Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 182 Listening to the Daughter-in-law

Chapter 182 Listen to the daughter-in-law
Zhou Niannian acted like a baby: "Uncle Lu, you think you're thinking too much, don't you, I just want to tell you and my dad a story."

She had no choice but to temporarily make up Kang Youwei's story.

After all, she doesn't know the current situation in Kyoto, and she can't say that she speculates that the situation will not be too good. After thinking about it, she can only use stories to tell.

Fortunately, Uncle Lu and his father are both well-read poets and books, and they understood the meaning of this not-so-nice story as soon as they heard it.

Lu Wenhan didn't poke her, but nodded in agreement, "Well, this story is nice."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and looked at Lu Qingfeng who had been silent all this time, "Tell me your opinion, you also think I shouldn't go back to Beijing now?"

Lu Qingfeng withdrew his gaze from Zhou Niannian, and said slowly: "Oh, I went back to Kyoto for something a few days ago, and I heard about it, but I heard that some scholars in the education field organized The people above have not revealed this matter for a long time.”

"So I don't think this matter should be too anxious, and we will wait and see."

Lu Wenhan nodded, and gave Lu Qingfeng a contemptuous look, "I thought you could tell some great truths, but after a long time, it turned out that I went back to the capital and heard some rumors. Nian, I have never been back to Kyoto, but I can figure out a thing or two. When I was a child, I asked you to study more, but you just refused, alas”

"In the same way, how can Niannian girl say it so nicely, but you say it so dryly? Oh, it's scary to be uneducated."

"When I was in Kyoto, I used to fight every day. When I came to Xincheng, I thought I could be honest, but in the end, I ran around every day without seeing anyone. I don't know what I was tossing."

Lu Qingfeng, considered uneducated: "."

In the eyes of his parents, there was never a time when he was pleasing to the eye.

Zhou Niannian grinned.

Lu Qingfeng glanced at her, and saw that the girl was holding her gloves and her cheeks, smiling crookedly, with a hint of cunning in her translucent almond eyes.

He chuckled, and looked at Lu Wenhan, "I don't think I'll love reading anymore in my life. There's nothing I can do. In the future, it's enough for your daughter-in-law to love reading. Leave those books to your daughter-in-law."

Zhou Niannian: "."

Lu Wenhan agreed very much, "Finally, you kid has done a good thing."

Joking for a while, Lu Wenhan still couldn't let go of the resumption of the college entrance examination, "If such a major event can be achieved, it will be a regret in my life not to be able to participate in it."

Zhou Hongshan nodded with deep emotion. He was originally in charge of the work of the Kyoto Taxation Bureau. He has worked in the taxation position all his life. If there is such a major event as the reform of the tax law, he will be very excited and want to participate.

"You are the principal of Kyoto University and a leader in the field of education. You will not be left behind in such a major event. Uncle Lu, don't worry. It's just that we don't want you to go back before the situation becomes clear. Of course you will be involved in major events." It's important, but your health is more important to us." Zhou Niannian sincerely persuaded.

Lu Wenhan felt very relieved when he heard it, and Yang Shutong also agreed with Zhou Niannian's words, "Old Lu, forget it, the reply from the capital is because you are unwell and unable to travel far. Niannian is right. For us, you Living healthy is the most important thing.”

Lu Wenhan nodded again and again, "Okay, let's listen to our daughter-in-law, haha."

Zhou Niannian's face became warmed by what his daughter-in-law said.

Lu Qingfeng looked at this scene with a smile, and the smile gradually floated in his eyes.

A group of people talked and laughed, and it was night before they knew it.

Zhou Hongshan said that he followed Lu Qingfeng to live in the den where he slept, and talked to him about his future life by the way, and asked Zhou Niannian to live with Li Xiangxiu.

Zhou Niannian felt a little guilty when he remembered that he shared a room with Lu Qingfeng last night. If his father knew about it, Lu Qingfeng's eyes would be even more sour.

At night, Zhou Niannian and Li Xiangxiu lay side by side on the bed, the mother and daughter were head to head, talking affectionately.

Li Xiangxiu asked Zhou Niannian over and over again about her life in Zezhou County. grown up."

Zhou Niannian heard that there was loss, sadness, and faint sadness in her sigh, and couldn't help but feel sore, and couldn't help hugging Li Xiangxiu's arm, "No matter how old I am, I'm still your daughter."

"Well, no matter how old she is, she's still my daughter." Li Xiangxiu rubbed her hair with a smile, hiding the sadness in her eyes.

Zhou Niannian couldn't help but leaned against her arm, was silent for a while, and then called out in a low voice, "Mom."

"Huh?" Li Xiangxiu gently rubbed her hair, as gentle as when she refused to sleep when she was a child.

Zhou Niannian pursed her lips for a long time before saying in a low voice: "Mom, when I was in Zezhou, I met a girl who was two years older than me. She looks a bit like you at first glance."

Speaking of this, she paused, and looked up at Li Xiangxiu pretending to be joking, "When I saw her, I thought I had a long-lost sister."

Li Xiangxiu's hand on her head froze all of a sudden, and she sat up abruptly, looking at Zhou Niannian with burning eyes.

"Niannian, what did you just say? Did you really see a girl who looks like me?" She tightly grasped Zhou Niannian's arm, her nails dug into Zhou Niannian's arm, but she didn't notice it either.

Zhou Niannian endured the pain, nodded lightly, and looked at Li Xiangxiu pretending to be surprised, "Mom, I don't really have a sister, do I?"

In fact, Bai Yuqing only had two or three points of imagination with Li Xiangxiu, but in order to test Li Xiangxiu, she deliberately said that they were very similar.

Li Xiangxiu's expression kept changing, she was excited and sad at the same time, she put down her arms in a moment of disappointment, and murmured: "No, no, I found Qingqing's shoes back then, she...she died, dead."

Zhou Niannian looked at her in a dazed state as if she had lost her soul, and while muttering that she was dead, she couldn't help but tears fell from the corners of her eyes.

She couldn't help shaking Li Xiangxiu's arm, "Mom, what's wrong with you? I really have a sister, tell me what's going on?"

This was the first time she heard Bai Yuqing's existence from Li Xiangxiu.

Li Xiangxiu came back to her senses, wiped away her tears, hesitated for a moment, sighed and said in a low voice: "Mom did give birth to a daughter before you, named Zhou Qingqing, but she has no fate with her. When I was a little older, I got separated in the market, and later"

Speaking of this, Li Xiangxiu was a little choked up, and then continued after a pause: "We searched for a long time but couldn't find it. Later, we found Qingqing's shoes by the river. My father and mother salvaged them in the river for two days, but there was no trace. "

 The third update, there are two more in the afternoon!
(End of this chapter)

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