Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 178 We are in vain

Chapter 178 We are in vain

"This is Diwozi." Lu Qingfeng introduced, but when he turned around, he saw Zhou Niannian's eyes were red.

He was taken aback for a moment, then came to his senses, remained silent for a moment, and said in a low voice: "It's all going to pass, good days will come, when you meet Uncle Zhou, Aunt Zhou can't cry, they will be sad."

Lu Qingfeng remembered how she burst into tears when she saw Zhou Changan, and gave her a vaccination in advance.

Zhou Niannian rubbed her eyes, a little surprised at Lu Qingfeng's carefulness.

"Well, I see." She pursed her lips, took a deep breath, and adjusted her emotions.

While the two were talking, they had already walked near the rows of nests. The doors of the rows of nests were all open and unlocked, so that the sun could shine in and dispel the cold inside.

"At this time, they should all be working in the back. I will take you to the place where Uncle Zhou and Aunt Zhou live. Wait a minute. I will ask the captain for leave and call Uncle Zhou and Aunt Zhou back."

Lu Qingfeng led her into the third den from the east.

It was cold winter outside, very cold, and it was even colder when walking into the nest, Zhou Niannian unconsciously pulled his coat tighter.

Lu Qingfeng put down his things and went out.

Zhou Niannian looked at this small space. On the east wall was a simple wooden bed with two quilts on it. On the west wall was an old cabinet. Next to the cabinet was a simple wooden table. It was built of wood, with a few books and a pen on it.

Because it was cold and damp inside the nest, there were already some yellowing mildew stains on the book.

Zhou Niannian simply flipped through the books on the shelf, and couldn't help but shed tears. They were books that his father loved to read on weekdays. I don't know how he found these books here.

Hearing the sound of chaotic footsteps behind him, Zhou Niannian quickly wiped his tears and turned around.

In an instant, two people rushed into the room.

Li Xiangxiu who came in first stood at the door in a daze, looked at Zhou Niannian for a while, and then rushed over and hugged Zhou Niannian into her arms, "Niannian, it's really my Niannian, mom misses you so much."

Zhou Niannian nestled in her mother's arms, the tears she had finally held back could no longer be held back.

She raised her head and saw her father, Zhou Hongshan, who was standing opposite him rubbing his eyes dimly. After rubbing his eyes, she couldn't help complaining to Li Xiangxiu, "Look at you, you agreed not to cry. Why provoke the child?"

Li Xiangxiu turned her head and cried while retorting: "I can't bear it when I see my daughter."

After finishing speaking, she let go of Zhou Niannian, took her hand and looked up and down: "Niannian, let mom take a good look at you, you've lost weight and darkened."

She touched Zhou Niannian's small face with pity, "You must have suffered a lot, right?"

Zhou Niannian saw how she couldn't help shedding tears as she spoke, shook her head quickly, pouted her mouth pretending to be unhappy, and said coquettishly to when she was in Kyoto before: "Mom, where did I get tanned? Obviously it's still as white as before, okay?"

"Dad, tell me, am I fair and beautiful, your daughter?"

Zhou Hongshan looked at the delicate appearance of his daughter, and nodded in agreement, "Well, what Nian Nian said is right, we are white, fair and beautiful, yes, this word is used well."

Li Xiangxiu was amused by the way their father and daughter sang together, and burst out laughing, touched the tears and nodded Zhou Niannian's forehead, "I'm not ashamed, and I still describe myself as fair and beautiful. Who did you follow with such a stinking personality?"

Zhou Niannian hugged Li Xiangxiu's arm affectionately, "You are my mother, of course I followed you."

Li Xiangxiu's arms stiffened slightly, and then she smiled nonchalantly, "Yes, yes, my daughter will follow me."

Zhou Niannian lowered her eyes halfway, pretending not to notice Li Xiangxiu's momentary stiffness.

In my previous life, I always thought that I was born by my parents, until after I brought Bai Yuqing back to Beijing, my mother secretly became suspicious when she saw Bai Yuqing's face, and asked someone to do a paternity test abroad to confirm that Bai Yuqing was the one they had lost for many years. biological daughter.

At that time, Zhou Niannian knew for the first time that he was a child picked up by his parents on the side of the road, and that the reason why his mother was depressed for so many years was because of the loss of his own daughter.

In the past, she didn't know her own life experience, and she always acted like a baby to her parents wantonly. After being reborn, she felt more grateful to her parents.

Knowing that she is not her own daughter, her adoptive parents treat her as if she were her own. She will never repay this kind of love and kindness in her life.

This was also the reason why she couldn't completely ignore Bai Yuqing when she was in Zezhou.

"Niannian, why did you come to Xincheng? Qingfeng said that you are here to promote your product," Li Xiangxiu pulled Zhou Niannian to sit down and talked, and couldn't wait to ask Zhou Niannian what happened along the way.

Zhou Hongshan interjected: "It's ham sausage and dried meat."

"Yes, yes, this is it," Li Xiangxiu nodded, "Are you tired from the journey? Have you eaten this morning? Are you hungry? Mom will get you something to eat."

With that said, he stood up and prepared to go out.

Zhou Niannian was dumbfounded by her character of saying that the wind is the rain, and took her hand, "Mom, I have eaten in the morning, and I am not tired now, let's sit down and talk, I miss you and my dad gone."

Zhou Hongshan was elated by his daughter's words, and couldn't help nodding his head in agreement: "That's right, just talk to my daughter well, your mother and I always miss you, and we're afraid that you won't be able to eat well or dress well in Zezhou, and you will be caught again. People bully you, after all, you have never suffered since you were a child."

He murmured about their concerns as a couple.

Zhou Niannian quietly listened to their conversation, and looked at the parents sitting next to her.

Father Zhou Hongshan has lost a lot of weight, his originally fair skin has also turned dark, his hair is almost half white, and his fingers on his knees are much thicker and tougher. Only a pair of clear eyes are still sharp, and he still retains his work in Kyoto. bright.

It's just that he speaks a little slowly, pausing every two sentences, taking two breaths before continuing.

Looking at my mother, Li Xiangxiu, her originally plump figure is now very dry and flat, and the nasolabial folds on her face are much deeper, making her look a little haggard.

Zhou Niannian suppressed the soreness in his eyes, held the hands of the two, and said in a low voice: "Dad, Mom, don't worry, I'm fine, I'll tell you, I'm a deputy factory director now, How is it? Isn't the girl you raised amazing?."

She pretended to be playful, chattering about her experience in Zezhou, of course she said it in a funny way, which made Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu laugh frequently.

"My daughter is amazing, and she's already the deputy director of the factory." Li Xiangxiu patted Zhou Niannian's hand with a proud face, "When Qingfeng said it earlier, she surprised my mother, thinking that he wanted to let her go. Don't worry, it's just made up."

Lu Qingfeng, who had just walked to the door, suddenly heard these words, and his heart was filled with embarrassment. In Aunt Zhou's heart, is his character so bad?
(End of this chapter)

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