Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 108 Calling Again

Chapter 108 Calling Again (Fourth Update)

Zhou Niannian did not expect that the two men he provoked with a single word would look at her intently at the same time.

The difference is that Lu Qingfeng's eyes are astonishingly bright, looking at her with secret joy in concentration, while Yang Jiarui's eyes are a little sad.

Zhou Niannian knew after a little thought that the problem was the address she had just given to Lu Qingfeng.

She was embarrassed for a while. Yesterday, she tried several times on the title, but Lu Qingfeng was obviously not satisfied. Even Lu Ge, who she wanted to call the most, was blocked by Lu Qingfeng with a black face.

Since he wanted to tell Yang Jiarui to give up, he naturally couldn't call Lu Qingfeng by his first and last name.

If she called him Brother Lu, Zhou Niannian was afraid of being teased by Lu Qingfeng again, so she called him Brother Qing without even thinking about it.

Thinking about it now, Brother Qing, Brother Qing, uh, it’s really disgusting.

She pretended not to see the sadness in Yang Jiarui's eyes, and said with a smile: "Let's go to the State-owned Hotel, it's time for dinner."

Yang Jiarui took a deep look at her and said in a low voice, "Okay."

The National Hotel is very close to the police station, and it takes only a few minutes to walk there.

It was time to eat, and two or three tables were sparsely seated in the state-run hotel. After all, the economic conditions were not so good at this time, and most people were seldom willing to go to the restaurant to eat.

The three found a table and sat down. Lu Qingfeng asked Yang Jiarui who was sitting opposite: "Comrade Yang, let's order. What do you like?"

At this time, Yang Jiarui had restrained his previous expression, and looked at Zhou Niannian with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Let's order another red pork belly, I remember you also thought braised pork was delicious last time."

Zhou Niannian: "."

She clearly felt that the temperature beside her had dropped several degrees.

He squinted at Lu Qingfeng, and saw that Lu Qingfeng squinted his eyes and gave her a sharp look, then raised his head and smiled as if nothing had happened: "Actually, this girl's favorite food since she was a child is sweet and sour pork ribs, she She's so hypocritical, she doesn't like fatty meat the most, and if there's a piece of fat in the bowl, she'll give it to me, there's really nothing I can do about her."

Lu Qingfeng's tone of voice was gentle and helpless, with deep pampering in his tone, as if he couldn't help Zhou Niannian.

Zhou Niannian's goosebumps would rise when he heard it beside him, so he couldn't help but secretly glared at him.

Why did this guy speak in such a strange tone, Zhou Niannian was embarrassed, and felt strange in his heart, Lu Qingfeng actually knew that she liked sweet and sour pork ribs, and also knew that she didn't like fatty meat.

Yang Jiarui's pupils on the opposite side shrank unconsciously. He deliberately told Lu Qingfeng that he and Zhou Niannian had dinner together at the State-owned Hotel, just to stimulate Lu Qingfeng, and to test whether Zhou Niannian had said this to Lu Qingfeng. Tell Lu Qingfeng about it.

Lu Qingfeng's eyes subconsciously narrowed at the time, indicating that he didn't know about it at all. Before Yang Jiarui could secretly laugh, Lu Qingfeng retorted and told Zhou Niannian's hobbies.

Yang Jiarui sighed secretly, yes, the two people in front of him were childhood sweethearts and had a relationship for more than ten years. I only knew Zhou Niannian for four months, how could I compare with his relationship for more than ten years.

Thinking of this, Yang Jiarui felt a little uncomfortable during the next meal, as if a blunt knife was poking his heart, the pain made him speak without thinking: "Even if it is a childhood sweetheart for more than ten years, you are now thousands of miles apart. I can't take care of her, you know, last time she was almost killed"

"Officer Yang!" Zhou Niannian interrupted Yang Jiarui without a sound.

Yang Jiarui's face turned pale, and he immediately realized that he had lost his composure. He shouldn't have brought up such a thing in public.

Although he didn't finish speaking, Lu Qingfeng was smart enough to realize what had happened, his face suddenly sank, exuding a ruthless aura, he asked Zhou Niannian in a low voice: "What's going on?"

Zhou Niannian smiled and shook his head: "It's okay, but I've dealt with a gangster. I'm fine now."

Before he finished speaking, his hand that was placed under the table was suddenly held by a big hand.

The man held his hand tightly with some tough hands, which made her almost hurt, Zhou Niannian suddenly felt a warm current in his heart.

In fact, Lu Qingfeng is also very worried about her, right?
Afterwards, no one spoke anymore, the meal was very silent, Yang Jiarui looked complicated, while Lu Qingfeng had a dark face.

But the tense atmosphere disappeared, and Zhou Niannian secretly heaved a sigh of relief. This atmosphere of sparks and lightning all the way is really depressing.

After finishing the meal in silence, Lu Qingfeng, who consciously crushed an enemy in the cradle, was in a good mood.

The meal cost a total of 15 yuan, which was paid by Lu Qingfeng.

When paying, Zhou Niannian watched from the side, silently calculating that Lu Qingfeng must have spent a lot of money in the past few days, I really don't know where this guy got the money from.

After leaving the state-run hotel, Lu Qingfeng shook hands with Yang Jiarui in a deep voice: "See you later."

After a pause, he shook Yang Jiarui's hand heavily: "You're right, I'm far away, if there is anything wrong with her in the future, please take care of her."

Yang Jiarui took a deep look at Zhou Niannian, nodded, and finally turned back to work without saying anything.

Zhou Niannian glanced at the big clock hanging in the lobby of the State-owned Hotel, it was already ten past one, and couldn't help but give Lu Qingfeng a push: "Hurry up, or you won't be able to catch the train if you don't."

Lu Qingfeng didn't move, he gritted his teeth and asked, "How is that scumbag doing?"

Zhou Niannian was stunned for a moment before realizing that the scum he was referring to was Zheng Chunsheng, and said in a low voice, "I was arrested for robbery and sentenced to three years. I'm fine. Don't worry, don't take these things when you go back." Tell my parents about it, do you hear me?"

Lu Qingfeng's expression softened a little, and he took a deep look at Zhou Niannian before pushing his bicycle with sullen head.

Zhou Niannian didn't know what was wrong with him, so she followed her all the way to the bus station, saw him go in and bought a bus ticket.

"Why only buy one?" Zhou Niannian asked in surprise, "You won't let me take you to the train station?"

"I didn't intend to let you see me off." Lu Qingfeng handed the bicycle to her, and shook the ticket in his hand, "Just take me here, take me to the train station, when you come back, it will be late It's dark, it's not safe."

Zhou Niannian raised his head to meet his ebony black eyes, and suddenly realized that Lu Qingfeng insisted on rushing back to Jinchuan Town, not only to treat Yang Jiarui to a meal, but also to send her back.

This guy never planned to let himself go to the train station to see him off.

While he was in a trance, suddenly there was another person in front of him. Zhou Niannian looked up and saw Lu Qingfeng looking at him with deep and focused black eyes across the bicycle: "Niannian, call again."

(End of this chapter)

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