Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 206 Is it really a coincidence?

Chapter 206 Is it really a coincidence? (6 more monthly tickets)

Zhou Niannian stood in front of the window, and saw the workers outside through the window, holding the gifts they had just received, walking out in twos and threes, the afterglow of the setting sun shone on their faces, and everyone had a smile on their faces.

She held back her anger, calmed down a little, and turned to look at Meng Sanqiu who was sitting on the chair, "There must be a reasonable reason for personnel changes, right?"

Xing Dehai is not a person who does not talk about any principles.

Meng Sanqiu sat up straight and said, "Deng Junliang was replaced because of his fight. One day when he got off work, for some reason, he and Li Wen from the packaging team suddenly got into a fight, and was caught by Lao Xing. "

"You know, Lao Xing is the most rigid and serious person. When he saw Deng Junliang fighting, he was very angry. He punished two people on the spot. Deng Junliang was dismissed as the team leader and replaced by Li Wenjing."

Zhou Niannian frowned, "Why Li Wenjing?"

Let's not talk about why Deng Junliang, an honest man, fought. Even if Deng Junliang was to be punished, according to the factory's regulations, he should be decriminalized first. How could it be so serious that he would be dismissed from his management position?
More importantly, Deng Junliang was removed, why was Li Wenjing replaced?
"Lao Xing said that Comrade Li Wenjing is active and has progressive ideas. He is a good seedling and should be cultivated as a backbone." Meng Sanqiu explained.

Zhou Niannian curled her lips, noncommittal, "Why do you want Bai Yuqing to supervise the procurement inspection team?"

Meng Sanqiu sighed helplessly, "After the town leaders came to inspect, they entrusted Lao Xing to be the acting deputy factory director. When he was inspecting the factory, it happened that the pork that had been inspected by the purchasing and incoming materials group was distributed to each production line. , Comrade Bai Yuqing was also there, pointed out that the pork did not look right, took it over and looked at it carefully, and said that the pork was filled with water."

Zhou Niannian understood.

The water-filled pork was not detected by the procurement team, but Bai Yuqing, the team leader in charge of packaging, saw it.

Xing Dehai's new official took office and was about to burn three fires. When he encountered this situation, he immediately reprimanded the two workers in the procurement and input team. Follow the purchasing inspection team.

However, since they modified the procurement process and method, they have rarely encountered problematic pork. What a coincidence, when Xing Dehai went to inspect, there was water-injected pork. What's more coincident is that Bai Yuqing was also there. It also led her to discover water-injected pork.

In addition, Deng Junliang was also caught in a sudden fight. Is all this really just a coincidence?

Zhou Niannian didn't expect to encounter a mess as soon as he returned to Zezhou.

First, in the car, I heard that the supply and marketing cooperative in the town was also quietly selling ham sausages. On the way back to the village, I was intercepted innocently, and when I returned to the factory, I found a lot of personnel changes in the factory.

"Has the department store in the county already started selling ham sausages to the supply and marketing cooperatives in the town?"

Meng Sanqiu shook his head sullenly, "I haven't heard of it. You don't know how well our ham sausages are sold in the county. For the first year of this year, we don't need to eat big pot rice. It's almost Chinese New Year, and almost every household will go there. Buying some ham sausage in a department store, whether you eat it at home or visit relatives, will save face."

"There are also a few factories in the county that have ordered a lot of goods. The supply in the county is in short supply. How can they be sold separately to the town?"

"Just two days ago, Director Kong sent someone a message, saying that we should expand the production scale as soon as possible."

When Meng Sanqiu said this, he couldn't help showing a touch of pride on his face.

He never thought that after working as the village head for more than 20 years, he became famous throughout the county not because of this, but because of a Rainbow brand ham sausage.

After finishing speaking, Meng Sanqiu realized something was wrong, and looked up at Zhou Niannian: "Why do you ask me about this?"

Zhou Niannian recounted what he discovered when he came back, and Meng Sanqiu frowned tightly, "Do you suspect that someone will sell fake ham sausage under our brand again?"

Zhou Niannian nodded, and couldn't help showing a hint of worry on her face, "I asked Jiayan to ask today, but the ham sausages were sold out. It would be better if the packaging is different from ours, but if it is the same as ours, it will be sold out by the end of the day." It's time to get in trouble."

After the ham sausage is cooked, someone will definitely follow suit. Zhou Niannian has long been prepared for this matter, which is one of the reasons why she insisted on designing the trademark in the first place.

But if it is sold under their brand name, it would be a bit hateful.

If the packaging is the same as theirs, it will not only be hateful, but also a malicious commercial fraud.

If something happens, it will be difficult for their Rainbow Meat Food Processing Factory to explain clearly, and it will inevitably be affected.

"I'll let Jiayan investigate this matter secretly first, so don't worry about it." Zhou Niannian saw Meng Sanqiu's frowning expression, smiled and comforted him.

Meng Sanqiu held the cigarette stick and sighed, "This matter is not a trivial matter, you have to be cautious. Compared with this, the matter in the factory is actually a trivial matter."

Zhou Niannian nodded, this is one of the reasons why she didn't let Qi Jiayan take her back to the purchasing inspection team today.

No matter who is in charge of the affairs in the factory, since she is back, she can find a way to keep things under her control.

But those fake ham sausages that have been sold outside are out of her control.

After discussing things in the factory, Zhou Niannian returned home and found that Qi Jiayan had already cleaned the house.

"It's good to have you here." She took a cup of hot water from Qi Jiayan and couldn't help but smile and sigh.

Qi Jiayan pursed her lips and smiled, "I should be the one who said that."

After all, he and Zhou Niannian looked at each other and smiled, everything was kept silent.

Zhou Niannian drank half a glass of water before realizing it, "Where did we get the pot to boil water?"

Before they went on a business trip, they still ate in the big canteen together in the village. The two of them only had porcelain crocks for eating, pots and pans, and a kettle.

They didn't even clean the kitchen.

Qi Jiayan pointed to a kettle on the east corner of the room, "Sister-in-law Meng San boiled the water and brought it over, and said that she will ask her third son Meng to clean up the kitchen for us tomorrow so that we can cook by ourselves." gone."

"The cafeteria has been cancelled, so Meng Laosan has no work to do, and now he is farming at home with his wife."

Zhou Niannian held the water glass and remained silent for a while.

It's not just Meng Laosan. After the policy was changed, many people should have no work to do, such as the members of the original revolutionary committee, such as the former helpers of the big cafeteria.

Qi Jiayan talked for a long time, and seeing Zhou Niannian holding the water glass in a daze, she bumped her with her arm, "What are you thinking about, so preoccupied? Are you thinking about your Lu Qingfeng?"

Zhou Niannian came back to her senses and glared at her, "What nonsense are you talking about? By the way, Factory Manager Meng asked us to go to his house for dinner tonight, so we can deal with it."

(End of this chapter)

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