Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 209 I Think It's Wrong

Chapter 209 I Think It's Wrong (9 more)
Bai Yuqing looked at her back, and a flash of resentment flashed in her eyes.

They are also educated youths who have been sent to the countryside. Zhou Niannian is two years younger than her. Why can she only be the team leader, but Zhou Niannian can be the deputy factory director?
How could Zhou Niannian give orders to her from above?Why can Zhou Niannian look down on her whatever he wants?
She clenched her fists tightly, and it took a while to calm down. She turned her head to look at He Wencai, and smiled softly, "Comrade Wencai, thank you for speaking for me about what happened just now. I still have things to do, so I'm leaving first."

After finishing speaking, he walked past He Wencai with his head down, his drooping face just rightly showed two points of sadness.

Looking at her graceful figure, He Wencai felt that the bones on her body were lightened by two points, "Comrade Yuqing, don't take it to heart, I just can't understand the way she acts like Zhou Niannian."

As he spoke, he caught up with Bai Yuqing and walked side by side with her, "A talented person like you, Comrade Yuqing, shouldn't just be relegated to the position of a small group leader. I believe that sooner or later you will become our leader. As the core backbone of the factory, your future must be limitless."

Bai Yuqing glanced at him shyly, her soft eyes were bright and charming, "Comrade Wencai, you praise me so much that even I have more confidence in myself."

Seeing her smiling happily, He Wencai couldn't help but also laughed.

Bai Yuqing pointed to the office behind him, "It's your office, go in and get busy, and take a message to Manager Xing for me, saying that there is a meeting."

He Wencai was stunned for a moment, and when he looked up, he realized that he had already reached the door of the personnel and general affairs office before he knew it.

Why so fast, he stomped his feet with some regret, but a smile appeared on his face, "Well, don't worry, I will definitely bring the words to you."

Saying that, reluctantly waved to Bai Yuqing.

Bai Yuqing watched him enter the office, the shyness and softness in her eyes faded away, and she walked forward with no expression on her face.

Zhou Niannian didn't go directly to the conference room, but went to Meng Sanqiu's office, and explained the purpose of holding the year-end summary meeting and what he was going to do next.

Meng Sanqiu agreed with her very much.

"According to your ideas, my old man is old, this time I have been ill, and I feel that my energy is not as good as before." He squinted and smoked a dry cigarette with a wry smile, "You young people's ideas are still advanced, you, in the future It's better not to go on a business trip as much as possible, my old man really can't handle it by himself."

Zhou Niannian chuckled, "People say that if there is an old man in a family, if there is a treasure, our factory has you as an old man, and there is even a treasure."

Meng Sanqiu was amused by her words, and stood up with his hands behind his back, "Go, go to the meeting, my old man can't do anything else, I can still do it if I open the way for you."

An hour later, the heads of various departments entered the office one after another, holding a small notebook and a pen in their hands.

Only Xing Dehai did not come for a long time.

Zhou Niannian frowned, and looked at Bai Yuqing, "Didn't you inform Manager Xing?"

Bai Yuqing's complexion changed slightly, and he said hesitantly, "I asked Comrade He Wencai to help me with the message. How about I go and have a look?"

"Forget it," Zhou Niannian took a deep look at Bai Yuqing and waved his hands.

Bai Yuqing's face turned red, and her hands under the table were tightly clenched into fists. Her nails dug deep into the flesh, but she didn't feel any pain.

She always felt that Zhou Niannian looked at her with sarcasm in his eyes, mocking her that she couldn't even do small things like meeting notice, how could she have the face to be the leader of the two groups.

Zhou Niannian didn't know what Bai Yuqing was thinking, of course, even if she knew, she wouldn't care.

She glanced at Li Yuanjia sitting in the room, Dongmei's sister-in-law, Li Wenjing and others, and said to Li Yuanjia, "Please go and call Comrade Deng Junliang over."

Li Wenjing's face suddenly darkened, she couldn't help but straighten her body, and glared at Zhou Niannian: "Deputy Director Zhou, what do you mean? Do you think I'm not worthy to be the leader of the ham sausage team?"

"I have been working as the team leader for more than half a month. Go ask the workers in the team, is there anyone who says I am not good?"

"I don't think I have committed any dereliction of duty. Why did Deputy Factory Manager Zhou target me like this? He said that the heads of various departments will attend the meeting. He is just an ordinary worker. Isn't it embarrassing for you to call him here?"

"If the deputy factory manager has any dissatisfaction with me, he can say it directly, or dismiss me in person. Is it interesting to embarrass me in this way?"

Zhou Niannian relaxed her body, leaned back on the back of the chair, folded her arms and casually watched Li Wenjing's blushing face, talking a lot.

When she finished speaking, Zhou Niannian raised her brow lightly, "Are you finished?"

Li Wenjing bit her lip, stiffened her neck, and said nothing.

Zhou Niannian sneered, stood up straight, pressed his hands on the conference table, his face suddenly sank, "Listen to me when you finish speaking, I know some people have been muttering a lot in the past two days, thinking that I'm back It will definitely tear them down from where they are now."

"I'm Zhou Niannian, I'm leaving my words here today. As a person, I have always been right about things and wrong about people. As long as things are done well, I will not influence the affairs of the factory because of personal grievances."

"The position of director in our company should be reserved for those who are capable. No matter what reason you are in that position, if you have the ability to manage this department well, I won't say anything. If you don't have the ability, then don't blame me for being rude. .”

As she spoke, her eyes glanced at Bai Yuqing and Li Wenjing intentionally or unintentionally, and then she sneered, "So instead of worrying that I will remove you, it is better to concentrate on doing things well."

"Here, there will only be one reason for you to be removed, and that is that you are not capable enough, and you are no different from others."

As soon as she finished speaking, Deng Junliang followed Li Yuanjia into the conference room, looked at Zhou Niannian with a cold face, and stopped in his tracks, with a look of bewilderment on his face.

Zhou Niannian pointed to a place for him to sit down, "Start the meeting."

"There are two things to call everyone here today. One is to summarize our achievements this year, and the other is to plan and deploy next year's work. Everyone knows that it will be the end of the year, i"

Under the auspices of Zhou Niannian, the meeting proceeded in an orderly manner.

Each department will first report on their work this year. At first, everyone didn't take this meeting seriously. Even Meng Sanqiu thought that the factory was in a mess during Zhou Niannian's absence, so Zhou Niannian borrowed the meeting for the purpose of refocusing. The order of the whole factory.

But soon everyone found out that what they thought was wrong, big mistake!
 Niannian is about to start tidying up people, remember to cast a monthly ticket for the cute little one who is happy to watch!
(End of this chapter)

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