Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 180 Take Control of My Piboy

Chapter 180 Take Control of My Piboy

A very warm meal.

After eating, Zhou Niannian took out the knee pads and scarf she bought for Yang Shutong, "Aunt Lu, knowing that the new city is cold, bought a scarf and a pair of knee pads for you and my mother."

Yang Shutong was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear, he rubbed the pattern on the scarf repeatedly, then hugged Zhou Niannian in his arms, and said to Li Xiangxiu: "Oh, it's still a girl who is caring, a girl is a caring little padded jacket, this sentence is really sweet It makes sense, you see, when it’s cold, you’ll buy a scarf for me, unlike my stinky brat, who runs around outside and doesn’t care about us at all.”

Lu Qingfeng, who was inexplicably criticized again, touched his nose speechlessly, "Mom, my daughter is a little padded jacket. No matter how bad I am, can I still be considered a little padded trousers?"

Yang Shutong rolled his eyes, "You don't even count as long johns, but cotton trousers!"

Leaning in Yang Shutong's arms, Zhou Niannian made a face at Lu Qingfeng, "Aunt Lu, if he is a pair of long johns, it is also a pair of long johns that leak air."

"Yes, what Nian Nian said is right, long johns that leak air." Yang Shutong patted Zhou Nian Nian with a smile, with a look of full approval.

Lu Qingfeng: "."

Li Xiangxiu turned her eyes, looked at Lu Qingfeng and Zhou Niannian pointedly, and said to Yang Shutong with a smile: "If you want this intimate padded jacket, hurry up and let them do the marriage, so that the padded jacket fits snugly." It's yours too."

There was a moment of silence in the room.

Yang Shutong and Lu Wenhan looked at each other, and at the same time raised the alarm in their hearts.

In the past, as long as their marriage was mentioned, Lu Qingfeng and Zhou Niannian would definitely explode, and the explosion would be serious.

Lu Wenhan even touched his waist, ready to pull out his belt as soon as Lu Qingfeng jumped up.

It is said that since he was transferred to Xincheng, his son has not touched his belt for a long time.

Yang Shutong's hand quietly grabbed Zhou Niannian's arm, and by the way, the little girl grabbed her first as soon as her hair exploded.

Who knew that Zhou Niannian just cast a glance at Lu Qingfeng first, then leaned on Yang Shutong, and said coquettishly: "Oh, get married, I've discussed it with Lu Qingfeng, and I won't think about it for the time being. Back to Kyoto, it’s not too late to get married.”

As she said that, she wrinkled her nose, pulled Yang Shutong's arm and said with a smile: "I'm in Zezhou now, and he's in Xincheng. Aunt Lu can't expect us to live apart as soon as we get married, right?"

The house was quieter.

Zhou Hongshan, Li Xiangxiu, Yang Shutong and Lu Wenhan all stared in shock.

The four looked at each other, seeing their own shock in each other's eyes.

It's not normal, it's so abnormal, these two people are so calm when talking about their marriage, what happened that they don't know?
The eyes of the four fell on Lu Qingfeng at the same time.

Lu Qingfeng was looked at inexplicably, "What are you looking at me for? It doesn't count if I say it, she will end it when she says so."

Four people: "."

"So you don't object to this marriage now?" Lu Wenhan was quick-tempered, and was the first to ask the question in his heart.

The six eyes of the other three were fixed on Zhou Niannian at the same time.

Zhou Niannian felt that there was nothing to hide. She really did not reject the marriage with Lu Qingfeng, so she nodded slightly.

Four voices of relief sounded in the room at the same time.

Lu Qingfeng: "."

How come no one asked his opinion?
Yang Shutong held Li Xiangxiu's hand beamingly, "Thank God, I've been looking forward to this day for so many years, my in-laws, I can finally call my in-laws in a fair way."

"Yes, in-laws." Li Xiangxiu held Yang Shutong's hand instead.

Zhou Niannian was embarrassed, saying that the two of them seemed to have secretly called their in-laws before.

Hearing that the two parents had started to discuss about her and Lu Qingfeng's wedding, three black lines appeared on Zhou Niannian's forehead.

She just doesn't reject Lu Qingfeng and this marriage, don't be so anxious, right?

But thinking about it, Zhou Niannian thinks she can understand. Uncle Lu and Aunt Lu have been very close to her since she was a child, especially Aunt Lu, who always wanted a girl, but after giving birth to Lu Qingfeng, a mischievous person, she never got pregnant again. , Aunt Lu didn't know how disappointed she was.

After her and Lu Qingfeng's marriage was finalized, Aunt Lu treated her like her own daughter, in the name of cultivating mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship from an early age, so she prepared a room for her at Lu's house, so she grew up Lu Qingfeng. , Zhou and the two live in rotation.

It wasn't until she was in junior high school that she and Lu Qingfeng began to get more and more at odds, and she always showed great resistance to this marriage, so she seldom went to live in Lu's house.

Thinking about it now, in her previous life, she secretly left and never returned, and Lu Qingfeng has never been married. Aunt Lu must be very sad, right?
She Zhou Niannian is so lucky, although she doesn't know who her biological parents are, she has two parents who treat her like her own.

Forget it, it's up to them if they want to discuss the wedding, as long as they are happy.

The two women discussed their marriage, while the two men, Zhou Hongshan and Lu Wenhan, talked about the situation in Kyoto.

Zhou Niannian rolled his eyes, moved the bench over, and found that Lu Qingfeng had also sat down, and he happened to be sitting next to him.

Lu Qingfeng accidentally touched Zhou Niannian's hand, frowned, and said in a low voice, "Why are your hands so cold?"

Then he realized that it was too cold in the nest, he frowned and pulled Zhou Niannian's two hands over, and held them into his big hands.

Zhou Niannian wanted to break free, but she was afraid that she would move too much and attract her parents' attention. Moreover, Lu Qingfeng's hand was warm and strong, which instantly warmed her almost unconscious hand a lot, and she was a little reluctant to let go of the warmth.

Lu Qingfeng thought she would break free, but after waiting for a long time without any response, he turned his head and saw her lowered eyebrows, intently listening to the two fathers talking, her appearance was indescribably cute, the corners of his mouth Can't help but hook it up slightly.

Little did they know that this scene had already fallen into the eyes of the two pairs of parents, and both pairs of parents secretly smiled, feeling even more relieved.

Zhou Niannian heard Lu Wenhan and Zhou Hongshan talk about the recent situation, "The commune has been cancelled, the brigade has also been cancelled, and now the production contract is started on a household basis. The situation has changed too quickly in the past six months."

Zhou Hongshan lit a cigarette, and just took two puffs when he was taken away by a small hand stretched out beside him.

He turned his head to meet Zhou Niannian's angry eyes, and couldn't help laughing dryly, "The little girl now knows how to control me, not only bought me a bunch of medicine, but also stopped letting me smoke."

Zhou Niannian stubbed out the cigarette, her small face was determined: "You keep coughing because your lungs are bad, you can't smoke anymore, you have to quit smoking."

Zhou Hongshan looked at Lu Wenhan helplessly and smiled wryly: "Look, he also said that the little padded jacket is caring and cares about everything, just like a housekeeper."

Lu Wenhan looked at him and smiled faintly: "If you are bothered, send it to my house quickly and take care of my little boy, I can't wait."

Zhou Hongshan choked, and curled his lips for a while: "Then let's take care of me first."

 The first update is here. The children are taking football lessons like hot dogs. The boss of the summer vacation class is considerate and provides the air conditioner. I am so touched in an instant!

(End of this chapter)

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