Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 205 Want to pay back?I do not want it

Chapter 205 Want to pay back?I do not want it

Qi Jiayan raised her brows in confusion, "I am in charge of the procurement and inspection team, and Comrade Bai Yuqing should not be in charge."

Li Wenjing chuckled, glanced at Zhou Niannian with ill intentions, then looked at Qi Jiayan full of sympathy and said, "You don't know yet, do you? Comrade Bai Yuqing now has two jobs, both in charge of packaging and leading What about the purchasing inspection team?"

Qi Jiayan's expression changed slightly, and she looked at Bai Yuqing in surprise.

Bai Yuqing frowned lightly, then smiled as if nothing had happened, and said generously: "When you were away, the work of the purchasing and feeding team was a bit chaotic, and the work of the packaging team was not heavy. Let me take charge of the purchasing and feeding group."

Speaking of this, she stroked her hair in embarrassment, and seemed a little ashamed: "I thought that the leader trusted me, anyway, it was for the good of the factory, so I took this job with the cheek."

"However, now that Comrade Jiayan is back, it is natural that it should be returned to the original owner. Please, Comrade Jiayan, don't blame me for being troublesome."

Qi Jiayan forced a smile on her face, but didn't speak.

Zhou Niannian frowned. During her absence, how many things happened in the factory?
Why did the organizational structure change?
She looked at Meng Sanqiu, who was looking at the sky and the earth but not at her, and couldn't help rubbing her head with a headache.

"Comrade Bai's words are inappropriate. Although Manager Xing was only acting as the deputy factory manager at the time, he was still in charge. How could Jiayan blame you for being troublesome? Isn't that the fault of Manager Xing?" Zhou Niannian looked at it calmly. He glanced at Bai Yuqing.

Bai Yuqing blushed a little, and seemed a little flustered: "I didn't mean that, Xiao Zhou, deputy factory director, you...don't think so."

"It doesn't matter what I think, what matters is what kind of mentality you reported when you said this, how did Jiayan answer you when you said this?" Zhou Niannian's face sank slightly, "It's you who blame Manager Xing .”

"However, you also said that Manager Xing trusts you. Since he trusts you, then you can continue to be the leader of the procurement inspection team."

Zhou Niannian looked at Bai Yuqing with a half-smile, "You want to pay it back, but I don't want it yet."

Qi Jiayan suddenly raised her head in shock, and glanced at Zhou Niannian. Seeing her calm expression, she calmed down, lowered her head and continued to distribute gifts.

No matter what, she trusted Zhou Niannian.

There must be a reason for Nian Nian to make this decision, she was waiting to hear Nian Nian.

Bai Yuqing was a little surprised, she thought that Zhou Niannian would be very angry if she took Qi Jiayan's place, and then dismiss her face to face.

There are still many people receiving gifts now, if Zhou Niannian dismisses her face to face, it will be too much for others, and she will hit Xing Dehai in the face face to face.

Who knew that Zhou Niannian didn't seem to care, and she also rejected her request to return the procurement inspection team to Qi Jiayan.

Bai Yuqing was a little dazed all of a sudden, and stood there in a daze, she couldn't understand why Zhou Niannian did this at all.

Zhou Niannian didn't bother to talk to her, and turned to look at Meng Sanqiu, "Director, let's go to the office and have a chat."

"Well, it's good to have a chat, we should have a good chat." Meng Sanqiu hastily shook the cigarette stick.

Zhou Niannian and Meng Sanqiu both left. Before leaving, Zhou Niannian also stuffed Meng Sanqiu with a pack of herbal tea. She believed that Qi Jiayan could handle what was left behind.

From the beginning to the end, she didn't look at Xing Deqiu again, and she didn't mention the gift to Xing Dehai.

Xing Dehai stared at the backs of the two people and disappeared into the factory building, his eyes were so gloomy that he could squeeze out water.

Zhou Niannian made it clear that he slapped him in the face in front of everyone, and he slapped him very loudly.

Xing Dehai's wife stayed at the door of the company. Seeing that Zhou Niannian had left, Qi Jiayan distributed the gifts calmly, so she grabbed the door and shouted: "Comrade Qi, give me the share from my old Xing, and I will bring it back to you." Go home, put it in the office and it will be broken later.”

That's a specialty from other places, I've never seen it before.

Xing Dehai glared at his mother-in-law with a dark face, turned around and strode out, "It's a shameful thing, don't you think there are not enough people to shame it?"

Xing Dehai's wife didn't want to, and howled at the top of her voice: "How can I embarrass you? Didn't Comrade Qi just say that I just want your share of the gifts they brought to all the factory workers? Why are you so embarrassing?" gone?"

"It's for all the employees in the factory. Niannian will never forget any employee." Qi Jiayan smiled and bit the word "an employee" heavily, and then took a pack of herbal tea and two yuan. The crispy candy was stuffed to Xing Dehai's wife, "You take this from Manager Xing."

Xing Dehai's wife hurriedly took it, but Xing Dehai grabbed it as soon as she got it, "Go home, don't embarrass yourself here."

Xing Dehai's wife scratched his face backhandedly, "Xing Dehai, are you mature enough? How can I be ashamed if you dare to say that I am ashamed over and over again?"

Before she finished speaking, Xing Dehai had already evacuated her, and she could still hear her cursing when she walked far away.

When Zhou Niannian and Meng Sanqiu walked into the office, they couldn't help asking: "Director, I've only been away for a month, how could so many things happen?"

Meng Sanqiu sighed, habitually wanted to touch the dry cigarette to smoke, took it out and glanced at Zhou Niannian's cold face, remembered that this was Zhou Niannian's office, the little girl didn't like the smell of cigarettes, so he endured it, put the cigarette away again Tucked it back.

"I'm all to blame for this. Last month, the higher-ups issued a notice saying that the commune system would be abolished, the land should be divided into households, and the large dining hall should be abolished. This change requires too much work from the team headquarters. The land needs to be measured. , but also to formulate the method of dividing the fields into households, I was so busy that I ignored the things in the factory."

"The Revolutionary Committee was cancelled, and Lao Xing was free instead. Seeing that I was very busy, he offered to share the factory's affairs. I didn't think much about it, so I let him take care of it."

"How did I know that after I finished my work, I found out that a lot of changes had taken place in the factory. I went to find Lao Xing again, but Lao Xing had a good reason. I was very angry, and I was too tired, so I fell ill. After staying in the hospital for ten days in the health center of the town, it became like it is now."

At the end of Meng Sanqiu's speech, the more she spoke, the lower her voice became. At the end, she couldn't help looking at Zhou Niannian, and explained pitifully: "Xiao Zhou, it's all my fault. It's a good factory, oh, me."

Zhou Niannian rubbed his head thoughtfully. This is one of the disadvantages of running a factory in the village. The core backbone and leadership of the factory also manage the village. When it is busy, it is difficult to take care of both.

"Aside from Bai Yuqing, Li Wenjing, and Deng Junliang, are there any other personnel changes?"

Meng Sanqiu touched the cigarette rod, and said in a low voice: "There is also that He Wencai, Lao Xing transferred him to personnel affairs, responsible for daily attendance and salary calculation."

Zhou Niannian: "."

(End of this chapter)

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