Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 198 Who Let You Come?

Chapter 198 Who Let You Come?

"Whether we bumped into your grandma, you know it in your heart. If you have the time to argue with us here, I advise you to send the old man to the hospital as soon as possible." Zhou Niannian went up to the luggage bag he picked up expressionlessly, and patted the ashes on it. .

Seeing that she wanted to leave, Xiao Zhuang grabbed her luggage bag, "You still want to leave after bumping into someone? Don't leave, we must have a good talk today."

The old lady sitting on the ground slapped the ground and screamed, "Come on, help, someone wants to run away after bumping into someone."

It's almost the time of Chinese New Year, and many people come to the town to buy things.

As soon as the old lady called out, a group of people gathered around to watch the excitement in a short time.

The old lady hugged her leg with a pale face and cried: "My grandson and I were walking well on the road, but I didn't know that this girl bumped into me with a bag, and knocked my old woman to the ground all of a sudden, ouch, my leg Ah, it seems to be broken, it hurts so much."

The melon-eating crowd gathered around immediately pointed at Zhou Niannian and Qi Jiayan.

"It's too much, bump into an old lady who is so old, and don't even help her when she knocks down."

"That's right, looking at a pretty girl, why is she so unqualified?"

Someone also stared at Zhou Niannian and came out to fight the injustice: "Comrade, this is your fault, hurry up and help the old lady to the hospital."

"Yes, if this is really a broken bone, we can't delay it."

Qi Jiayan looked at everyone accusing her and Zhou Niannian one after another, she was very angry, "You guys haven't seen the real situation at all, how can you follow the nonsense here?"

Some of the onlookers stood up and retorted, "Although we didn't see it, but the old man is so old, could he fall down on purpose and run out to blackmail you?"

"That's right, you're not a fool. Doesn't it hurt you to fall? Are you guilty of using your own body?"

The old lady sat on the ground and cried even louder, "You two girls, it's fine if you hit me, and I didn't blame you, did I? I just wanted to ask you to help send it to the hospital. You can't even do this. Have no sympathy?"

"God, what kind of world is this?"

Qi Jiayan glanced at Zhou Niannian in embarrassment, and said in a low voice: "She is blackmailing us from the bottom of her heart. I suspect that the old lady's leg is not broken at all."

Zhou Niannian sneered, of course the old lady's leg was not broken, if it was, she would have fainted from the pain, there was no time to cry with them here.

Qi Jiayan didn't know that Xing Dehai was in a hurry to settle the accounts today, but Zhou Niannian knew in her heart that if she stayed here for a while, the accounts in the factory would be settled.

The appearance of this pair of grandparents and grandchildren is really strange. The road is so wide, why did it fall on her?

Zhou Niannian's eyes fell on the old lady's bag that fell on the ground. Due to the impact, a corner of the bag was loosened, and the old newspaper inside could be vaguely exposed.

newspaper?Zhou Niannian narrowed his eyes, and looked at the old lady with a smile on his face: "Who hit who just now, we say that the public is right, and the mother-in-law said that the mother-in-law is right, no one has evidence, and it is useless to argue here, old lady Since your leg is broken, take us to the clinic immediately."

She said, glanced at Xiao Zhuang who was still rubbing his arms and staring at Qi Jiayan, "After all, breaking a leg is not a trivial matter, comrade, if you keep entangled with us like this, your grandma's leg may really be hopeless." .”

Zhou Niannian's words woke up the onlookers, and they persuaded Xiao Zhuang, "Young man, take your grandma to the health center in the town, don't delay."

"It's been a hundred days with a broken leg, and a broken leg is no small matter."

"This comrade is willing to go to the medical clinic with him, so please stop arguing here. It's not too late to quarrel after the doctor's diagnosis."

Xiao Zhuang was stunned for a moment, then nodded quickly, "Okay, then let's go to the health center to have a look, if my grandma's leg is really broken, I can't spare you."

As he said that, he stepped forward to carry the old lady on his back, turned his head and stared at Zhou Niannian closely, "Hurry up, didn't you mean to go to the clinic?"

Zhou Niannian glanced at the luggage on the ground, and said with embarrassment: "You see, we have brought so many things, and walking is too slow, don't delay the old man's illness, how about this, let my sister accompany you Clinic, if you have anything to say to my sister, I will stay here and look after the luggage, okay?"

"No!" Xiao Zhuang blurted out without thinking, "You stay here, what if you run away?"

"Isn't my sister still here?" Zhou Niannian thought for a while, with a dazed look, "Oh, are you afraid that my sister has no money? Don't worry, my sister has the final say. She has a As for the money, although it is not much, it should be enough for medical treatment.”

At this time, Qi Jiayan realized that something was wrong, she glanced at Zhou Niannian, took a step forward, and urged Xiao Zhuang: "Don't worry, I have money with me, I won't let it go, hurry up, don't delay any longer Your grandma's illness."

As he spoke, he walked towards the town in front of him. After walking two steps, seeing Xiao Zhuang still standing there hesitating, he couldn't help frowning: "What are you still doing in a daze? Didn't you mean to go to the clinic?"

Xiao Zhuang pointed at Zhou Niannian: "No, you have to go to the hospital."

Zhou Niannian tilted her head and asked puzzledly, "Why do I have to go to the hospital?"

The little Zhuang was speechless, and the old lady lying on his back cried out: "Oh, you guys just want to run away, and you want to run away separately. You think so beautifully."

Zhou Niannian took out ten yuan with a half-smile, and handed it over: "Old man, you are really interesting. If you have a broken leg, don't rush to get medical treatment. I'm afraid we will run away. If not, I'll give you ten yuan to take it first." , and then my sister will go to the hospital with you, is that all right?"

The people around persuaded Xiao Zhuang: "Young man, I think this girl really doesn't want to run away. Ten yuan is a worker's salary for a month. It's enough to treat your grandma's leg."

"That's right, it's not enough, I still have some on me, let's go quickly." Qi Jiayan urged Xiao Zhuang with an anxious look.

Xiao Zhuang gritted his teeth and looked at Zhou Niannian: "No, you still can't, you have to follow, bump into my grandma, neither of you can run away."

Zhou Niannian sneered and looked at Xiao Zhuang: "You are so strange. You insisted that we broke your grandma's leg. Instead of going to the clinic to treat your grandma in a hurry, you entangled us endlessly. It seems that you are in your heart." , isn't your grandma's legs that important?"

At this point, she paused, and then said: "Or is your grandma's leg not broken at all?"

Xiao Zhuang was stunned for a moment, then glared over angrily, "Who said, my grandma's leg is indeed broken."

"If you have a broken leg, hurry up and get it treated. We have people and money. It's important to treat the old man's leg. Why do you insist on letting me follow?" Zhou Niannian narrowed his eyes, and suddenly grabbed the little girl. With a strong arm, he shouted sharply: "Or do you have other goals?"

(End of this chapter)

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