Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 207 Nian Nian's Plan

Chapter 207 Nian Nian's Plan (7 more)
Qi Jiayan snorted, wrung out the rag in her hands neatly, and hung it on the rope by the door, then rubbed her hands together, and put them in her sleeves to keep warm.

Zhou Niannian put down the cup, and the two walked out the door.

When they got to the door, Zhou Niannian thought of Lu Qingfeng, and decided to come back and write a letter to Lu Qingfeng. They arrived in Zezhou safely, and they should tell all the family members out of emotion and reason.

If you just write to Lu Qingfeng, it seems a bit too deliberate.

Or forget it, go to the town tomorrow and send a telegram to your parents, tell them that you have arrived in Zezhou safely, and let them tell Lu Qingfeng.

Lu Qingfeng, who was far away in Xincheng, learned from Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu that Zhou Niannian had safely arrived in Zezhou, he couldn't help grinding his teeth, he was so heartless, it was fine if he didn't send him a telegram, and he didn't even send him a letter. write to him.

Zhou Niannian and Qi Jiayan came back from eating at Factory Director Meng's house, but Qi Jiayan, who had been tossing around all day, was not sleepy at all, and excitedly chatted with Zhou Niannian.

"Nian Nian, when He Dazhuniang and He Xiaozhuang stopped us today, how did you know they were blocking us on purpose?" Qi Jiayan asked curiously.

This morning, at first she thought that the old lady had really fallen and hurt herself, and she was secretly worried.

It wasn't until Zhou Niannian winked at her that she realized that she had been cheated.

Zhou Niannian lay side by side with her on the bed, tired all day, a little drowsy, "The bags they carry are full of torn newspapers, I saw it by accident, so I concluded that they deliberately intercepted us."

The torn newspapers are soft, even if they hit her luggage bag, it wouldn't cause much impact, how could it break He Dazhuniang's leg.

"That's why you asked me to go to the hospital with them, are you trying to test them?" Qi Jiayan clapped her hands, "Nian Nian, how can you react so quickly with your little brain?"

Zhou Niannian smiled, "You're not bad either. As soon as I spoke, you immediately realized it and pretended to be very active to drag them to the hospital."

Qi Jiayan laughed, "Do you really think my reaction is fast?"

"Of course, your reaction is quick. The most important thing is that we have a tacit understanding." Zhou Niannian leaned on Qi Jiayan with a smile, "Jiayan, are you wondering why I didn't let you pick it up today?" Go back to the purchasing inspection team?"

Qi Jiayan nodded vigorously, but her eyes were clear, "Yes, I was very puzzled at first, but then I thought about it, you must have your reasons for doing this, I just need to follow your arrangement."

Zhou Niannian was moved, hugged her arm and said in a low voice, "Bai Yuqing is not Li Wenjing, she is the best at superficiality, since she has snatched away the purchase inspection team, she must do everything well, and won't let the purchase inspection team Someone picked her for a typo."

"If you take over and go back under such circumstances, it is inevitable that you will be picked on by someone with a heart, and your character is not good at intrigue with others, so I blocked you back, so that she, Bai Yuqing, who has been in charge of the procurement inspection team several times, will not Peace of mind, but you will feel anxious at any time, like sitting on pins and needles."

"And you, just take this time to rest and investigate the fact that someone is selling ham sausage under our name."

Qi Jiayan looked at her with admiration, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "You say you are so smart, you have such a small brain, and you have turned so many thoughts in such a short time."

Zhou Niannian said with a big smile, "That's right, my family is very smart. You have met my second brother, he is very smart. When I have a chance to introduce my elder brother to you, he will be even smarter."

Qi Jiayan turned over and curled her lips, "I don't know if your eldest brother is smart, but your second brother is such a reckless person, like a firecracker, I doubt he can recognize the word "smart."

After hearing Qi Jiayan's evaluation of Zhou Changan, Zhou Niannian was speechless.

I don't know if Jiayan and her second brother had any enmity in the previous life. When they met, they were either choked up or hated.

"Actually, my second brother is quite a nice person. Although he has a bit of a temper, he has a good heart. You will know it after a long time." She tried to save the image of her second brother in Qi Jiayan's mind.

Qi Jiayan snorted, "Forget it, we are not at odds by nature, I want to choke him when I hear him talking, let's not talk about him, don't worry, I promise mission accomplished."

"It's just that things in the factory have changed a lot. Can you handle it?"

Zhou Niannian patted her arm, "Don't worry, I know it well."

The two of them were tired all day, and Qi Jiayan didn't bother to go back to her room, so she simply slept with Zhou Niannian.

When Zhou Niannian was in a daze, he suddenly felt the person next to him sit up in shock, "It's broken, Niannian, why didn't you see Ah Liang? Where did Ah Liang go?"

Ah Liang?Zhou Niannian woke up a bit, and then remembered that since they entered the factory, they hadn't seen Ah Liang.

"This guy hasn't been back to Zezhou for a long time, so he probably went back to the mountains to have a look." She yawned, "Don't worry, it will be fine, maybe it will come back by itself tomorrow."

"Go to sleep, I'm too sleepy."

Said that he fell asleep again in a daze.

The next morning, when Zhou Niannian woke up, she saw Ah Liang standing on the window sill with a high spirit.

"Where did you go last night?" She stretched her waist and looked at Ah Liang.

Ah Liang probably just flew into the house, and was tilting her head to comb the dew from her feathers. Hearing this, she replied: "Isn't the whole clan wanting me? I went for a walk in the mountains to see if there are any birds here." The troops of the family are dispatched, fortunately, fortunately, not yet."

As he said that, he said unwillingly: "If it wasn't for the fact that before I was demoted to the mortal world, the Heavenly Empress had ordered that if my hands were stained with blood, I would not be allowed to go back to the Nine Heavens even if a spirit egg hatched. It's so frustrating."

Zhou Niannian couldn't help laughing, seeing Ah Liang's angry expression, she finally suppressed her laughter.

No wonder the last time I encountered a wild boar, I didn't dare to do it myself. I just let the wild boar cut itself off. It turned out that it was because the hands should not be stained with blood.

Zhou Niannian got up to freshen up, then called Qi Jiayan and went to Meng Sanqiu's house to grab a meal, but the two of them had nothing at home.

Qi Jiayan put Zhou Niannian on her arm and said, "Oh, when I go to the town today, I'll buy some pots and pans by the way. Going to the factory manager's house every day for dinner is not a long-term solution."

Zhou Niannian also had the same intention. Looking at the situation in front of them, they couldn't leave Zezhou for a while, so they had to prepare themselves for food and drink.

After dinner, Qi Jiayan went to the town, Zhou Niannian went back to the factory, and met Bai Yuqing at the door of her office.

"What's the matter?" She raised her eyebrows lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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