Chapter 160

Li Chengyu patted Lu Qingfeng on the shoulder, "Brother Lu, we are men, men, be bold, don't be as knowledgeable as women."

Lu Qingfeng gave him a sideways glance, and he immediately let go of his hand like an electric shock, laughing, "Just now, my hand twitched, my hand twitched."

After all, he took a step back and looked at Lu Qingfeng warily.

Lu Qingfeng stood up, and Li Chengyu jumped to the corner of the wall, hugging the wall pitifully, "Brother Lu, don't hit me in the face."

Lu Qingfeng glanced at him like an idiot, "Let's go, it's almost the time we agreed with someone."

After all, he picked up the bag and turned to leave.

Li Chengyu patted his heart in fear, and chased after him with a smile.

Zhou Niannian and Qi Jiayan were a little stunned as soon as they went out.

The sky outside was gloomy, covered with dark clouds, and the howling wind rattled the branches, bringing down a lot of snow from the roof and hitting my face, which was cold and painful.

Along the way, the provincial capital and Nancheng were colder than Zezhou, but Qingcheng was even colder.

Zhou Niannian took a deep breath, feeling a faint pain in his heart, knowing that the air here is thin, and this is because of the difficulty in breathing.

She turned to look at Qi Jiayan: "Are you okay?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, he felt the cold wind blowing into his stomach, and the cold air rushed around.

Qi Jiayan wrapped her big padded jacket tightly around her body, shrank her neck and nodded, hiding her mouth in the scarf, and asked in a low voice: "Let's go separately."

Zhou Niannian quickly retracted her chin and mouth into her scarf, pointed to the bicycle at the door, "Let's go."

Just now they have asked the front desk of the guest house about the location of the department store.

"I'll go to Yongning Department Store, you go to Lantian Department Store." Zhou Niannian gave Qi Jiayan a closer place.

Qi Jiayan shook her head, "I'll go to Yongning, you go to Lantian, Niannian, she's younger than me, I can't let you take care of everything."

Zhou Niannian saw that she looked determined, but she didn't refute. She tightened the hat on her head, tied the ham sausage and jerky to the bicycle, waved her hands and pushed the bicycle away.

With such a strong wind, it was even more strenuous to ride a bicycle. Zhou Niannian did not ride until he walked to a sheltered place.

I didn't expect that Lu Qingfeng could get a bicycle here in Qingcheng. How could this guy know people everywhere?
The more Zhou Niannian thought about it, the more he felt that Lu Qingfeng had a secret.

Forget it, forget it, one day she will always know what this guy is doing mysteriously.

If the contract can be successfully signed on this trip, she will go to find her second brother Zhou Changan in the afternoon.

Only then did Zhou Niannian belatedly realize that she didn't know where Zhou Changan jumped into the queue. She only knew about Qingcheng, but she didn't know which brigade she was in.

Lu Qingfeng must know, she bit her lip, a little annoyed that she didn't ask clearly earlier.

Now that guy is angry with himself, if he asks him first, won't he lose a city?
Zhou Niannian was still a little hesitant when he reached the entrance of the Lantian department store, but when he saw the department store, he shrugged, forget it, let's talk business first.

After asking that Director Zhang was responsible for the purchase, Zhou Niannian found Director Zhang's office under the guidance of the salesperson.

Director Zhang is about 35 to [-] years old, with slightly bald hair at the sideburns, clean and tidy clothes, shining eyes behind the silver mirror, and looks very capable.

After explaining his identity and why he came here, Director Zhang read their letter of introduction, tasted the ham sausage and jerky, pondered for a while and did not speak.

"How is it? Director Zhang? There are many ways to eat this ham sausage. It can be served cold, stir-fried, and it's okay."

Director Zhang raised his hand and interrupted Zhou Niannian, "Xiao Zhou, deputy factory director, right?"

Zhou Niannian smiled and nodded.

"The ham sausage and jerky you brought are indeed rare items, but what?" Director Zhang raised his eyes and continued, "However, Deputy Director Xiao Zhou probably doesn't know much about the living habits of our Qingcheng people."

Zhou Niannian was stunned.

"We Qingcheng people like to eat beef and mutton. The taste is heavy. We like fresh, salty and spicy food. I'm not saying that your food is not good, but that it doesn't suit the taste of Qingcheng people."

Director Zhang spread his hands, "It's like a pair of shoes, no matter how good-looking they are, we wouldn't buy them, would we?"

"This is the reason for imported items. If they don't suit our taste, if I sign a contract, I will be held responsible if the item fails to sell in the future."

"So, I'm really sorry, our Lantian Department Store can't cooperate with you, please come back, Deputy Factory Manager Xiao Zhou."

Although Zhou Niannian was a little disappointed, she also knew that Director Zhang's words were very reasonable.

The provincial capital and Nancheng I visited before are not too far from Zezhou. The living habits and tastes of the local people are not much different from those of Zezhou people, so the orders for the provincial capital and Nancheng were signed very smoothly.

The result of being too smooth is that she ignored the taste differences in different regions.

Director Zhang's words were like a blow to the head, and Zhou Niannian woke up from the excitement accumulated since the opening of the factory.

A thought gradually surfaced in her mind, and Zhou Niannian, who walked to the door, stopped suddenly, turned her head, and looked at Director Zhang with bright eyes: "Director Zhang, if I can make something that suits the taste of the locals in Qingcheng Ham sausage and jerky, can you reconsider our products?"

Director Zhang looked into her bright eyes, and was somewhat moved by the persistence of the little girl in front of him.

He pondered for a moment, then nodded, "If you can really make it, I will consider it carefully, but I will have to ask the people of Qingcheng to try it before I can make a decision."

Zhou Niannian nodded excitedly, "Let's make a deal here, give me four days, and I'll come back to you when the time comes. Don't worry, what I make will definitely not let you down."

The girl in front of her stood upright, her eyes were shining brightly, and she looked confident and energetic. Director Zhang smiled unconsciously, "Okay, I'm waiting for your good news."

Coming out of Director Zhang's office, Zhou Niannian took a deep breath, did not leave the department store, but went to the butcher's counter, and bought ten catties of beef, ten catties of mutton, and some needed seasonings, and bought more Lots of peppers.

Walking out of the department store, the north wind was still howling outside, and there were even snowflakes.

Zhou Niannian rubbed her hands, put on her gloves and rode her bicycle to the guest house.

Just now she suddenly thought that people in different regions have different tastes, so she can make differentiated products according to different regions.

Product diversification is a major trend in the future, and it is difficult to gain a firm foothold in the future market economy by relying on a single product.

She and Director Zhang only agreed on four days, and the time was a bit urgent, so she had to go back and prepare things quickly.

Back at the guest house, Lu Qingfeng, Li Chengyu, and Qi Jiayan haven't come back yet.

Zhou Niannian went to the person in charge of the guest house and asked if he could borrow the kitchen of the guest house.

(End of this chapter)

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