Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 165 What's Your Business

Chapter 165 What's Your Business
"You can eat at ease, don't worry, my brother is rich, you see that you have lost weight in Zezhou for more than half a year." Zhou Changan patted her on the shoulder to reassure.

Even if he doesn't have money, that bastard Lu Qingfeng still has money.

He glanced at Lu Qingfeng secretly, thinking that since Lu Qingfeng said he was treating guests and he paid for it, he would naturally not save money for Lu Qingfeng.

If he didn't kill him hard, he wouldn't be called Zhou Chang'an.

Zhou Changan wanted to order a few more dishes, but Zhou Niannian forcefully stopped him, "There are only three of us, second brother, you have already ordered eight dishes, which is enough."

Isn't the second brother venting your anger for you? If you can't beat Lu Qingfeng, I can't beat him up?The little girl with her elbow turned outward, Zhou Changan gave Zhou Niannian a sullen look.

Zhou Niannian was completely unaware that her elbow was turned out for no reason. She glanced at Zhou Changan suspiciously, then glanced at Lu Qingfeng, who was calm and calm, and blinked. She always felt that there was something strange between the two of them. of.

The dishes came out soon, Zhou Niannian looked at the roast lamb and potato goulash on the table, his eyes lit up.

She remembered the beef sausage and beef jerky she planned to make, and she just took this opportunity to taste the taste of Qingcheng people.

After eating a meal, everyone's body became much warmer after eating.

Zhou Niannian mentioned at the dinner table that he was going to make beef sausage and beef jerky, and Zhou Chang felt relieved, "What kind of stove can I borrow from them? Follow the second brother back to the team, and the second brother will help you borrow the stove from the big cafeteria. use."

"Really?" Zhou Niannian's eyes lit up.

Zhou Changan lifted his chin proudly, "Second Brother, can you still deceive you?"

Lu Qingfeng opened his mouth, wanting to say that he could actually borrow these things, but seeing the two brothers and sisters settle the matter in a few words, he suddenly felt that the beef he was chewing was a bit sour.

After eating, they went back to the restaurant to get the beef bought by Zhou Niannian, and followed Zhou Changan to the team where he jumped in.

The place where Zhou Chang placed his team was in the Linjiazhuang Brigade not far from the outskirts of Qingcheng. He rode a bicycle and arrived at Linjiazhuang in half an hour.

As soon as they entered Linjiazhuang, someone ran out of the village in a hurry.

"Chang'an, you're back. Didn't you mean to go to the department store? Ah, who are you?" The visitor hadn't finished speaking when he saw the pretty girl hanging on Zhou Chang'an's arm, his expression changed and he was full of wariness She stared at Zhou Niannian.

Zhou Niannian glanced at the girl opposite. The girl's skin was a bit dark, and there were red bumps blown by the wind on each of her cheeks. Her slanted eyes showed that she was an uneasy person.

"Who are you?" She didn't like the way the girl looked at her, so she asked back.

The girl was stunned for a moment, her face suddenly darkened, and she couldn't help but raise her voice, "Zhou Changan, who is she? You... you guys still haven't let go, the sky is bright and bright, so flirting with each other, is it embarrassing?"

Qi Jiayan, who was behind Zhou Niannian, couldn't help but burst out laughing, cast a glance at Zhou Changan, and said emphatically, "Oh, what a romantic debt."

Zhou Changan's face darkened, "Lin Xiaolan, if you talk nonsense again, don't blame me for being rude."

He is tall and tall, and he always looks simple and honest when he talks with a smile on weekdays, but his straight face is quite scary.

Lin Xiaolan shrank her neck, and her voice was much lower, "If you don't want to call me nonsense, then don't do it, just put your hands on your shoulders in broad daylight."

For some reason, Zhou Niannian felt uncomfortable seeing Lin Xiaolan, so she squinted her eyes and smiled, revealing her beautiful teeth, "We can not only hook our shoulders together, but also get closer."

As she spoke, she tiptoed and hooked Next Zhou Changan's neck.

Zhou Changan glanced at her helplessly, but still bent down cooperatively, allowing Zhou Niannian to rest her head on his shoulder.

Zhou Niannian raised his eyebrows and glanced at Lin Xiaolan provocatively, "Did you see that? It's none of your business what we are like?"

After saying this, Zhou Niannian suddenly felt a chill coming from her back, she couldn't help but turned her head, but saw Lu Qingfeng's fiery eyes staring at her closely, his face turned black.

What's wrong with him?Didn't you offend him?
Zhou Niannian blinked, flamboyantly ignored Lu Qingfeng, turned around and continued to provoke Lin Xiaolan.

"You..." Lin Xiaolan stomped her foot in anger, pointed at her and shouted, "Why are you so shameless?"

"Who are you calling shameless?"

"Who is shameless?"

The two voices roared at the same time, Lu Qingfeng pulled Zhou Niannian away from Zhou Changan with a dark face, and glared at Lin Xiaolan angrily.

Zhou Changan walked up to Lin Xiaolan angrily, "Lin Xiaolan, why are you so ignorant, and talk about my sister so nonsense, even if you are the daughter of the brigade captain, I can still beat you up."

Lin Xiaolan was so frightened by his roar that she shrank her neck subconsciously, and then realized what Zhou Changan said, and looked up in disbelief, "So she is your sister, you didn't say it earlier, I thought it was you who brought her from outside. The ones who came back were random."

"Say it again." Zhou Changan raised his fist unbearably.

Lin Xiaolan covered her mouth, then took two quick steps and ran to Zhou Niannian, "Hello, sister, I am the daughter of the village head of Linjiazhuang, and my name is Lin Xiaolan. I can't blame me for what happened just now. I didn't know you were brother Chang An's sister. Who called you?" They look different at all, so you can't blame me."

Don't blame you, don't you still blame me?The corners of Zhou Niannian's mouth twitched, feeling that there was something wrong with Lin Xiaolan's brain circuit, probably in her dictionary, nothing was her own fault, it was all other people's fault.

She didn't have any affection for this Lin Xiaolan.

Lin Xiaolan thought that she had already apologized to Zhou Niannian, so she ran back to Zhou Changan, "Brother Changan, so you went to pick up your sister, so who are these people?"

"Friend!" Zhou Changan replied impatiently, "Is Village Chief Lin at home? I'll go to him later for something."

"Yes, yes, my father is fine at home today," Lin Xiaolan nodded with bright eyes when she heard that Zhou Changan was going to her home, "Brother Changan, I'll go home and wait for you, see you later. "

After all, the person has already run away in a hurry.

"Hey, this romantic debt provoked me, I really know people and faces but don't know my heart." Qi Jiayan looked at Zhou Changan and couldn't help being sarcastic.

Zhou Changan frowned and glanced at her, then snorted suddenly, showing a smirk: "I didn't provoke you, but you want me to provoke you, I don't care, my temper is like a man's wife."

"You?" Qi Jiayan jumped a little angrily, gnashing her teeth and glaring at Zhou Changan, "You don't have the right to provoke me yet."

"Thank you, I really don't care about this qualification!" Zhou Changan retorted sharply.

 At three o'clock today, the child is on summer vacation, and tomorrow he will be watching the child all day, and the time for coding is almost gone, and he collapsed. He tried his best to draw time codes and wanted to save more manuscripts, so he worked hard!

(End of this chapter)

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