Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 177 What do you want to happen?

Chapter 177 What do you want to happen?
Lu Qingfeng shook his head: "Now there is no car to go to the farm in the middle of the night, let's find a place to stay first."

Let's talk, still holding Zhou Niannian's hand and walking forward.

It was only when Zhou Niannian walked to the door of the guest house that he realized that Lu Qingfeng was holding his hand the whole time.

Her fingertips trembled, and she subconsciously pulled out her hand.

Lu Qingfeng happened to go to the front desk to book a room with a letter of introduction, as if he didn't care too much about letting go of his hand.

When he heard Lu Qingfeng want a house, Zhou Niannian's eyes suddenly widened, "Lu Qingfeng, I..."

Lu Qingfeng secretly pulled her hand.

Zhou Niannian blinked, and swallowed the words that came to her lips.

They asked for a room on the easternmost side of the second floor, and after entering the room, seeing Lu Qingfeng shut the door, Zhou Niannian asked in a low voice, "Why only one room?"

Just now the lady at the front desk looked at both of them in the wrong way.

Zhou Niannian felt annoyed when he thought of the ambiguous eyes the lady at the front desk had looked at them just now.

Lu Qingfeng put down his salute, took off his cotton coat and hung it on the hanger at the door, "You have never been to the new town, and you don't know the situation in the new town. It is easy to be watched by people, what if someone crawls into the room in the middle of the night and something happens?"

Zhou Niannian did not expect that it was because of this.

She thought about it, and it seemed that in her previous life, she often saw news about accidents in Xincheng.

The new city is a frontier area, and the frontier area has always been an unstable place.

Thinking of this, she asked worriedly, "Then my elder brother and the others still have missions?"

Eldest brother Zhou Changguo has joined the new city construction group. If the new city is not stable, according to common sense, the eldest brother will probably have a task to go out.

Seeing that she was nervous, Lu Qingfeng poured a cup of hot water for her, "Don't worry, although your eldest brother has a mission, but there is not much danger at the moment, and his job is more clerical, so there are not many opportunities for missions. "

Zhou Niannian calmed down and drank water from the teacup, thinking that with the strength of his hands, if someone really climbed into the room, he couldn't do anything to her for a while.

Lu Qingfeng didn't take this opportunity to trick himself into sharing a room with him, did he?
She opened her mouth to ask, but stopped when she reached her mouth. Forget it, if Lu Qingfeng asked back: "What's the advantage of lying to you and me to live in the same room?", she really didn't know how to answer.

Zhou Niannian's face turned hot when she remembered how she pretended to be pure and innocent on the train to refute Lu Qingfeng's words. One time is enough for pretending to be tender, she is mentally old after all.

She slowly drank a glass of water, watched Lu Qingfeng put her luggage away, put on her slippers, and sat by the bed.

This is the only bed in the room.

Zhou Niannian was a little nervous, she stood up suddenly, "You, what are you doing?"

Lu Qingfeng looked at her inexplicably, "What am I not doing? Sit down and rest."

After saying this, he looked at Zhou Niannian's nervous expression, suddenly realized, and smiled meaningfully, "Or what do you want me to do?"

Teasing her again, Zhou Niannian was distracted by his deep and focused eyes for a moment, then put down the cup as if nothing had happened, pointed to the floor and curled his lips, "You sleep on the floor, I'll sleep on the bed."

After all, seeing that there were only two pillows and two quilts on the bed, but there was only one mattress, he couldn't help being stunned, with a somewhat tangled expression.

You can't let Lu Qingfeng sleep on the floor, can you?
The weather here in Xincheng is cold, sleeping on the floor won't freeze to death.

She struggled for a long time, hesitating whether to let Lu Qingfeng sleep on the bed together, anyway... anyway, sooner or later she will get married.

Lu Qingfeng saw her standing there, and Ai Ai didn't speak for a long time, laughed lowly, and stood up: "I'll go to the front desk lady to ask for another quilt."

Zhou Niannian heaved a sigh of relief, and secretly thought that he was really stupid, he didn't have a mattress, so he could ask the front desk for it, and he didn't understand what he was struggling with here.

Lu Qingfeng came back quickly, holding a quilt in his hands, spread it on the floor, then took down another quilt and a pillow, after tidying up, he lay down straight away, "It's late, go to sleep. "

After all, he closed his eyes.

Seeing that he was lying down, Zhou Niannian secretly breathed a sigh of relief, she was really a little nervous deep inside to be in the same room with Lu Qingfeng at such a late hour.

She turned off the light, lifted the quilt and lay down, thinking that she would not be able to fall asleep, but to her surprise, she fell asleep not long after lying down.

When the breathing of the person on the bed gradually became even and slow, Lu Qingfeng opened his eyes and turned his head to look over.

Zhou Niannian was lying on the bed with his back to her, with a slender and graceful figure.

Lu Qingfeng only felt a heat in his throat, and his eyes gradually softened.

When Zhou Niannian woke up, the sky was already bright.

She turned her head and saw that Lu Qingfeng was already packing the quilt with her back turned to her. She quickly sat up and asked, "What time is it?"

"It's past seven, get up quickly, we'll take the car back to the farm after dinner, the car to the farm is at 08:30." Lu Qingfeng folded the quilt and put it on the bed.

Zhou Niannian was taken aback, she didn't expect that she fell into such a deep sleep, "Why didn't you call me?"

"I see that you are sleeping soundly, and I want you to sleep more." Lu Qingfeng glanced at her, and said in a rough voice, "You are kind enough to complain?"

He would never admit that he actually woke up after six o'clock, seeing Zhou Niannian's sweet sleeping face, couldn't help but stunned, and accidentally posted for more than an hour.

Zhou Niannian grimaced at him with a smile and got up to comb her hair.

After a brief wash, the two of them ate and got on the car to the farm.

The car went all the way to the northwest, getting more and more remote, and it took almost an hour to get to the place.

After getting out of the car, Lu Qingfeng carried the luggage and motioned for Zhou Niannian to follow him in. After walking along a winding muddy path for more than ten minutes, he finally saw clusters of low-rise houses.

"No, that's the farm. Behind the house is the land we cultivated." Lu Qingfeng raised his chin and gestured forward.

Zhou Niannian looked up, and saw under the blue sky, rows of low houses less than half the height of a person were neatly arranged, she frowned, this is the nest mentioned by her parents in her previous life, right?
The so-called Diwozi is a unique building in the Xincheng area. Because there are many deserts here, it is difficult to build a house, so the farm digs a square pit two to three meters deep on the ground, and then builds a sloping roof on it. , so that there is a certain wind and heat protection function.

Thinking of her parents living in such an environment for the past six months, her heart felt like a knife was being twisted.

PS: In the same room, nothing happened, are you a little disappointed?
 Small theater: Lu Qingfeng raised his eyebrows and looked at Zhou Niannian: "Or what do you want me to do?"

  Zhou Niannian hehe, shook his hand: "Do you want to try the strength of my hand?"

  The hand, the strength of the hand?Lu Qingfeng blushed, "You rascal, you drive, your thoughts are impure."

  Zhou Niannian smiled: "What's wrong with my love to drive? I'm not afraid of you."

(End of this chapter)

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