Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 200 Temporary Meaning

Chapter 200 Temporary Meaning

"Who said I didn't come back?" A clear laughter suddenly sounded outside the door.

As soon as the laughter fell, a slender figure walked in from outside the door.

Meng Sanqiu, who was squatting against the wall, stood up suddenly, and looked at the person excitedly: "Xiao Zhou, you... you're back? That's great, that's great."

Xing Dehai stared at Zhou Niannian in disbelief, a look of astonishment flashed across his face, "What are you?"

When the words came to my lips, I noticed something was wrong, and immediately changed it to: "Why did you come back so late?"

"Is it late?" Zhou Niannian looked at Xing Dehai with a half-smile, "I thought you didn't welcome me back, Deputy Factory Director Xing."

Xing Dehai felt uncomfortable for a moment, then said with a straight face: "I don't understand Comrade Xiao Zhou's meaning, how could I not welcome you back?"

Meng Sanqiu waved his pipe, "Xiao Zhou, put everything else aside for now. How are things going on your trip? This afternoon, the town leaders want our income statement. That's too late."

After all, he looked at Zhou Niannian expectantly.

Zhou Niannian took off the satchel on his body, and under his expectant eyes, he took out six contracts with a smile and shook them, "Factory Manager, finally lived up to the trust, and successfully won the number of orders for six cities for one year."

"Really? That's great, haha." Meng Sanqiu took the contract in Zhou Niannian's hands as he said it, flipped through it, couldn't help laughing out loud, and then dismissed the punishment as if pointing De Hai glanced, "I knew Xiao Zhou that you would definitely be able to do it. You are the hope of our factory."

Xing Dehai held the cup tightly, and then put down the cup as if nothing had happened, "Signing so many contracts at once, Comrade Xiao Zhou is really amazing."

Zhou Niannian said calmly, "Before I came in, why did I hear someone say that the factory director should dismiss me? I am so great, and there are still people who want to dismiss me. I really don't know what kind of person can be the deputy factory director. Don't you think so? Deputy criminal, Jing, reason?"

Her voice was unhurried, and what she said was both playful and full of confidence that could not be concealed. The last sentence, Manager Xing, came out almost word for word. In Xing Dehai's ears, she suddenly felt Incredibly ironic.

These days, no matter where he went, he would be respectfully called deputy director of the factory. When Zhou Niannian came back, he would be called manager Xing, which immediately made him feel a little embarrassed, as if he had been beaten back to his original shape.

His eyes darkened, and he twitched the corners of his mouth stiffly, "Then that's not the paperwork written by the deputy factory manager Xiao Zhou before. You said you couldn't earn 1000 yuan in three months, so you took the blame and resigned."

"Oh," Zhou Niannian nodded pretentiously, watched as Meng Sanqiu gave all six contracts to Accountant Wang, and urged Accountant Wang to recalculate the accounts, then sat down on a bench in a leisurely manner, "So it's like this, I still I thought that manager Xing couldn't wait to drive me away, so he could be the deputy factory director himself."

"No, nothing," Xing Dehai pursed his lips, and turned the cup on the table. For some reason, the person sitting opposite him was obviously a young girl, and his faint eyes and slow words were all overwhelmed. He is full of oppression.

It's really evil, it's obviously a little girl's movie, how could he, who is in his 40s, still can't beat a little girl?

Thinking of this, he calmed down a lot, cleared his throat and looked at Zhou Niannian, and said in an elder tone: "Xiao Zhou is not here for a while, you may not know it, the factory director was ill a few days ago, There was no leader in the factory, it was a mess, and a big mistake almost happened."

"It happened that the leaders of the town came to inspect the work. Seeing the chaos in the factory, they were very angry. They temporarily entrusted me to be promoted to the deputy factory director to manage the affairs of the factory temporarily. So, I am also the deputy factory director now. How could I not want to Where are you coming back?"

His tone of voice was a little helpless, as if he was treating a little girl who was making trouble with stories.

Zhou Niannian relaxed and sat on the chair. Hearing the voice of accountant Wang crackling and planning, the smile on his lips grew stronger. "You said that you are also the deputy director of the factory now. Do you have a letter of appointment? Do you have a letter of appointment?" Is it? Are you getting the salary of the deputy factory manager now?"

"Manager Xing, you also said that it was a temporary entrustment. What is temporary? That's because the factory manager and deputy factory manager are not here, so there is a temporary appointment."

"Now that the factory director and deputy factory director are both here, the temporary deputy factory director, Manager Xing, naturally won't be needed. It's such a simple truth, Manager Xing, you're old, don't I need to explain it?"

Compared with Xing Dehai's words, Zhou Niannian's words were direct and helpless, as if he was dealing with an extremely ignorant subordinate.

"You!" Xing Dehai stood up angrily, staring at Zhou Niannian displeased.

Zhou Niannian remained motionless, raised his eyebrows casually, and sneered: "What? Is what I said unreasonable? Manager Xing doesn't understand the meaning of the word "temporary"? Or do you need me to go to the town with the profit report of our factory? What did the leader say?"

As soon as his words fell, Accountant Wang slapped his abacus excitedly, "The factory director, the six contracts brought back by the deputy factory director Xiao Zhou, I averaged the income to each month. Calculated in this way, the three of us The monthly profit is 560 yuan."

"There are so many?" Meng Sanqiu lay down on the table excitedly, squinting his eyes to look at the ledger on the table.

When Xing Dehai heard that number, a gloomy flashed in his eyes.

When Zhou Niannian made the paperwork back then, she said that if she couldn't make a profit of [-] in three months, she would take the blame and resign and not be the deputy factory director, but if she did, she would sit firmly as the deputy factory director. She and Meng Sanqiu disagreed on whether there should be another deputy factory director, so naturally there can't be one.

At the beginning, Qi Heping was the leader of the town, and the excuse was that Meng Sanqiu fell ill and there was no one in charge in the factory, so he was asked to act as the deputy factory director temporarily.

After all, it was Director Kong's intention to let Zhou Niannian be the deputy factory director before, and they didn't dare to directly say that Zhou Niannian would be removed.

Moreover, the rainbow meat food processing factory is a village-run factory that the county pays attention to. If the deputy factory manager is replaced, it will definitely attract the attention of the county.

"Isn't it almost the end of the month? According to the paperwork she made at the beginning, as long as the profit did not meet the target, she would have to take the blame and resign," Qi Heping patted Xing Dehai and said, "When the accounts are settled at the end of the month, if the target is not met, it will be her Zhou Niannian is not capable enough to be the deputy factory director, so it has nothing to do with us."

Of course Xing Dehai understood what Qi Heping meant.

If Zhou Niannian takes the blame and resigns, then in terms of qualifications and ability, only he can be the deputy factory director.

At that time, he was justified.

 Let me make an official announcement. This book will be released on August 8st, that is, tomorrow. The free period of 1 words for this book has surpassed all my previous books, but Da Wu also needs to support his family when writing a book, so hehe Hee, you guys understand, it’s impossible to keep it free forever, it’ll be on the shelves tomorrow, I would like to ask everyone for a first order, thank you for your support all the way, I hope you can continue to support me in the future, if not, I hope I can watch it for such a long time For the sake of the free period, please give support to the first order, please!
(End of this chapter)

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