Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 167 Who is Xin Zihan?

Chapter 167 Who is Xin Zihan?
"Chicken?" Lu Qingfeng blinked. Just now Zhou Niannian looked at him and thought about chicken? "Do you want some chicken?"

No, no, it was clearly his arm that Zhou Niannian was looking at just now.

Lu Qingfeng paused, and quickly realized that Zhou Niannian was talking about muscles, not chicken.

"Whose muscles do you want?" He lowered his voice two minutes.

Zhou Niannian came back to his senses, and when he met Lu Qingfeng's suspicious eyes, he realized that he had accidentally said what was in his heart.

And Lu Qingfeng obviously misunderstood her meaning.

Her face became hot, and she couldn't help but stare back, "Who do I want to see? It's not yours anyway."

"What?" Lu Qingfeng's face turned dark suddenly, he gritted his teeth and asked word by word: "Then, you, think, look, who's it?"

As long as she dared to name a person, he would beat that man up, making sure that he would never have the word "muscle" in his life.

Zhou Niannian covered his burning face, and smiled a name: "Xin Zihan."

Xin Zihan?Who is Xin Zihan?Lu Qingfeng quickly mobilized his brain, recalling whether there was a man named Xin Zihan around Zhou Niannian.

It is certain that it is not a child from their compound, he is familiar with the children who grew up together.

Could it be the male educated youth who went to Zezhou to jump the queue with her?The more Lu Qingfeng thought about it, the more likely it was, and regretted that he didn't find out all about the enemy's situation when he went to Zezhou last time.

"Who is Xin Zihan? How did you see his muscles?" He stared at Zhou Niannian with a dark face, "You are a girl, can you be more reserved, what is reserved, you know?"

Zhou Niannian blinked, "I don't know."

Lu Qingfeng: "."

He was going to blow up that Xin Zihan.

"Niannian, come and see how the meat is chopped like this, okay?" Zhou Changan turned his head, saw Zhou Niannian and Lu Qingfeng talking together, frowned, and beckoned to Zhou Niannian.

"Okay." Zhou Niannian glanced at Lu Qingfeng with a smile, and left in a good mood.

Of course she wouldn't tell him that Xin Zihan was a martial arts star who would become popular all over the country 20 years later.

Looking at Zhou Niannian's back, Lu Qingfeng almost gritted his teeth.

After confirming that the meat was all chopped, Zhou Niannian and Qi Jiayan marinated the meat, and then invited them to eat together.

"Nian Nian, you made this all?" Zhou Changan widened his eyes in disbelief, staring at the stewed mutton soup, stewed beef with potatoes, and fried vegetables on the table.

Zhou Niannian nodded.

Instead, it was Lu Qingfeng, who had already learned about Zhou Niannian's ability to cook at County Mayor Chen's house last time, so he wasn't too surprised, but just remembered the soreness when he suddenly learned that she learned how to cook.

Zhou Chang'an's face darkened, and he stretched out his hand to rub Zhou Niannian's hair for a while, "Niannian, you have suffered a lot in the past six months, right?"

His younger sister, who used to stay out of the house at home, can cook so much after only half a year in the countryside.

Zhou Niannian gave him a bowl of mutton soup with a smile, "Second brother, let's eat, try my cooking."

Holding the bowl, Zhou Changan still looked at her with distressed expression.

"It's really not hard. If you don't believe me, ask Jiayan." Zhou Niannian sighed.

If you really want to talk about suffering, it is because she suffered a lot in her previous life, but in the six months after her rebirth, she really didn't count as suffering.

Zhou Changan cast a glance at Qi Jiayan, "I don't believe what she said."

Qi Jiayan glanced at him with a weary look, and for the first time did not open her mouth to refute him, Zhou Changan was still a little uncomfortable.

"Hey, are you okay?" He called Qi Jiayan in a rough voice.

Zhou Niannian also worriedly touched Qi Jiayan's forehead, and felt that her forehead was not as hot as before, she couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, "Jiayan, you should eat something lighter, drink some porridge, eat some Green vegetables."

Qi Jiayan's spirit was a little weak, she barely drank a bowl of porridge, when she stood up, she felt her eyes darkened, and she fell headfirst.

She didn't hit the ground, but fell into a warm embrace. Before she passed out, she met Zhou Changan's frowning, "How can you come out and show off when you know you have a fever?"

She is not showing off, Qi Jiayan wanted to refute, but felt that she didn't even have the strength to open her mouth.

Qi Jiayan's sudden fainting frightened Zhou Niannian.

Lu Qingfeng strode out and called the doctor from the clinic. The doctor opened Qi Jiayan's eyelids and shook his head, "She might have pneumonia. You should send her to the hospital in the city."

When Zhou Niannian heard this, she panicked.

It was getting dark outside now, and if they rode bicycles, it would take an hour to reach the hospital in the city.

"I'll go out and borrow a car." Lu Qingfeng made a quick decision.

Zhou Changan also reacted, and handed Qi Jiayan to Zhou Niannian, "I'm with you."

After all, both of them ran out.

Not long after, the rumbling sound of tractors sounded outside.

Zhou Niannian asked Li Chengyu to carry Qi Jiayan on his back, and ran out to have a look. Then, under the hazy moonlight, Lu Qingfeng was sitting on the front of the tractor.

"Get in the car!" Lu Qingfeng tilted his head.

Zhou Niannian climbed onto the tractor and dragged Qi Jiayan up with Li Chengyu.

"Wait for me." Panting heavily, Zhou Changan ran over from behind, holding a quilt in his hands.

He climbed onto the tractor, threw the quilt on the tractor, and signaled Zhou Niannian and Li Chengyu to put Qi Jiayan down.

Zhou Niannian let Qi Jiayan lie in his arms and wrapped her with a quilt so that she could lie down more comfortably.

Lu Qingfeng turned his head and pointed to the big cafeteria, "Cheng Yu, stay and watch things, don't be tampered with."

Li Chengyu still knew the importance of the critical moment, he jumped off the tractor, "Don't worry, Brother Lu, I will lay the floor here tonight."

Lu Qingfeng nodded, and as soon as he stepped on the accelerator, the tractor was already speeding away.

Li Chengyu watched Lu Qingfeng drive the tractor out of the highway speed on the dirt road, and couldn't help wiping off his sweat. As expected, only he, Brother Lu, could master this technique.

There was snow everywhere on the road, and it was very difficult to walk. The road was bumpy and bumpy to the hospital, and it was already dark.

Zhou Changan jumped out of the car and went to the emergency room. After a diagnosis, the doctor said: "She is not only suffering from pneumonia caused by cold and fever, but also has altitude sickness. If you come a little later, her life will be in danger." gone."

Zhou Niannian was taken aback, she never thought that Qi Jiayan would have altitude sickness.

Obviously both of them were fine yesterday, and there was no discomfort at all.

The doctor put a bottle on Qi Jiayan, and she fell into a coma and did not wake up.

Zhou Niannian, Lu Qingfeng and Zhou Changan stayed in the ward.

Qi Jiayan didn't wake up until noon the next day.

Seeing her wake up, Zhou Niannian let out a long breath, the circles of his eyes turned red, "Jiayan, you finally woke up."

"What's wrong with me?" She looked at Zhou Niannian in confusion.

"You had a fever and pneumonia, plus altitude sickness, you scared me last night." She couldn't help but glared at Zhou Chang'an as she spoke, "It's all my second brother's fault. If it wasn't for him, you wouldn't have fallen. into the water."

Zhou Changan glanced at Qi Jiayan's pale expression, touched his nose, and didn't dare to refute Zhou Niannian's words.

 There is another update in the afternoon. I am accompanying my children to football lessons while moving bricks with my mobile phone!

(End of this chapter)

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