Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 181 I Disapprove

Chapter 181 I Disapprove
Zhou Niannian was suddenly amused by Zhou Hongshan's resentful tone.

Zhou Hongshan gave Lu Qingfeng a sideways look, then took off the gloves on his hands and put them on Zhou Niannian's lap, "Hey, daddy is already warming up these gloves, put them on, and your hands will get hot after a while."

Zhou Niannian took the gloves with a smile and put them on her hand.

Zhou Hongshan's expression was better, and he gave Lu Qingfeng a smug look.

Lu Qingfeng smiled wryly, well, it seems that the old father-in-law is jealous.

In the past, Zhou Niannian was very resistant to the marriage of the two of them. Zhou Hongshan looked at Lu Qingfeng quite pleasing to the eye. Now that Zhou Niannian said that he did not reject the marriage, Zhou Hongshan's sense of crisis immediately came, and he instantly turned Lu Qingfeng from a good junior in his heart. Relegated to the brat who is about to steal his daughter's attention.

"I heard that someone in the capital proposed that you return to Beijing to preside over the resumption of the college entrance examination. What do you think?" Zhou Hongshan calmed down a bit, recalling the news he had received yesterday, and asked Lu Wenhan.

Both of them have been operating in the capital for many years, each has its own news channel, and the two families often exchange information, so Zhou Hongshan didn't beat around the bush, and asked Lu Wenhan straight to the point.

When Zhou Niannian heard that he was concerned about the college entrance examination, he immediately focused his attention.

Lu Wenhan sighed after drinking the tea in his cup, "Someone has already written a letter, saying that he has started to propose the resumption of the college entrance examination, and is planning to apply to the higher authorities for me to return to Beijing to organize this matter, but I haven't replied yet. , this heart is always not at ease, Hongshan, do you think I should go back to Beijing?"

"The resumption of the college entrance examination is a big event, and it is also a good thing that benefits the country and the people. It is also an opportunity for us. I think you can consider going back." Zhou Hongshan couldn't help showing an excited look on his face as he said.

"Brother Wenhan, we all went to college in the early years and knew the importance of acquiring knowledge, but with the current policy, I feel very uncomfortable when I think that our children will enter the society without finishing their knowledge."

Lu Wenhan, who has been the president of Kyoto University for so many years, naturally knows the meaning of education better. He patted his knee and made up his mind: "It would be great if the college entrance examination can really be resumed, so I will go back to preside over this matter, even if I am detained again in the future. Hat, I also recognize it."

Zhou Hongshan smiled, "Well, I also think I should go back. A friend wrote to me yesterday, saying that the organization is also preparing to investigate my problems. I believe that I can go back in a short time. At that time, we brothers can go back again. We had a good time drinking and chatting in the capital."

Yang Shutong and Li Xiangxiu held hands together excitedly when they heard the words. The new city was cloudy and cold, and they had to suffer a lot to adapt to life here. After more than half a year in the new city, they had long been looking forward to returning to Beijing.

"If we go back to Beijing, we will be able to arrange Qingfeng and Niannian's marriage soon." Yang Shutong felt happy thinking about it.

"I don't approve of Uncle Lu returning to Beijing."

"I don't approve of Dad returning to Beijing!"

Two opposing voices sounded at the same time, one was clear and the other was deep.

Lu Wenhan and Zhou Hongshan looked over at the same time, "Nian Nian, tell me your opinion and why you object."

Lu Qingfeng: "." His opinion is really not important!

Zhou Niannian just blurted out without thinking about organizing Lu Wenhan to return to Beijing because she knew that the resumption of the college entrance examination could not be settled in a short time.

In the previous life, as soon as he entered [-], someone proposed to resume the college entrance examination. After more than a month of tossing, it failed.

Since then, the resumption of the college entrance examination has been suspended. Until the end of May, Huaguo organized a cultural exchange with foreign countries. The foreign students were either brilliant in literature or had a good knowledge of coughing up blood. Realize that the education system in your country needs to face reform.

At the beginning of June, the leader personally instructed to restore the college entrance examination system, recalled the decentralized scholars and professors, and co-chaired the restoration of the college entrance examination. The restoration of the college entrance examination was once again put on the agenda, and because of the support from above, things went very smoothly.

Lu Wenhan went back in June in his previous life, but in this life he doesn't know why he wants to go back in January now.

Zhou Niannian frowned and thought for a while, and when he heard his father's urging, he suddenly thought of something his father told him in his previous life.

At this time in the previous life, Lu Wenhan actually planned to go back, but at that time his father Zhou Hongshan suddenly became seriously ill, and his mother Li Xiangxiu was alone in the production team and couldn't take care of her. Lu Wenhan delayed the trip back to take care of his father.

When his father got better and wanted to go back, no one dared to mention it again, so his return to Beijing was over.

In this life, because of his own rebirth, he asked Lu Qingfeng to bring herbal medicine early, and his father's illness was stabilized, so Lu Wenhan and Zhou Hongshan's decision to return to Beijing was so firm.

I think there was such a conversation between them in the previous life.

"Nian Nian, what are you thinking? Didn't you hear your Uncle Lu?" Seeing his daughter staring at him blankly, Zhou Hongshan stood up quickly and touched her forehead, "Girl, what are you thinking?" ?”

Zhou Niannian came back to his senses and smiled, "I didn't think about anything, I just remembered a little story I saw a few days ago."

Zhou Hongshan looked at his daughter in puzzlement, wondering why she suddenly became interested in telling stories.

Lu Qingfeng looked at Zhou Niannian silently, wondering what kind of medicine she was selling in the gourd.

"What story? Let's hear it." Lu Wenhan looked at her with a smile.

Zhou Niannian organized his language before he said: "In the Ming Dynasty, the imperial examination system only tested stereotyped essays. Many students spent half their lives studying stereotyped essays. In the late Qing Dynasty, when Kang Youwei reformed, he believed that the imperial examination only relied on stereotyped essays. Talent is too biased, it is recommended to abolish the stereotyped examination system and change the examination strategy theory."

"Kang Youwei changed the imperial examination system to a proposition based on current affairs, and it is strictly forbidden to judge the merits of regular script. This kind of reform is very successful from our current perspective, but it is a pity that Kang Youwei's Reform Movement of [-] did not last long. After failing for a long time, the Empress Dowager Cixi immediately ordered all examinations to return to the old system."

"Even though Kang Youwei was right in the eyes of later generations, his old age was miserable, so the book I read joked that Kang Youwei had been a super consultant all his life, saying that he didn't have any intentions and only wanted to Make yourself famous."

After she finished telling her story, Lu Wenhan and Zhou Hongshan looked at each other and suddenly laughed.

"You girl, why are you telling Uncle Lu a story? You want to say that the meaning of the above is unclear. Uncle Lu, I am not the best time to return to Beijing, right?"

"Hongshan, tell me how this girl Nian Nian has such a long mind, since she was a child she has a seven-aperture exquisite heart."

(End of this chapter)

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