Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 210 Real Talent and Real Learning

Chapter 210 Real Talent and Real Learning (10 More)
Whether it is the production department, the procurement inspection department, or even the financial department led by Accountant Wang, Zhou Niannian can always pick out problems when everyone reports their work this year.

She didn't deliberately find fault, on the contrary, she asked sharp and precise questions, which often made the person being asked look confused at first, and then slowly followed Zhou Niannian's narration to become serious.

For example, Accountant Wang reported the profitability and cost distribution of the factory over the past three months. Faced with a lot of figures, everyone was at a loss. Apart from knowing that the factory had made money, there was nothing else. Know.

Because in their view, so many data-based things that Accountant Wang talked about are as complicated as heavenly scriptures.

However, Zhou Niannian quietly listened to Accountant Wang's report with her arms folded from the beginning to the end, without saying a word, everyone thought she was the same as herself and couldn't understand.

But when Accountant Wang finished his report, Zhou Niannian asked three questions, "Accountant Wang, have you done a comparative analysis of our costs in the past three months? Where is our current largest cost ratio? Where do you think it is? Is there room to save?"

Accountant Wang was stunned by the question, and didn't answer for a while.

He has been an accountant for more than ten years, and he is very good at calculating accounts. With a thick book, he can tell whether he is making money and where the losses are at a glance, but who can tell him what cost comparison analysis is?
All eyes in the room were on her and Accountant Wang, but no one spoke.

The door of the conference room was pushed open at this moment.

Xing Dehai walked in with a notebook, and said with a smile as he walked, "I'm really sorry, I've been delayed for a while."

After all, he sat down with a natural expression and waved his hand, "Go on, where is our meeting?"

The meeting room was silent, and no one answered his words.

Xing Dehai frowned.

Meng Sanqiu took a deep puff of cigarette, and then asked in a low voice with displeasure: "Old Xing, I clearly saw that you came early in the morning, why are you late for the meeting?"

Xing Dehai paused with his hand on the notebook, then smiled nonchalantly, "Suddenly I felt a little upset, so it's going to be a delay, what did you say in the meeting just now?"

Meng Sanqiu shook his head, pointed at Zhou Niannian, but did not speak.

Xing Dehai pursed his lips, then looked at Zhou Niannian, cleared his throat, and was about to pretend to explain why he was late, but before he could speak, Zhou Niannian suddenly opened his eyes.

She looked straight at Accountant Wang with her clear eyes, "If the data you just said is correct, in the cost distribution of our factory, the purchase cost of raw materials and ingredients accounted for 30.00%30.00, and the wages of workers accounted for 30.00%. Factory purchases of equipment and office supplies accounted for 5.00%, and others accounted for [-]%.

"You have been an accountant for so many years, do you think this ratio is reasonable? If you continue to follow this cost distribution, our factory will have 60.00% or even 75% of the cost in manpower and raw materials next year. What impact will it have at that time? What do you do? Accountants should be able to figure it out, right?"

The meeting room was quiet.

Except for Xing Dehai, everyone looked at Zhou Niannian in shock.

Zhou Niannian not only understood the many figures Accountant Wang said just now, but also quickly calculated the proportion of each expenditure.

What did she do?

Accountant Wang's face froze. Although it was cold winter, a thin layer of sweat emerged from his back.

It was obvious that the person sitting opposite was only a young girl, but he felt a mountain of pressure rushing towards his face.

What Zhou Niannian said may not be understood by others, but he has been an accountant for so many years, but he understands it as soon as he hears it.

The unreasonable proportion of various costs in the factory will cause a lot of waste of resources. In the long run, the profit will gradually decrease, and even losses will occur.

"Our factory has just been established, and cost management should be done well. I hope you are not just doing accounts. Remember one sentence, accounting is not equal to accounting. Accounting is account management. A person who can only calculate accounts will not be a good accountant. Zhou Niannian looked at Accountant Wang honestly.

Accountant Wang was silent for a while, and then said convincingly: "I understand, Xiao Zhou, deputy factory manager, I will make a cost analysis report for each monthly account in the future."

Zhou Niannian smiled lightly, looked at Li Yuanjia, "Continue to report to the next person."

From the beginning to the end, Zhou Niannian never looked at Xing Dehai, as if such a person had never appeared in the entire meeting room.

Xing Dehai sat for a while, listening to Li Yuanjia's smooth report, the more he sat, the more embarrassed he became, and the more angry he became, but he couldn't leave the table, and he didn't dare to vent his anger at will, so he could only hold back.

Because of the example of Accountant Wang, Li Yuanjia was very cautious when reporting, and talked about his work summary for the past three months and his work plan for next year.

His thinking was clear and his speech was fluent. Zhou Niannian listened with great approval and gave him a lot of advice.

Hearing this, everyone in the room cheered up.

They had to admit that Zhou Niannian was a person with real talents and real learning. Many of the terms she said and even many ideas were unknown to them, but when they thought about it carefully, they felt very reasonable.

Li Yuanjia, Deng Junliang, and Dongmei's sister-in-law were quickly memorizing what they had learned in their notebooks while listening. They only wished that they could give birth to an extra hand and a brain, for fear that they would miss some important information and not record it. .

It was Li Wenjing's turn to report on the sausage production line, and Zhou Niannian's indifferent eyes fell on Li Wenjing.

Li Wenjing was nervous and squeezed the notebook tightly. For some reason, when she saw Zhou Niannian's eyes, she felt extremely panicked.

Her work report was stuttering, "The ham sausage production line. In the past three months, a total of 450 catties of ham sausages have been produced, ah, no, it is 420 catties of ham sausages, and [-] catties of ham sausages have been shipped. Twenty, oh no, thirty catties."

Zhou Niannian frowned, and looked at Li Wenjing quietly, "Continue, tell me about the next work plan?"

However, Li Wenjing became more and more nervous as she spoke, clutching the notebook tightly, and said dryly, "Well, the next step."

How does she know what to do next?Why do you have to consider so many things to be a team leader?

She became the group leader at the beginning purely because being the group leader didn't need to shift shifts, and she only had to work on the long day shift, unlike Deng Junliang's careless idiot, who was obviously a group leader and often stayed on duty at night.

After she became the team leader, she changed herself to the long-day shift the next day, so that she didn’t have to stay up late to work the night shift. She went to work every day to receive work tasks, inform the workers of the daily production capacity, and follow up on the progress. I don’t know how comfortable it is. .

Why did Zhou Niannian come here and ask so many questions?If she had known that being the team leader was so troublesome, she would not have been the team leader.

PS: In corporate terms, shifts are two or three shifts with 24-hour guidance, and long day shifts refer to long-term day shifts without night shifts.

(End of this chapter)

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