Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 109 The Ham Sausage Is Broken

Chapter 109 The Ham Sausage Is Broken
What do you call again?Zhou Niannian blinked blankly, noticing that Lu Qingfeng was a little close to him, and subconsciously leaned back.

Lu Qingfeng pressed the handlebar of the bicycle with one hand, and put the other hand on the seat, his broad arms almost wanted to wrap the slender Zhou Niannian in his arms across the bicycle.

Zhou Niannian couldn't help but hold his breath as the clear aura emanating from the man rushed towards his face, and he heard his deep voice say, "What did you call me when you were eating just now? Call me again."

During the meal just now, Zhou Niannian came to his senses and was embarrassed, and refused without thinking: "I don't want it."

Lu Qingfeng's face suddenly darkened: "I was able to call just now, why can't I call now?"

Thinking of Zhou Niannian's address just now, Lu Qingfeng's heart was as hot as fire. No one had ever called him that. The children in the compound called him Brother Lu, and the elders called him Qingfeng.

Just now when Zhou Niannian's Brother Qing shouted out with a slight ending, Lu Qingfeng felt his heart beat faster for an instant.

Now he wants to hear it again.

Just now it was for Yang Jiarui to see, and now there is no outsider here, so she couldn't scream, Zhou Niannian wrinkled her small nose, feeling a little embarrassed for no reason.

In her two lifetimes, she had never called anyone so intimately.

"If you ask me to call, I'll call." Zhou Niannian pushed him, pointing to the car behind him: "The car is coming, you should go, or you will really miss the train if you don't."

Seeing her resolute refusal, Lu Qingfeng couldn't help but a look of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

Seeing that the car behind him had already started to honk the horn, urging the passengers to get on the bus, he had no choice but to stretch out his big hand and gently rubbed the top of her head: "Take care of yourself, don't be too strong in everything, remember to write to me, do you hear me?" ?”

Seeing that he no longer insisted on calling her Brother Qing, Zhou Niannian breathed a sigh of relief, smiled and waved to him, agreeing straight away: "Got it, got it."

Lu Qingfeng just got into the car, watched the car leave, Zhou Niannian sighed, suddenly feeling a little lost.

In just four days, she actually didn't want Lu Qingfeng to leave.

Zhou Niannian shook her head, feeling a little fragile, there are still a lot of things going on in the factory, so let's hurry back to the factory.

She rode her bicycle all the way back to Meng Jiang, returned the bicycle to the team headquarters, and then entered the factory.

As soon as I entered, I saw Deng Junliang running over anxiously, and saw her overjoyed: "Director Xiao Zhou, it's great that you're back."

"What happened?" Zhou Niannian followed Deng Junliang inside while putting on his hat and apron.

Hygienic requirements for food processing are very important. She strictly requires all workers to wear hats and aprons in the workshop.

"Just now a batch of ham sausages came out of the pan. I don't know why, but the taste is sour. Why don't you go and see what's going on?"

Deng Junliang said eagerly: "Our first batch of goods will be delivered to the county supply and marketing cooperatives and department stores. The reporters have already reported for duty, so they are waiting for the delivery time to take pictures. This batch is broken, how can we ship it? ?”

Zhou Niannian's heart suddenly sank.

At the opening ceremony yesterday, they had already told the Zezhou Reporter that the first batch of goods, bacon, dried meat and ham sausage, totaled [-] catties, and they would be delivered to the supply and marketing agency and department store tomorrow morning, and the press conference would be over by then Photo report.

If this batch is broken, the delivery time may be delayed.

The two rushed to the workshop for making ham sausages. The workers gathered around the steamer with sad faces.

Seeing Zhou Niannian approaching, someone hurriedly shouted: "Xiao Zhou, the director of the factory, is here."

Everyone was shocked for a moment, Meng Sanqiu was still holding a ham sausage, and greeted Zhou Niannian: "You are back, let's see what's going on?"

Zhou Niannian took the ham sausage from his hand, put it in front of his nose and smelled a vague smell, frowned, and broke off a small piece and put it in his mouth. The taste was not bad, and he chewed slowly until In the end, it was found that there was a faint sour taste.

"All the steps, including the marinating time and steaming time, were done strictly according to the method you said." Deng Junliang said with a serious expression, "I just don't know why the ham sausage is a little sour."

"Who is in charge of grinding and marinating the meat?" Zhou Niannian turned around and asked.

Deng Junliang pointed to the right: "Uncle Hongfu is in charge of grinding the meat, Comrade Li Wenjing and Chunmei are in charge of marinating the meat."

Zhou Niannian looked at the three people, "Tell me about the process of grinding and marinating meat again."

Li Wenjing's expression changed slightly, "What do you mean? Do you suspect that we did something wrong or added something secretly?"

Zhou Niannian narrowed his almond eyes and looked cold: "I have no doubts. The meat of ham sausage will not go sour for no reason. What we have to do now is to seize the time to find the reason, and hurry up to make the next batch. Don't delay the first batch." The goods leave the factory."

Li Wenjing met her sharp eyes, bit her lips lightly, and did not speak.

Uncle Hongfu and Chunmei explained the steps of mincing and chopping meat respectively. Zhou Niannian stood in front of the steamer and listened calmly to their narration without speaking.

There is nothing wrong with the process of the two people. If it is not a problem in the production process, it is probably a problem with the meat.

Zhou Niannian decided to go to the raw material warehouse to have a look. Before leaving, he said to Deng Junliang: "You take people to clean all the equipment, pots, and pots for grinding meat and marinating meat. We will try to make the next batch as soon as possible. This batch cannot be processed. Shipped."

Everyone was shocked when they heard that they couldn't ship.

"Ah, such a big pot of ham sausage, more than 20 catties of meat, how can we not ship it?"

"If you don't sell them, what will you do with these ham sausages?"

Deng Junliang looked a little anxious: "Xiao Zhou, it's almost three o'clock now, and even if we rush to make again, we won't be able to make 20 catties of ham sausage by tomorrow morning, and the cured meat alone will have to be marinated for more than [-] hours. "

Meng Sanqiu frowned, and habitually touched the dry tobacco in his pocket, only to realize that smoking is not allowed in the workshop, he swallowed hard, and said: "Xiao Zhou, there are only twenty catties of ham sausage, and there is only It’s less than half, if we don’t make it in time for tomorrow’s shipment, let the reporters see that we’re not going to make a big fool of ourselves.”

The entire Zezhou County is watching their Mengjiang Meat Food Factory. If the first batch of goods can't get out, let alone them, the leaders of the county will be laughed at.

Zhou Niannian didn't know this, but he was anxious. Food with problems must not be shipped. This is the bottom line that everyone in the food processing industry must have.

Li Wenjing pursed her lips slightly, and said in a low voice: "Actually, this meat has only a little sour taste, and people who don't eat it carefully will not be able to taste it. Besides, many people have never eaten ham sausage, and they don't know what it tastes like. I think We just ship out and it’s fine.”

(End of this chapter)

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