Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 169 Do You Think I'm Stupid?

Chapter 169 Do You Think I'm Stupid?

"You don't like this Lin Xiaolan." Lu Qingfeng looked at Zhou Niannian and said with certainty.

After saying this, Zhou Niannian glanced at him, "Do you like her?"

Lu Qingfeng frowned with disgust, "That's your second brother's romantic debt, and it has nothing to do with me. From my point of view, I don't like people like that."

As Zhou Niannian walked in, he looked at Lu Qingfeng with a half-smile, "What kind of eyes can you see?"

Lu Qingfeng's eyes turned around Zhou Niannian, and the corner of his mouth curled up, "I won't tell you!"

Zhou Niannian felt a little inexplicably disappointed, pouted, "Don't tell me, I don't care to know."

The two of them had already walked to the kitchen of the big dining hall while they were talking.

Li Chengyu stood up with a vigilant expression and stared at the door, seeing Zhou Niannian and Lu Qingfeng coming in, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Why do you act like you're facing an enemy?" Zhou Niannian looked at Li Chengyu in confusion.

Li Chengyu took a look outside and patted his heart when he was sure there was no one else, "I thought it was Lin Xiaolan who came in."

"Why are you so afraid of her?" Zhou Niannian looked at Li Chengyu amusedly.

Li Chengyu gave her a blank look, "Look clearly, I'm not afraid of her, I'm annoying her, okay?"

Say it, and couldn't help complaining with a bitter face: "You don't know, Lin Xiaolan has been here several times since this morning."

He stretched out his hands and squeezed them together, exaggeratingly shouting: "Seven times, a total of seven times, come once in almost half an hour, and when they come, they will ask me where Chang An has gone."

"Tell her where my second brother is?" Zhou Niannian asked.

"How is it possible!" Li Chengyu looked like I was not a fool, "I hate her appearance that everyone owes her. Doesn't she just want to know where Chang An has gone? I don't want to tell her. Hmph, pissed her off."

Zhou Niannian couldn't help but laugh.

The same is true for her, anyway, Lin Xiaolan is not pleasing to the eye in all kinds of ways, and seeing her arrogant attitude, she doesn't want to talk to her even more.

When Zhou Niannian was talking to Li Chengyu, Lu Qingfeng had already brought over the four pots used to marinate the meat one by one, and oiled paper had been spread on the chopping board, "Do you need us to give you an enema?"

"No, I'll do it myself, you two help me cook the jerky." Zhou Niannian explained the general method, and then went to do the enema by himself.

It took half an afternoon to finally make mutton sausage, beef sausage, mutton jerky and beef jerky.

Seeing that it was still early in the sky, Zhou Niannian thought about sending some to the department store while the things were still warm, so they could see how the finished products were.

"I'll take you there with a tractor." Lu Qingfeng clapped his hands and stood up.

Li Chengyu curled his lips consciously, "Come on, I'll stay behind."

Zhou Niannian was amused by his sad look, "Why don't you accompany me to the city?"

Li Chengyu immediately felt a cold gaze on his back, almost freezing his back, he grinned, "No, I'm lazy, I just like to stay behind."

Huh, he actually doesn't like staying behind at all, okay?
Zhou Niannian and Lu Qingfeng walked out of the cafeteria, ready to start the tractor, when a voice came from not far away: "Wait a minute!"

The two turned their heads, and it appeared to be Lin Xiaolan, who was followed by a man around 50 years old.

When the man walked up to the tractor, Lu Qingfeng nodded and said hello: "Mr. Lin, what's the matter?"

It turned out that he was the village chief of Linjiazhuang, Lin Xiaolan's father. Zhou Niannian looked at Village Chief Lin and saw that he had gray hair and deep wrinkles between his brows. Seeing Lu Qingfeng, he rubbed his hands and said embarrassedly: "Comrade Lu, the village There is something temporary, this tractor has to be driven back, and it cannot be used by you for the time being."

Lu Qingfeng was taken aback for a moment, then glanced at Zhou Niannian.

Although Zhou Niannian was a little disappointed, it was really inconvenient for them to go to the city without a tractor, but the affairs of his village were important, "It's okay, you can drive away first, we will think of other ways."

Village head Lin rubbed his hands, instead of driving the tractor first, he looked at Lin Xiaolan.

Lin Xiaolan pulled her braids, twisted her body and walked in front of Zhou Niannian, raised the corners of her eyes, looked at Zhou Niannian domineeringly and said: "My dad listens to me the most, if you tell me something about Brother Chang An, I will let me Dad lent you the tractor."

Zhou Niannian looked at the pride in her eyes and knew in her heart that there was something wrong with the village and she couldn't borrow the tractor. It was clear that Lin Xiaolan was acting as a hindrance, threatening them in exchange for Zhou Changan's news.

"If you want to know about my second brother, you can just ask him yourself, why ask me." She sneered and looked at Lin Xiaolan.

Lin Xiaolan's face froze, and her hand holding the braid unconsciously tightened. If she could find out about Zhou Chang'an, why would she use this trick to threaten Zhou Niannian?

For some reason, there were quite a few young people in the village who came to jump in line, but Lin Xiaolan immediately fell in love with Zhou Changan.

Zhou Chang'an just ignored her. Lin Xiaolan was the village head's daughter, and everyone in the village was hugging her and coaxing her. No one dared to show her face.

But she was as if she was infatuated, the more honest Zhou Changan was to her, the more she fell in love with Zhou Changan.

"I heard that Brother Chang An's family lives in that kind of compound. The conditions at home are pretty good, isn't it?" She looked at Zhou Niannian with bright eyes, "You just need to tell me about Brother Chang An's house and where Brother Chang An is now. No, I'll ask my dad to lend you the tractor right away."

She almost said the words in front of Zhou Niannian, Village Chief Lin was far away, he didn't know what his daughter was talking to Zhou Niannian, he just thought they were whispering among girls.

But Lu Qingfeng, who was closer to Zhou Niannian, heard it. He frowned slightly, and looked at Lin Xiaolan displeased. Just as he was about to speak, he heard Zhou Niannian giggle.

In the cold winter wind, the girl's laughter was clear and sweet, as if it could pass through the cold wind and penetrate into people's hearts, it shocked people's spirits.

"You ask me about my second brother and my family in this way, do you think I will tell you? Do you think I'm stupid?" She sneered, "Isn't it just a tractor? I really don't care about it. "

After that, he pulled Lu Qingfeng, "Let's go, we can go to the city without a tractor."

Lu Qingfeng grabbed her hand.

Zhou Niannian frowned: "Why? Let's go."

Lu Qingfeng smiled softly, "Did you forget that we still have bicycles? Even if we don't have a tractor, we can go there by bicycle."

Zhou Niannian was embarrassed, really, she even forgot that when they came to Linjiazhuang yesterday, they came by bicycle.

That was the bicycle that Lu Qingfeng borrowed.

I don't know how this guy is so capable. He has acquaintances in Nancheng, but he also has acquaintances in Qingcheng.

 I have something to do outside, staring at the big sun for a whole morning, update a chapter first, and update the rest in the afternoon!
(End of this chapter)

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