Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 166 Muscles

Chapter 166 Muscles
Zhou Niannian saw that the two were about to quarrel again, so she couldn't help but twist Zhou Changan, "Second Brother, why don't you lend me the cafeteria, I have limited time."

Zhou Changan touched the pinched place aggrievedly, "Nian Nian, your elbows are turning outward now."

Zhou Niannian smiled and hugged Qi Jiayan, "Jiayan is also my insider, so I'm turning inside out, there's nothing wrong with that."

Qi Jiayan couldn't help but smiled proudly at Zhou Changan.

Lu Qingfeng snorted, and looked at Zhou Changan: "What are you always fussing about with girls? You're stingy, go borrow the big cafeteria."

He is still stingy?Zhou Changan felt that he had been hit again, turned his head with a hurt face, and walked forward sullenly.

Li Chengyu could best understand the feeling of being bullied, and patted Zhou Changan's arm sympathetically, "Brother An, don't be angry, just get used to it."

"Fuck you, I'm not you, what are you used to?" Zhou Changan kicked without thinking.

Li Chengyu: "."

Well, I was thinking too much, he is still at the bottom of the food chain.

Zhou Changan took them to the educated youth dormitory where he lived first. There was no one in the dormitory at this time, so he put down everything and let them rest for a while.

"Now that the policy has changed, the canteen is now empty. I'll talk to the village chief, and I should be able to borrow it. Village chief Lin is the original production team leader of our brigade. He's a nice guy. I'll talk to him first."

Zhou Niannian held him back and said in a low voice, "Second Brother, if he doesn't agree to borrow it, you can talk to Village Chief Lin, and we are willing to give some money as our rental fee."

Lu Qingfeng glanced at her, stood up and said, "Let me go over with you to have a look, and find out where we live for the next two days."

After the two left, Li Chengyu happily lay down on Zhou Changan's bed, and soon began to snore.

Zhou Niannian and Qi Jiayan were sitting together, chatting one after another, when Qi Jiayan's hand was slammed, she couldn't help but exclaimed, "Jiayan, why are your hands so hot?"

"Is there?" Qi Jiayan looked at her hands in confusion.

Zhou Niannian raised his hand to touch her forehead, feeling that it was hot, "You have a fever, Jiayan."

Qi Jiayan blinked, "No wonder I feel very hot today."

Zhou Niannian was thinking about the cold climate in Qingcheng, which is a plateau climate. Qi Jiayan fell into the lake again yesterday and caught the cold. She didn't have a fever until noon today. Her physique is already very good.

Qi Jiayan took Zhou Niannian's hand, "It's okay, Niannian, I'm fine, just drink more water."

"No, you have to take some antipyretics quickly, the fever will get worse if the fever continues." Zhou Niannian told her to sit down, turned to see that Li Chengyu was still sound asleep, and quickly kicked him awake.

Li Chengyu was soundly asleep, and when someone kicked him awake, he couldn't help crying, "Brother Lu, what's wrong with you?"

Opening his eyes to face Zhou Niannian, he couldn't help rubbing his face, "Why do you both wake people up in the same way?"

Zhou Niannian was not in the mood to talk nonsense with him, "Jiayan has a fever, I'll take her out to the bathroom to see, you look at things here, don't fall asleep."

Li Chengyu glanced at Qi Jiayan's blushing face, scratched his head, "Can you do it yourself?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he found that Zhou Niannian had already led Qi Jiayan and disappeared outside the door.

This resolute temper is comparable to his Brother Lu's.

Zhou Niannian took Qi Jiayan out, they were unfamiliar with this place, and they didn't know if there was a clinic in Linjiazhuang.

They were lucky, they ran into a villager when they went out, and after inquiring, they found out that there was a clinic in the east of the village.

Zhou Niannian found the clinic according to the directions pointed out by others.

The condition of the clinic is simple, with only one consultation table, and two rows of earthen shelves behind the doctor, on which some medicines are placed.

After taking the temperature, the doctor prescribed some antipyretics, "If the fever doesn't subside after taking the medicine, you'd better go to the hospital in the city."

Zhou Niannian was a little worried after hearing this, "Doctor, is it a little serious?"

The doctor frowned, "I heard some murmurs in the lungs, it's hard to judge now, let's go back and take the medicine and observe."

After the two returned, Zhou Niannian urged Qi Jiayan to take antipyretics first.

Lu Qingfeng and Zhou Chang'an came back, and Zhou Chang'an beamed when they entered the door and said, "The canteen will be ours for the next two days. In addition, Uncle Lin's house next to the canteen can let us stay for two days. Move things over there."

Zhou Niannian was a little worried about Qi Jiayan, and proposed to send Qi Jiayan to Lin Sanshu's house to rest first.

Qi Jiayan disagreed, "I'm not that fragile, don't worry, besides, these people don't know how to make ham sausage and jerky, so they can only help you, the main force is just the two of us, if I'm not here, you alone When do people have to be busy?"

Seeing her insistence, Zhou Niannian had no choice but to agree.

The five people worked together to move things to the big dining hall. The big dining hall had just been abandoned for two weeks, but the stove had already been covered with a layer of dust.

Zhou Niannian directed them to clean the stove again before starting the preparation process.

The three men were responsible for cutting and chopping the meat.

Zhou Niannian and Qi Jiayan are in charge of living, thinking that they have borrowed the canteen anyway, so they have to eat tonight.

She ran to Zhou Changan's dormitory again, and brought some of the rice and noodles he had allocated this month. The seasonings and meat were ready-made, and a little was enough for cooking.

Qi Jiayan lit the fire. She boiled porridge, fried vegetables, and stewed the remaining beef with potatoes. The mutton was the bone left after the meat was removed. She used it to stew the soup. , and made some multigrain noodles.

After the meal was ready, Zhou Niannian went to the side to see how well the three men were chopping the meat.

There is no meat grinder here, so it can only be chopped manually. Fortunately, there are three men. If she and Qi Jiayan chop all of them, they will be exhausted tonight.

Zhou Niannian stood beside her, her eyes couldn't help falling on Lu Qingfeng.

Probably because it was too thick and inconvenient to wear, Lu Qingfeng took off his thick cotton coat and only wore a light sweater. He held a kitchen knife in both hands at the same time, and he raised and lowered the knife with precision. Meat on a chopping board.

His arms are strong and powerful, and every time he raises the kitchen knife to accumulate strength, the muscles on the upper arms will be tense together, almost tearing the sweater.

Zhou Niannian stared unconsciously.

I have to say that Lu Qingfeng's figure is very good. He stood there, even if he was chopping meat, his posture was straight, his hips were tightened, and his lines looked very smooth.

His arms are so toned, so the muscles on his body should be stronger, right? .

"What are you thinking? So preoccupied?"

Zhou Niannian heard someone from beside him ask, and subconsciously murmured: "Muscle."

 Recommend my friend Qing Qingchi's "Crossing [-], There is Space"

  If you are interested, you can go and see: Shengmuxiu, a senior student of the Agricultural University, took a space loaded with agricultural machinery and seed materials, and was reborn in the rural areas that lacked food and clothing in the late 70s.

  What kind of weird family is this?
  After trying so hard to separate the family, looking at the half-mu poor land allocated to her family, her parents wanted to cry without tears, and Mu Xiu laughed in her heart. Do you want to embarrass her?

  The scumbag from the previous life came to show his favor, hehe, the debts of the previous life should be settled well in this life...

  See how she uses modern wisdom to hang and beat the best scumbags, live a prosperous life, and kidnap an arrogant little brother by the way.

(End of this chapter)

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