?" Zheng Qiuli couldn't wait to ask Zhou Niannian as soon as she lay down.

 There will be another wave of changes, and continue to ask everyone for tickets, please collect them, and the little ones who pass by will hold a ticket, those who have received a ticket, and those who have money will hold a money...

(End of this chapter)

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