Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 159 Lu Qingfeng's Thoughts

Chapter 159 Lu Qingfeng's Thoughts

Zhou Niannian recalled the scene during the day when he guessed about Lu Qingfeng's affairs, which made him and himself angry and awkward.

This time, she didn't dare to guess at random anymore, thinking about finding a suitable time to ask Lu Qingfeng.

But I don't know if Lu Qingfeng is still sulking because of the incident on the train, he doesn't look at himself at all.

Until he found the guest house and arranged the room, Zhou Niannian didn't find time to ask Lu Qingfeng.

She curled her lips, thinking that she would go to the new city together anyway, so she couldn't believe she couldn't find time to ask him.

Maybe it was because of the train ride, after Zhou Niannian fell asleep, she always felt like she was dangling on the train, and she dreamed again in a daze.

Once again dreamed of the bird she saw when she fell into the trap, and then dreamed that she had caught Lu Qingfeng's weapon again in a daze.

Zhou Niannian's face was hot when he woke up from the dream.

Why did she dream of this scene again? She patted her cheek in annoyance and forced herself to turn her attention to the dream of falling into the trap.

The scene in the dream was extremely clear, it must be Ah Liang who she saw before she passed out?

But why Ah Liang's expression is exactly the same as Lele's?

Lele Ah Liang
Zhou Niannian suddenly had a magical feeling, could it be that Ah Liang is Lele, and Lele is Ah Liang?

She was shocked by her sudden thought, but after thinking about it carefully, she felt that it was not impossible.

When she picked up Ah Liang for the first time, Ah Liang looked at her with familiar and excited eyes.

The more Zhou Niannian thinks about it, the more she feels that Ah Liang and Lele have many similar habits.

It's a pity that Ah Liang is not around now, and I don't know where it went?Zhou Niannian felt a little regretful, otherwise, ask Ah Liang, she would definitely know.

There was a knock on the door, and Zhou Niannian turned her head away, only to realize that she was in a daze, and it was already dawn outside.

After washing up and having breakfast, Lu Qingfeng asked Li Chengyu to come over and tell her: "Qingcheng is different from other cities. There are two department stores here, one is responsible for wholesale to nearby cities, and the other is mainly for the local residents of Qingcheng. Consumption."

Zhou Niannian thought that Lu Qingfeng might still be sulking, so he muttered a bit pettyly, then turned around and asked Qi Jiayan, "Shall we try it separately?"

She consciously wanted to train Qi Jiayan, so that she could be on her own.

Qi Jiayan's eyes lit up, "This is the best, Nian Nian, I promise to complete the task!"

She felt that she had only dragged down Zhou Niannian along the way, and hadn't helped with anything else. In Nancheng, she almost lost ham sausage and jerky because of her family.

After the two of them finished their meal, they packed up and prepared to go out, when Li Chengyu came over again.

"What's the matter with him? Can't you come over and talk by yourself? You have to find a microphone, making him look like a three-year-old child." Zhou Niannian rolled his eyes.

There was a muffled sound from the next door, maybe it was the sound of something falling on the ground.

Li Chengyu raised his hands helplessly, as if I didn't want to do this, I was being forced, "I came here to say that we have an appointment with someone today, so we can't accompany you there, you should be careful. "

He heavily emphasized the word "we", implying that the focus is not on me, but on the sullen "men" next door!
Zhou Niannian snorted coldly, "We didn't care to have you accompany us. Without you, maybe things will go more smoothly."

There was a bang from the next door, and another dull sound.

Li Chengyu touched his nose, and smiled: "I borrowed two bicycles for you, and, when you go out, remember to wear more clothes. The climate in Qingcheng is dry and cold, and there are strong winds from time to time, so be careful of catching cold."

Zhou Niannian rolled her eyes, pulled Qi Jiayan to carry her things and went out, "Why are you talking so much like a woman!"

Li Chengyu kicked the door with an aggrieved face.

He looks like a woman?It's clearly the woman next door who hit the wall, okay?
I didn't come over, but I still told him a bunch of things, and threatened him that he must convey it.

Li Chengyu went back to the next room in a dull mood, and when he saw Lu Qingfeng sitting on the chair with a blank face, he couldn't help but sigh, "Brother Lu, are you going to make such a fuss? Can you stop telling me if you have something to say?" ? Pass it on, and I will really become a woman."

"Do you have an opinion?" Lu Qingfeng raised his head slowly, squinted his eyes to look at him, moved his wrist as if inadvertently, and made a crisp crackling sound.

Li Chengyu hugged the door very spinelessly, "I dare not!"

Just kidding, Brother Lu has practiced authentic martial arts, he is invincible in the compound and nearby compound.

Lu Qingfeng sneered and put down his hand.

Li Chengyu hugged the door and learned from the pain. For his own stable life in the future, he asked with the intention of being beaten: "Brother Lu, why are you angry with Zhou Niannian?"

for what?Lu Qingfeng was in a trance.

At first it was because she misunderstood that she was illegally reselling, and she felt a little hurt. After all, they grew up together, even if they hated each other before, they should be very clear about each other's essence, right?

That girl was fine, she nailed herself into a criminal gang.

He was secretly angry, so he didn't explain it. Later, it was because she said she missed Zhou Chang'an to him, and he felt inexplicably unhappy and unhappy in his heart.

Then Zhou Niannian grabbed him while he was sleeping. He felt as if he was blown up. When he saw Zhou Niannian, he couldn't help but have some messy thoughts.

Lu Qingfeng knew that at that time, he was actually not angry anymore. After all, it was not the first time he was angry with her, and he probably got used to it when he was angry.

But after he came out of the toilet, just after his thunderous heartbeat calmed down, when he saw Zhou Niannian holding his clothes to cover Qi Jiayan, he felt unhappy again.

It was his clothes, how could Zhou Niannian take it and put it on another woman indifferently?
"You are not a stingy person. You say you, why are you so angry with a girl?"

"Didn't you two always quarrel before? After the quarrel, won't you continue to quarrel as if nothing happened last time when you meet?" Li Chengyu persuaded Lu Qingfeng, "If you want me to say, you will still be the same as before. , when you see Zhou Niannian in the afternoon, just act as if nothing happened, isn't that all right?"

"Anyway, you two have been arguing since you were young, and never reconciled. Haven't you come over well after so many years?"

The corners of Lu Qingfeng's mouth couldn't help twitching, what do you mean being quarreling all the time and never reconciling?What do you mean the next time you meet, you will continue to argue like nothing happened last time?He and Zhou Niannian have been arguing since co-authoring?
Li Chengyu saw that although his face was not good-looking, he did not make any other moves. Judging from his years of keen experience in being beaten, Lu Qingfeng should have listened to his words at this moment. He relaxed the door and walked in with a smile. .

 My stomach has been inexplicably hurting for three days. Is it because of the heat?I have to go out to do errands today, and I will be very busy these two days, so I can only update one chapter first, and I will try to come back around Wednesday or Thursday for more updates.

(End of this chapter)

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