Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 199 I am here

Chapter 199 I'm Back
Xiao Zhuang might as well be caught by Zhou Niannian, he suddenly felt like his arm was being hit by a big rock, it was painful and numb.

He ouched, couldn't help crying out, and subconsciously let go of his hand.

The old lady who was carrying him on her back suddenly slipped down and was about to fall to the ground, but Zhou Niannian slipped her up with one hand.

The onlookers stared wide-eyed in surprise, seeing the thin and slender girl in front of her walking the old lady with one hand, and grabbing the tall and strong young man with the other. The young man screamed in pain.

Zhou Niannian gently put the old lady on the ground, and seeing the old lady fell to the ground again, she whispered: "Old lady, if you don't want your grandson to break his arm, just stand up straight for me."

The old lady was stunned for a moment, but she still plopped down and sat on the ground, beating the ground and crying loudly: "Come on, help, someone is going to kill someone, ouch, my leg."

Zhou Niannian frowned, could it be that these two people are not real grandparents?

She rolled her eyes and looked at Ah Liang who was standing next to her luggage bag.

When she fell just now, Ah Liang fell off her shoulders and stood on the luggage bag.

She winked at Ah Liang, "Ah Liang, peck the old lady's eyes."

Ah Liang got her order, fluttered her wings, flew to the sky with a whiz, then swooped down from the sky, and rushed straight to the crying old lady sitting on the ground.

The old lady was crying with her eyes half closed, when she suddenly heard two strange bird calls, she opened her eyes and saw that a big bird had already rushed towards her, and its sharp beak had reached the bridge of her nose.

"Oh, my mother," the old lady was so frightened that she rolled to the side subconsciously, but saw that the bird came up again and grabbed her clothes in one bite. Through the clothes, it had already bit her the flesh of her shoulders.

The old lady slapped the bird with her hands in fright, while getting up and running in a hurry.

After running a few steps, he found that the bird was not chasing him, so he bent over and gasped for breath.

There was a crisp laughing sound from behind, "Old man, didn't you just say that I broke your leg?"

The onlookers all burst into laughter, pointing at the old lady and Xiao Zhuang and cursing: "It turns out that they deliberately blackmailed people."

"Why are you so bad-hearted, deliberately defrauding people of money?"

The old lady's face changed when she saw the incident, and she fell to the ground again: "Who said I was faking it, she did hit me just now, and my leg hurts badly, then...then I will I thought my leg was broken."

Qi Jiayan rolled her eyes and spat at them, "You said you had a broken leg, and we sisters said it will be treated, but you don't want the money, you don't want to accompany me to the clinic, you have to insist on letting my sister follow, I think you are probably liars, trying to trick our sisters into following you."

The onlookers remembered what the grandparents and grandsons did just now, and they all agreed: "Yes, maybe this is a human trafficker."

"Pretending to be injured and deliberately abducting the little girl."

"Fortunately, these two girls were alert and were not fooled."

The old lady looked at them for a while, and then the situation turned around, and they became the targets of everyone's shouting and beating, she rolled her eyes, and cried, "Oh, you are wronging people, you are obviously wronging people. "

Zhou Niannian pressed Xiao Zhuang with his hand, increased the strength in his hand, and asked in a low voice, "I'll ask you one last time, is it someone who asked you to stop us from going back to the village?"

Xiao Zhuang's face changed suddenly, and he wailed like a pig, "I don't know what you are talking about, help, help, someone is going to kill someone."

Zhou Niannian sneered twice, glanced at the indignant crowd, and said loudly: "Folks, I suspect that these are two human traffickers, can you help to be a witness and help us sisters to send these two people to To the police station?"

When the onlookers heard that they were going to be sent to the police station, they all expressed their support, "Girl, don't worry, we can testify for you."

When he heard that he was going to the police station, Xiao Zhuang's face turned pale. He tried his best to break free from Zhou Niannian's hand, but found that her hand was like a heavy stone, tightly clasping him, unable to move an inch.

"Folks, who has a rope, please lend it to me." Zhou Niannian asked the surrounding people with a smile.

"Girl, I have a rope here. I tied the pig butcher this morning. It's just right for you." An aunt in the crowd generously contributed the rope she used to tie the pig.

Seeing that her form was not good, the old lady rolled her eyes, turned her head and ran back, but Qi Jiayan, who had been staring at her for a long time, grabbed her, "We still want to run, it's a beautiful idea. "

Zhou Niannian took the rope and was about to tie it when a man emerged from the crowd, panting and waving his hands, "Don't tie it, comrade, it's a misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding, this is Xiao Zhuang and his grandma from our village. If you keep yourself safe, there must be some misunderstanding about what happened today."

Zhou Niannian frowned and looked at the man who got out. He was about forty years old, wrapped in a worn-out cotton jacket, and there was a patch on the black cotton trousers. There was a piece of mud on the bottom of the trousers. I don't know where it got on the corner of the wall.

"Is it a misunderstanding?" She looked over indifferently, "Which village are you from?"

The man rubbed his hands and said with a smile: "We belong to the second sage. What happened today must be a misunderstanding. It's all from the folks in the village. Comrade, don't worry about it. I'll let them make amends for you later. See if it's okay." ?”

"The second sage." Zhou Niannian looked at the man and smiled meaningfully.

At the Rainbow Meat Food Processing Factory, accountant Wang crackled and calculated for a long time, writing and calculating, and the clock on the wall finally gradually approached three o'clock.

The atmosphere in the room was very gloomy, Meng Sanqiu held the cigarette stick and smoked one after another, even though the smell of the smoke made him cough, he did not put down the stick.

Xing De was still sitting opposite him, holding a cup and drinking tea slowly, as if he was unaware of the choking smell of smoke in front of him.

The clock on the wall rang three times, Meng Sanqiu tightened his grip on the pipe, and stood up abruptly.

Accountant Wang put down his calculations and rubbed his head, "After deducting the cost of raw materials and workers' wages, our total profit in the past three months is 610 yuan."

There should be so many, Xing Dehai put down the cup in his hand in surprise.

Even Meng Sanqiu forgot the dry smoke in his mouth.

After a long while, Xing Dehai coughed twice, "Well, although the profit is quite large, it still hasn't reached the target of 1000 yuan in three months set by Comrade Xiao Zhou. It's a pity."

Meng Sanqiu leaned against the back wall, "Didn't Comrade Xiao Zhou come back yet? The time hasn't come yet, how can it be regarded as not accomplished?"

Xing Dehai frowned in displeasure, "The town asked us to deliver the materials before four o'clock at the latest, and it's already three o'clock now, and Comrade Xiao Zhou hasn't come back yet, so we really can't wait for her."

"At the beginning, she said that she could not reach the profit target and voluntarily resigned from the position of deputy factory director. Now she should ask the factory director to issue a document to dismiss the deputy factory director."

"Who said I didn't come back?" A clear laughter suddenly sounded outside the door.

 Yesterday afternoon, the children played extremely fiercely in the final. The score was tied four times, and in the end they could only go to overtime. Fortunately, the children were united and finally scored another goal in overtime and won 5-4. I was so excited watching it next to me, my voice was hoarse, haha!
(End of this chapter)

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