Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 201 Please watch the show

Chapter 201 Please watch the show (seeking first order)
Xing Dehai has been impatiently waiting for the end of the month.

Originally, what I said earlier was that January 28 was exactly three months, and the settlement was settled on that day. He had already secretly approached Accountant Wang and questioned the approximate income of the three months.

Knowing that there is still some distance from the goal of making a profit of 28, his heart calmed down a lot. On the 30th, he came to urge Wang Hui to calculate the accounts. Unexpectedly, Meng Sanqiu, who was still hospitalized in the town health center at the time, was in the hospital. The day before, I quietly went to the mayor's side, and begged the mayor Wang for a two-day grace period, which dragged on to NO.[-] in January.

Two days is two days, Xing Dehai gritted his teeth, anyway, he did not reach the goal of 1000 yuan.

As long as Zhou Niannian didn't come back before sending the income statement to the town, then the figures in the report shall prevail at that time, and Zhou Niannian should be dismissed first.

Even if she came back afterwards, she had already sat in the deputy director's office, and I believe Zhou Niannian would not be able to drag him out.

He came early this morning to urge Wang Hui to calculate the accounts, thinking of sending the income statement to the town as soon as possible, but Meng Sanqiu refused to agree, and various obstacles dragged it until the afternoon.

It's just that I didn't expect Zhou Niannian to come back, he obviously...
Meng Sanqiu had already read the account book, picked it up, and hurried out, just two steps away, he realized that he handed the account book to Accountant Wang, "Go and report the account, quickly, go to the town to report the account."

Accountant Wang took the ledger and left, leaving only Zhou Niannian, Xing Dehai and Meng Sanqiu in the room.

"Manager Xing, do you want to go to the town together and talk?" Zhou Niannian looked at Xing Dehai with a half-smile.

Xing Dehai's face was ugly for a moment, and then he smiled, "It's a good thing to make a profit, so I won't join in the fun."

Zhou Niannian stood up from the chair while pressing the armrest, and walked out the door with a smile, "Well, since Manager Xing won't go to town, follow me to see a play."

After all, he stepped out of the door first.

Meng Sanqiu cast a glance at Xing De, tapped the tobacco stick in his hand lightly, straightened up, and followed out slowly with his hands behind his back.

Xing Dehai frowned, his eyes flickered, and he followed out.

In the yard of the factory, there were several people standing, two of them were wearing uniforms, they were Meng Sanqiu's nephew Yang Jiarui.

"Jia Rui, why are you here? What, what's going on here?" Meng Sanqiu saw two people squatting next to him, one was an old lady with gray hair and stooped body, and the other looked like a tall man with a big face. Dark young man.

The descriptions of both of them were a bit embarrassed, with their hands folded in the sleeves of their cotton jackets, their heads drooping, and they looked listless.

Yang Jiarui smiled at Meng Sanqiu, and pointed to the old lady and the young man: "These two stopped Comrade Xiao Zhou and Comrade Qi on the road, and the old lady even framed Comrade Xiao Zhou for breaking her leg, and refused to let her go. Comrade Xiao Zhou returns to the village."

Qi Jiayan was also filled with righteous indignation, "Yes, factory manager, if Nian Nian and A Liang were not alert, we would not be able to rush back to the village in time today."

Such a coincidence?They were in a hurry to settle accounts, but someone stopped Zhou Niannian and Qi Jiayan from going back to the village?
Meng Sanqiu glanced suspiciously at the two of them, then subconsciously glanced at Xing Dehai.

Xing Dehai frowned, and his face seemed a little surprised.

The old lady and the young man named Xiao Zhuang raised their heads at the same time, glanced at Xing Dehai, and then drooped their heads in despondency.

Seeing that their expressions didn't change much, Zhou Niannian blinked thoughtfully. Could it be that these things were not arranged by Xing Dehai?

"These two people are said to be from Ershengtou Village. I wonder if Manager Xing recognizes these two people?" Zhou Niannian looked at Xing Dehai with a half-smile.

Xing Dehai frowned, and his face suddenly sank: "What do you mean by that? How could I know such a person? You just asked me if I knew you. Do you suspect that I ordered them?"

"How do you say that?" Zhou Niannian rolled his eyes, "These two belong to the Second Sage. Manager Xing has a lot of experience and knows a lot of people. I just want to ask, why are you so excited?"

Xing Dehai snorted, and said sullenly: "I don't know them."

Zhou Niannian didn't speak, but glanced at Yang Jiarui.

Yang Jiarui took a step forward, "A group of enthusiastic people went to our investigation office to report the case today. We went over and found that Comrade Xiao Zhou and Comrade Qi had been blackmailed. We wanted to take them back to the office, but there was a fellow People who said that they were the second sages had misunderstood and said that the two villages could negotiate a settlement on their own.

After all, he glanced at Zhou Niannian subconsciously.

In fact, for this kind of small case, the people don't sue the officials and don't investigate. If the two villages can coordinate and solve it, they don't have to send out their investigators.

But when the matter involved Zhou Niannian, he was a little worried and insisted on following. After all, with his clothes on, many people would be scruples about what they said and did.

Meng Sanqiu knew that he was worried about Zhou Niannian, and secretly felt that his nephew was really interested, but it's a pity that Xiao Zhou has a fiancé, alas, there is no fate.

"Whose family do you belong to the Ershengtou? What's your surname? Why do you want to blackmail us, Comrade Xiao Zhou?" Meng Sanqiu knocked off the smoke in the pipe, and then pinned the pipe to his waist.

The old lady squatting on the ground rolled her eyes and stood up with a smile on her face, "This is Director Meng, right? Hey, I belong to the He family of Ershengtou, and He Dazhu is my youngest son. Director Meng has met him." From my Dazhu family, what happened today was all a misunderstanding, misunderstanding."

He Dazhu?Zhou Niannian frowned, why does this name sound familiar to her?
Qi Jiayan approached her and said in a low voice: "Isn't He Dazhu the guy who sold us dead pork last time and didn't admit it?"

The last time the Ershengtou brigade sold the dead pigs to their factory, and they went to the Ershengtou brigade to find someone afterwards, but they still refused to admit it. Qi Jiayan was in charge of raw material procurement and inspection at that time, and suffered such a dull loss. So Qi Jiayan gritted her teeth with hatred for Zhang Laogen and He Dazhu who refused to admit it at the time.

As soon as Qi Jiayan reminded her, Zhou Niannian immediately remembered, and the look in her eyes when she looked at He Dazhuniang immediately became strange.

Last time He Dazhu sold them dead pork, this time He Dazhu's mother stopped them deliberately, if it was a misunderstanding, hehe, do you think they are fools?

Over there, Mrs. He Dazhu pulled Meng Sanqiu and said, "This little Zhuang is my grandnephew. Today, the old lady is not feeling well. She asked Xiaozhuang to accompany me to the town health center. I was not careful on the way." I bumped into this lesbian, and my leg hurt when I bumped into it, the old woman panicked and thought her leg was broken, alas, it was all a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding."

(End of this chapter)

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