Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 170 1 must be an illusion

Chapter 170 It must be an illusion
The two went to the educated youth dormitory where Zhou Changan lived.

Lu Qingfeng pushed a bicycle out.

"Why only push one?" Zhou Niannian frowned.

Lu Qingfeng pointed to the sky, "I'm afraid there will be a storm in this weather. I will give you a bicycle. Are you sure you can ride to the city?"

Zhou Niannian thought about the experience of riding a bicycle against the cold wind when he first came to Qingcheng the day before yesterday, and silently hung the ham sausage and jerky on the handlebar.

Forget it, she'd better hide in Lu Qingfeng's back seat and enjoy it for a while.

Feeling that Zhou Niannian sat lightly on the back seat of the bicycle, the corner of Lu Qingfeng's mouth couldn't help but twitch, and he kicked off the bicycle and left.

Bicycles are slower than tractors, but they still arrived at Lantian Department Store just before the department store closed, and found Director Zhang whom Zhou Niannian had come to look for before.

Director Zhang had already started packing up and getting ready to leave work. When Zhou Niannian came in carrying things, her face was flushed by the cold wind and her breathing was uneven, so she knew she had trotted all the way here.

"Comrade Xiao Zhou, it's you." He was very impressed with Zhou Niannian, and greeted him with a smile.

Zhou Niannian waited until he had recovered his breath before putting the thing in his hand on the table, "Director Zhang, this is the ham sausage that I have improved, just out of the pan, try it and see how it tastes."

Director Zhang was stunned for a moment, apparently he did not expect Zhou Niannian to be so quick.

He was moved by the persistence and light in her eyes that day, so he promised to give her another chance.

He kept his word, even though Director Zhang felt that Qingcheng people might not like this kind of food, he still picked up a piece of ham sausage, broke off a piece and put it in his mouth.

The delicious smell of meat instantly permeated the whole mouth, he frowned, this taste is
Director Zhang chewed two more quickly, the delicious taste faded, and a spicy taste slowly permeated, making people feel that the more they chew, the more delicious they are, and the more fragrant they are, the more they want to chew.

He unconsciously finished a piece of ham sausage, and asked hesitantly, "Is this made of beef?"

"Well, it's the yak meat from your place." Zhou Niannian smiled and pointed to the bag next to it, "This one is made of mutton, and the jerky next to it is also made of beef and mutton."

This time without Zhou Niannian's words, Director Zhang immediately picked up the mutton sausage and dried meat and tasted them separately.

After tasting everything, Director Zhang patted his stomach and said jokingly, "Oh, I'm full after trying it out. I saved a meal tonight."

Zhou Niannian's eyes lit up, "So Director Zhang also thinks our product is good."

Director Zhang raised his eyes and looked a little excited: "Well, not bad, it's really delicious, and it also suits the taste of our Qingcheng people."

After that, he changed his voice, "But I still have to follow our original statement. I can only agree with myself. I have to find a few local people to try again. Everyone agrees. I represent the Blue Sky Department Store and you signing the contract."

"These things are brought to you for you to arrange to try." Zhou Niannian pointed to the things on the table, "You can put them on the counter, and when someone comes to buy something, give them a piece, let them try it, and then let them try it." Hear what they have to say."

Director Zhang clapped his hands and laughed, "This method is good, with wide coverage and strong randomness. Although Comrade Xiao Zhou is young, he has very flexible ideas. Being able to propose this method shows that you are very confident in your products."

Zhou Niannian tilted her head and smiled mischievously, "So I'm just waiting for your good news."

Coming out of Director Zhang's office, Zhou Niannian saw Lu Qingfeng waiting at the stairs.

He leaned lazily on the railing, with his hands in his trouser pockets, one knee slightly arched, pointing to the ground, the corridor was dimly lit, and only his tough face was silent.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Lu Qingfeng turned his head, and his quiet face suddenly became alive, "Is everything settled?"

Zhou Niannian nodded slightly, "Well, I'll come back in three days to hear the results."

Lu Qingfeng reached out and rubbed her head, "Let's go."

Turning around and walking up two steps, he didn't hear any movement behind him. He turned his head and saw Zhou Niannian still standing at the top of the stairs in a daze.

"Let's go, why are you in a daze?"

Zhou Niannian came back to her senses, said oh, and stepped down the steps.

"Lu Qingfeng!" After going down a step, she suddenly stopped and called out in a low voice.

"Huh?" Lu Qingfeng turned his head, his hands still in his trouser pockets, and looked at her puzzled.

Zhou Niannian was silent for a moment before speaking: "Lu Qingfeng, thank you."

On the dimly lit stairs, the girl standing on it looked down at her, her clear eyes shining like stars.

Lu Qingfeng, thank you!The six words entered Lu Qingfeng's brain, and he was so startled that he almost fell down the stairs.

He stretched out his hand to support the stairs in embarrassment, cleared his throat, and said in a rough voice: "Why are you pretending to be so sensible all of a sudden?"

Since she was a child, this girl had either quarreled with him, or was on the way to quarrel with him.

Even though her personality has changed a lot since the last meeting in Zezhou, she still hated him and was angry with him.

Now that he suddenly thanked him so obediently, Lu Qingfeng felt the hairs on his back stand on end.

As soon as Zhou Niannian's face darkened, she knew that she couldn't be too polite to this guy.

When she came out just now, she saw Lu Qingfeng waiting for her at the dim staircase, thinking that from the last time she was in Nancheng to Qingcheng, Lu Qingfeng had unknowingly helped her a lot.

Although this guy is always stubborn, he still does everything she wants to do with her.

Just like just now, if Lu Qingfeng hadn't pedaled hard all the way, by the time she arrived at the department store, she would have already left work.

At that moment, Zhou Niannian felt a lot of emotion from the bottom of his heart.

Thinking about it now, it must be an illusion, an illusion, this guy can't let himself move him at all.

"What do you mean by pretending to be so sensible? I'm a well-behaved and sensible Zhou Niannian. Hmph, shut up if you can't speak." She glared at Lu Qingfeng, walked past him, and walked down the stairs.

Lu Qingfeng looked at her slender back and touched her nose, right, this is Zhou Niannian.

It's really scary to be so cute to him all of a sudden.

Coming out of the Lantian Department Store, it was already dark outside, the north wind was howling, and the dry branches were crackling.

"Let's go to the hospital to see Jiayan." Zhou Niannian suggested.

"The weather is bad, we have to speed up, otherwise the storm will come soon." Lu Qingfeng had no objection, and the two walked along the street towards the hospital.

But when they had only gone half way, the storm came.

Many branches were blown off the ground in an instant.

Zhou Niannian was walking forward when he heard a loud shout from behind: "Be careful!"

Before she could react, she had already been pulled into a broad embrace.

 I just got home, I walked for a day under the 34-degree sun, and it burned me to death, woo woo~ there will be another update later!
(End of this chapter)

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